Campaign to divest the UC from Israel advances LOS ANGELES and SANTA BARBARA--MIM and RAIL activists drew loud criticism and counter protests from supporters of Israel on several occasions during the first two weeks of May. The MIM and RAIL activists were collecting signatures on a petition demanding that the University of California (UC) divest from companies doing business in Israel (for more on this campaign, see pages 4- 6). Some Zionist hecklers also showed up at an educational event hosted by MIM and RAIL on the campus of the UC at Santa Barbara. MIM files this under the slogan "to be attacked by the enemy is a good thing." Clearly we must be doing something right if defenders of the status quo--or promoters of an even more genocidal policy in Palestine--organize against us. Furthermore, the attacks gave MIM and RAIL activists a better understanding of the enemy's tactics--some of which are so boneheaded they have to be seen to be believed (e.g. their open praise for 19th century colonialism; see p. 4). Some of the typical criticisms (and MIM's responses): * "You are anti-Semitic." (No, ITAL you END seem to be the one saying Jews are intrinsically driven to brutally occupy and exploit other nations.) * "You're only picking on Israel." (Hello, read our paper. We criticize all imperialists and their lackeys. What Israel is doing now to the Palestinians Amerika did 150 years ago to the First Nations a.k.a. Native Americans. And in the Middle East our beef is fundamentally with Amerikan imperialism--the power that props up Israeli occupation.) * "Israel has to defend itself. " (Get real. Israel has the largest standing army and the only nuclear arsenal in the region. If Israel wants security, it can withdraw from the occupied territories and allow the Palestinians real self-determination. Furthermore, upon close inspection, the recent incursions which Israel justified as attacks on "terrorist infrastructure" were really aimed at basic societal infrastructure--from roads to aqueducts to houses to records and data. Palestinians are to be kept dependent on Israeli goods and jobs.) And so on. The good news is not just that MIM and RAIL were attacked by the enemy, but many people stepped up to support our work as well. MIM and RAIL collected scores of signatures on the divestment petition. As one student told the local newspaper after attending the event in Santa Barbara: "My fees are supporting the Zionist State of Israel. By pressuring the UC to divest from companies doing business with Israel, students would make a statement. Israel needs to look at its policies and not treat people as secondary citizens, as dogs." A local radio show--"Voices for Global Justice," 6 p.m. Mondays on 91.9 in Santa Barbara--sought us out and has already had us on the radio several times to talk about the campaign. Groups like Student Action Forum on the Middle East at UC Santa Barbara want to get involved in the campaign. Already Student Action Forum on the Middle East, MIM, RAIL and concerned individuals were able to mobilize students and faculty to condemn and defeat a student government bill which called for the UC to ban courses critical of Israel (see story page 6).