This is an archive of the former website of the Maoist Internationalist Movement, which was run by the now defunct Maoist Internationalist Party - Amerika. The MIM now consists of many independent cells, many of which have their own indendendent organs both online and off. MIM(Prisons) serves these documents as a service to and reference for the anti-imperialist movement worldwide.
MIM Notes 270 · November 15, 2002· Page 1
MIM Notes
November 15, 2002, Nº 270 The Official Newsletter of the Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM)
INSIDE: Worldwide protests * Under Lock & Key * Una Página en Español...
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n October 13th, U.N. Secretary-
General Kofi Annan condemned
the bombing in Bali that killed
at least 180 people, mostly young
Australian tourists out partying in two
nightclubs. Annan expressed his "utter
condemnation" of all indiscriminate
attacks on civilians, saying they "cannot
be justified by any cause or ideology."(1)
Kofi Annan is a good example of a
persyn in political limbo--the head of the
United Nations, notable but without mili-
tary power of his own. The United Na-
tions has served as a figleaf for terrorism
and has attacked it at other times, but it
does not have its own forces. Hence, for
Kofi Annan to condemn terrorism, there
is at least a case to be made that he is not
a hypocrite or that if he is a hypocrite, he
is so from ignorance or by mistake.
When it comes to the united $tates,
however, hypocrisy abounds. President
George Bush said, "We must together
Glass houses and throwing stones
Who has the right to condemn terrorism?
and defeat
the idea
that the
wanton killing
of innocents
advances any
cause or
supports any
one has
killed more
in the
years since
World War II
than the
challenge and defeat the idea that the
wanton killing of innocents advances any
cause or supports any aspirations."(2)
No organization has killed more
unarmed civilian innocents in the last
year, the last decade or the years since
World War II than the U.$. government.
Ask the surviving civilians of Hiroshima
and Nagasaki and re-read that sentence
from Bush above. Ask the "Secretary of
Defense" Robert McNamara who
admitted that the united $tates killed 3.8
million Vietnamese in the Vietnam War,
including the aerial bombing of
civilians.(3) That's why at MIM, where
our members come mostly from
imperialist countries carrying out
massive terrorism, we do not believe we
have the right to condemn other people's
"terrorism." If MIM had succeeded in
wiping out Amerikkkan and other major
imperialist terrorism, MIM could set
y mid-October, MIM, SLALA
and RAIL comrades had
collected more than 830
signatures supporting our demands that
the University of California divest from
apartheid Israel. In Los Angeles, SLALA
and RAIL have made a strong start to the
school year. They have made our
demands known and generated some
controversy on the UCLA campus(1)
October 23, 2002
hilippine Professor Jose Maria
Sison has a long history of
activism on behalf of the ex-
ploited and oppressed and against U.$.
imperialism. He helped found the
Kabataan Makabayan (Patriotic Youth)
in 1964 and led some of the first protests
against Amerikan intervention in Viet-
nam--of particular relevance as the
United $tates used the Philippines as a
staging area for aggression in Southeast
Sison went on to found the Communist
Party of the Philippines on December 26,
1968, the New People's Army on March
29, 1969 and the National Democratic
Front of the Philippines on April 24,
1973. He was captured by the Marcos
fascist regime on November 10, 1977 and
stayed in prison until he was released on
March 5, l986 soon after the fall of
Marcos. He rejoined the faculty of the
University of the Philippines. Then, he
left for abroad for a global university
lecture tour from September 1, 1986 to
Interview with Prof.
Jose Maria Sison
1988. He applied for political asylum in
The Netherlands on October 18, 1988
after the Aquino regime canceled his
Philippine passport.
QUESTION: The U.$. government
declared you to be a "terrorist" on August
12 and asked other governments to freeze
MIM builds momentum for
UC Divestment from Israel
with regular tabling and literature
distribution, and collecting more
signatures week by week. The University
of California has at least $1.4 billion
invested in companies that provide arms
and military technology to Israel.
MIM is not the only organization rais-
ing the demand that U.$. universities
withdraw their investments in Israel. At
the University of Texas, students have
collected between 500 and 700 signa-
tures asking their school to divest from
Israel and Wayne State University stu-
dents in Detroit have 50 to 70 signatures
on a similar petition. Harvard students
are targeting their university's $615 mil-
lion in investments, and students at the
of Michigan
and Texas
have learned
that their
schools invest
at least $155
million and
$90 million
Continued on page 4...
Continued on
page 9...
Continued on page 6...
MIM Notes 270 · November 15, 2002· Page 2
MIM Notes
The Official Newsletter of The Maoist Internationalist Movement
ISSN 1540-8817
MIM Notes is the bi-weekly newsletter of the Maoist Internationalist Movement. MIM
grants explicit permission to copy all or part of this newspaper for any reason. Please
credit MIM Notes where appropriate. The paper is free to all prisoners. Overseas airmail
is $2 per issue. MIM Notes is the official Party voice. Material in the paper is the Party's
position unless noted to the contrary. MIM Notes accepts submissions and critiques from
anyone. The editors reserve the right to edit copy unless permission is specifically denied
by the author. Back issues of MIM Notes are available for $1 per issue. A bound volume
of the original MIM Notes 1-34 and MIM Theory 1-13 (old numbering) is available for
$15, post-paid. MIM has a complete literature list of progressive books and pamphlets.
Send $2 for a copy. MIM's ten point program is available to anyone who sends in a
SASE. MIM is an underground party that does not publish the names of its comrades in
order to avoid the state surveillance and repression that have historically been directed at
communist parties and anti-imperialist movements. MCs, MIM comrades, are members
of the Party. RCs are RAIL Comrades. The Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist League (RAIL)
is an anti-imperialist mass organization led by MIM. MIM runs a books for prisoners
program which provides Maoist and general political material to prisoners for free. Make
checks or money orders payable to "Books for Prisoners, Inc." Federal EIN: 04-3475938.
Send to: Books for Prisoners, Inc. c/o the address below. Donations and books can be
sent to the address below. Send cash or check payable to "MIM Distributors".
P.O. Box 29670
Los Angeles, CA 90029-0670
eMail: <>
WWW: <http//>
What is MIM?
The Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM) is the collection of existing or emerging
Maoist internationalist parties in the English-speaking imperialist countries and their English-
speaking internal semi-colonies, as well as the existing or emerging Maoist Internationalist
parties in Belgium, France and Quebec and the existing or emerging Spanish-speaking
Maoist Internationalist parties of Aztlan, Puerto Rico and other territories of the U.$. Empire.
MIM Notes is the newspaper of MIM. Notas Rojas is the newspaper of the Spanish-speaking
parties or emerging parties of MIM. MIM upholds the revolutionary communist ideology
of Marxism-Leninism-Maoism and is an internationalist organization that works from the
vantage point of the Third World proletariat. MIM struggles to end the oppression of all
groups over other groups: classes, genders, nations. MIM knows this is only possibly by
building public opinion to seize power through armed struggle. Revolution is a reality for
North America as the military becomes over-extended in the government's attempts to
maintain world hegemony. MIM differs from other communist parties on three main
questions: (1) MIM holds that after the proletariat seizes power in socialist revolution, the
potential exists for capitalist restoration under the leadership of a new bourgeoisie within
the communist party itself. In the case of the USSR, the bourgeoisie seized power after the
death of Stalin in 1953; in China, it was after Mao's death and the overthrow of the "Gang
of Four" in 1976. (2) MIM upholds the Chinese Cultural Revolution as the farthest advance
of communism in humyn history. (3) As Marx, Engels and Lenin formulated and MIM has
reiterated through materialist analysis, imperialism extracts super-profits from the Third
World and in part uses this wealth to buy off whole populations of oppressor nation so-
called workers. These so-called workers bought off by imperialism form a new petty-
bourgeoisie called the labor aristocracy. These classes are not the principal vehicles to
advance Maoism within those countries because their standards of living depend on
imperialism. At this time, imperialist super-profits create this situation in the Canada, Quebec,
the United $tates, England, France, Belgium, Germany, Japan, Italy, Switzerland,
Luxembourg, the Netherlands, Israel, Sweden and Denmark. MIM accepts people as
members who agree on these basic principles and accept democratic centralism, the system
of majority rule, on other questions of party line.
"The theory of Marx, Engels, Lenin and Stalin is universally applicable. We should
regard it not as dogma, but as a guide to action. Studying it is not merely a matter of
learning terms and phrases, but of learning Marxism-Leninism as the science of revolution."
- Mao Zedong, Selected Works, Vol. II, p. 208.
Editor, MC206; Production, MC12
MIM is looking for distributors and
sponsors to step forward. Sponsors pay for
papers; distributors get them onto the
streets and officers do both distribution and
financial support:
Cost per year
12 (Priority Mail)
25 (Priority Mail)
50 (Priority Mail)
900 (Express Mail!)
900 (8-10 days)
If you know you have some good places
distribute, we suggest starting at 200 and
working your way up. If you are not willing
to distribute, just send money. If you are
not willing to pay, then request papers after
somehow proving to the party that you are
serious (words won't count). You who will
cough up/raise the money to distribute 900
papers each issue and then do the
distribution -- you are what drives this party
Make anonymous money orders payable
to "MIM." Send to MIM, attn: Camb.
branch, PO Box 400559, Cambridge, MA
02140. Or write
A call for MIM Notes sponsors and distributors!
We constantly update MIM's
coverage of the U.$. war on
our web site, with news and
opinion, agitation materials,
articles in English, Spanish,
French, Chinese and
Read and distribute the
newspaper -- and get the
latest: Politics/MIM
San Ysidro, California
19 October
A crowd of several hundred, mostly
young members of MEChA (Movimiento
Estudiantil Chicano/a de Aztlan), gath-
ered on the U.$.-Mexico border today to
say "No!" to Operation Gatekeeper. Op-
eration Gatekeeper is the U.$. Immigra-
tion and Naturalization Service's brutal
military blockade along the border be-
tween California and Mexico. This pro-
gram and others like it in other south-
western states have killed over 3,000
people since 1993. Most died of dehy-
dration and exposure as they tried to
avoid border agents by crossing through
remote desert regions.
MIM and SLALA (Studies for the Lib-
eration of Aztlan and Latin America)
members attended the rally. They col-
lected several score signatures on a peti-
tion to the INS to end Operation
Gatekeeper and passed out MIM Notes.
They also collected signatures on a peti-
tion asking the Dutch government to re-
move Philippine Prof. Jose Maria Sison
from its list of "terrorists" and restore the
social benefits guaranteed him as a po-
litical refugee.
Although the issue of democratic rights
for political refugees was only tangen-
tially related to the focus of the rally, most
people readily signed the Sison petition.
A few even finished our pitch for us.
"Right, sure, if he gets deported as threat-
ened, he could be tried by one of these
military tribunals. I hate those things,
man. Of course I'll sign."
A few however refused to sign. At least
one admitted he would not sign because
MIM was circulating the petition. The
only way this could not be considered
sectarianism would be if this persyn or
his organization (if any) were also strug-
gling on behalf of Prof. Sison. This par-
ticular individual did not show much in-
terest in the content of the petition or
Prof. Sison's case.
October 6, 2002
MIM and RAIL joined several hundred
people in protest of Bush's push for war
against Iraq. The rally started in Copley
Square and marched through fancy shop-
ping districts and tourist areas. The pro-
test was organized by "Justice with
Peace" and was in solidarity with the
actions in other major cities like New
York, San Francisco and Los Angeles.
Many of the marchers were older (very
few were young students) peace activ-
ists who've undoubtedly protested many
wars over the years.
In contrast to other protests which also
demanded an end to detentions and
roundups of immigrants, the war on Iraq
was the sole focus of the Boston protest.
Some of the signs said things like: "We
gave Saddam his toys and now we want
to take them back" and "George Bush is
a Ridiculous Embarrassment". The
marchers alternated between chanting
"Drop Bush, Not Bombs" and "No At-
tack on Iraq". A few of the marchers held
Amerikan flags and held signs that said
that a preemptive strike against Iraq
would be "un-Amerikan". We say that it
would be totally in line with Amerikan
imperialism and Bush's war- mongering
The crowd grew along the two-mile
walk, and many onlookers flashed peace
signs, honked their horns in agreement,
cheered and clapped, and thanked the
marchers for being a voice against the
war. Most people at the rally took a copy
of MIM Notes. The majority of onlook-
ers watched in silence. RAIL and MIM
were surprised more passersby didn't
express hostility toward the marchers.
One man screamed from the open win-
dow of his SUV to "get the fuck out of
here!" Another woman near the touristy
Granary Burying Ground, where Paul
Revere and signers of the Declaration of
Independence are buried, complained
that the march was interfering with her
The latter complaint is typical of
Amerikans, who, along the same line of
reasoning, might say something such as,
"I'm for peace and justice, as long as at-
taining them doesn't inconvenience me."
Many Amerikans do not object to the
murder and torture perpetrated by their
government precisely because these gov-
ernment actions ensure Amerikans can
continue living their lives of conve-
MIM and RAIL ask all those who are
willing to sacrifice comfort and conve-
nience to work for revolutionary justice
to contact us. Oppose the unjust imperi-
alist war against Iraq!
Students denounce `Gatekeeper'
Support campaign in support of Prof. Joma Sison's democratic rights
Boston march against war
on Iraq draws hundreds
MIM Notes 270 · November 15, 2002· Page 3
MIM Notes has seen a big spike in
circulation since the "war on
terrorism" began. It's not surprising:
MIM Notes is a free and independent
newspaper. Yes, there are especially
now knee-jerk patriots who believe
everything Bush says and pass by a
chance to read MIM Notes. There are
other patriots and internationalists
who realize that at this time papers
like MIM Notes can undo the huge
spectacle that Uncle Sam is creating
for its own benefit.
Sure, you have seen MIM Notes
around, but MIM Notes needs people
to do two simple things: 1) Pay for it
(postage and printing), 2) Distribute
MIM is looking for sponsors,
distributors and officers. Sponsors pay
for papers; distributors get them onto
the streets and officers do both
distribution and financial support.
Distribute # Cost per year
12 (Priority Mail)
25 (Priority Mail)
50 (Priority Mail)
900 (Express Mail!)
900 (8-10 days)
If you know you have some good
places to do distribution, we suggest
starting at 200 and working your way
up higher. If you are not willing to do
distribution, just send money. If you
are not willing to pay, then request
papers after somehow proving to the
party that you are serious (words
won't count). You who will cough up/
raise the money to distribute 900
papers each issue and then do the
distribution, you are what drives this
party forward.
A call for MIM Notes
sponsors and distributors!
Make anonymous money orders payable to "MIM." Send to MIM,
attn: Camb. branch, PO Box 400559, Cambridge, MA 02140. Contact
MIM in regards to this campaign by writing
Washington DC,
6 October 2002
Well over 100,000 people converged
here to denounce the U.$. drive for war
on Iraq. Another 80,000 marched in San
Francisco. These rallies drew numbers
rarely seen in recent years for an objec-
tively anti-imperialist demand. There
were similar actions in Rome, Berlin,
Copenhagen, Tokyo, and Mexico City.
Speakers at the Washington rally hit
many of the same points MIM Notes has
been making in opposition to this war.
Veterans for Peace had a particularly
clear perspective on the issues. One vet-
eran acknowledged that war on Iraq
would only bring more attacks on U$ soil
and citizens. He also mentioned the ef-
fects on the estimated 200,000 to 500,000
Amerikans who would fight the war,
pointing to the 150,000 gulf war veter-
ans who are now on disability.
Bush's proposed war is not in the in-
terests of the Amerikan people in the
sense that it will only heighten the risk
for future wars, including more Septem-
ber 11-style attacks and possibly nuclear
war touched off by Middle East tensions.
As MIM Notes goes to press it is still not
clear whether the United $tates can win
Russia's support for a war on Iraq, or
whether Russia will back Iraq militarily.
Russia has business contracts with Iraq
worth tens of billions of dollars and wor-
ries that a post-war regime would flood
the oil market, driving down prices for
Russia's oil exports.
However, in another sense, "the
Amerikan way of life" needs this war
exactly because it needs that cheap oil.
Most people at the rally recognized this.
To claim otherwise--for example, to
opportunistically claim that the war "is
a Trojan Horse to attack the labor move-
ment"--is a slap in the face to the thou-
sands of Iraqis who die as a result of
sanctions every year, and the many thou-
sands more who will suffer the loss of
their own life, their mother's, brother's,
friend's etc. if there is a war.
While the Washington rally remained
tame, police repression was evident.
Freedom of speech was limited to the
"protestor pen" as is so common in ral-
lies in this country where a permit must
be obtained to speak one's mind. A RAIL
comrade was prevented from walking in
certain areas around the Vietnam War
memorial merely for having a stack of
fliers in hand. Meanwhile a law barring
people from covering their faces in pro-
test areas makes surveillance easier for
the pigs and keeps protestors from mak-
ing their points creatively via masks etc.
At the rally in San Francisco the crowd
cheered Senator Barbara Boxer the loud-
est, with chants of "Barbara, Barbara..."
A democrat, Boxer voted against the
resolution to give Bush war powers in Oc-
tober. She was introduced with a call for
people to ensure she is re-elected. Boxer
spoke about the significance of the sena-
tors and represetatives who voted against
the resolution to give Bush war powers
and she called for people to enact a
change in Washington, apparently by
electing more Democrats.
Her popularity as a speaker demon-
strates the general political position of the
majority of the crowd opposing the war
on Iraq. The call to elect more democrats
to office is far from anti-imperialist and
naïve even from a bourgeois vote-count-
ing perspective. The majority of demo-
crats approved Bush's war powers. The
Democratic party just represents a differ-
ent brand of imperialism where it is OK
to murder thousands of Iraqis every
month through sanctions, or even to at-
tack Iraq in pretend defense of Kuwait--
as long as these attacks are couched in
prettier words.
MIM supports allying with opponents
to the war in Iraq. But the mass support
for Boxer demonstrates the need for a
revolutionary voice at these rallies. MIM
activists, along with RAIL, distributed
hundreds of copies of MIM Notes and
talked to many people about the real
problem behind the war on Iraq:
Amerikan imperialism. We drew connec-
tions to the war on Palestine with our
petition for the University of California
schools to divest from Palestine. And we
struggled with those trying to opportu-
nistically tie the rally to demands of
Amerikan workers, pointing out that the
labor aristocracy in this country enjoys
such high wages at the expense of the
Iraqi people, among others.
Hundreds of thousands attend anti-war rallies
around the world
7 October 2002
Activists protested Governor Gray
Davis' prison policies outside his fund
raiser dinner at the San Francisco LGBT
Community Center tonight. California
prisons are notorious for their brutality
and lack of needed services. Rather than
addressing this problem, Davis budgeted
a 34% raise for California state prison
guards, receiving in return $251,000 from
the prison guard union for his campaign.
He also authorized a 25% pay raise for
the California Highway Patrol in ex-
change for $100,000 from the cops.(1)
In addition Davis habitually reverses
parole for lifers. Since January of 1999
140 people convicted of murder were rec-
ommended for parole and sent to Davis
for review. He approved only 2, revers-
ing parole for 127 and sending 11 to the
Board of Prison Terms for review.(2) This
is just one more way of keeping more
people locked up longer.
Attempting to play the friend of the
queer community, Davis obviously wants
to win the liberal vote. But even the Cen-
ter where he spoke, a recently opened
multi-million dollar facility, issued a writ-
ten statement expressing "extreme dis-
may" at Davis' veto of a foster care bill
that would have prohibited discrimination
against gay foster youth and parents.
The demonstration included a number
of Green party supporters carrying signs
promoting their candidate, Peter Camejo,
for governor. For MIM this is not just a
question of having a better candidate in
the position of governor. It is a problem
with the entire criminal injustice system,
and even larger, with imperialism as a
whole. MIM does not want to mislead
people in battles that cannot be won, to
get a candidate who truly opposes impe-
rialism into positions of power within
imperialism. But while we are stuck
within this system we do fight for win-
nable reforms. A MIM activist attending
the rally collected postcard signatures to
oppose censorship of political literature
in prison. The 30 postcards collected will
all be sent to Limestone Correctional
Facility in Alabama where they recently
issued a prison-wide ban on any litera-
ture sent by MIM.
We unite with the organizers of the pro-
test in demanding an end to the death
penalty in California, overturning of the
three strikes law, parole for lifers, an end
to prison construction, healthcare, and
money for education not prison guard
salaries. MIM is fighting for these rights
and more with prisoners across the coun-
try. To get involved in these campaigns
check out:
1. Green Party flyer.
2. California Coalition for Battered Women in
Prison flyer (
California queers protest Davis' prison state
The Boston rally.
MIM Notes 270 · November 15, 2002· Page 4
Who has the right to condemn terrorism?
about judging Al-Qaeda or any
organization that is or is not allegedly
independent of the u.$. government.
Instead, from what we can see, Al-
Qaeda is composed of people from
nations suffering civilian deaths
especially at the hands of the united
$tates and its i$raeli puppet regime. We
cannot be surprised that predominantly
Islamic nations of the Third World strike
back in kind: Osama Bin Laden learned
everything he knows from the CIA and
obtained weapons from the same place
while fighting for the CIA against the
social-imperialist Soviet Union in
Afghanistan in the 1980s. There is no
chance for world peace with any ideology
that does not take this scientific fact into
account: the oppressed strike back. What
goes around comes around.
MIM does not include the president of
the united $tates amongst its members as
people will tell us, so why should we take
responsibility for Uncle $cam's
terrorism? Precisely because the battle
against terrorism is every civilian's duty,
we MIM comrades do take responsibility
for Uncle $cam, and also the Kanadian
government, the British government, the
French--in short most of imperialism--
because that's where our members--
civilians--are based. There is no one else
to take responsibility for it: surely we
cannot expect the government terrorists
to take responsibility for their own
These imperialisms also claim to be
"democratic," so that there is a link of
some kind between the civilians and their
terrorist governments. In fact, no terrorist
government can survive without support
from its citizens.
Some people we should think about
include First Nations in North America.
The people of some of the First Nations
may claim the right to condemn
terrorism, if some of their own
governments have not been carrying out
terrorism. There are also undocumented
workers inside U.$. borders, many of
whom speak Spanish and not English and
have no right to vote: some of these really
cannot be blamed for u.$. government
terrorism. The rest of the people are
generally a different story.
When citizens are sure their own
government is not carrying out terrorism
abroad, they gain the right to condemn
other peoples' terrorism without
hypocrisy. Otherwise, what happens is
that one nation's people ends up accusing
another of "terrorism." "Terrorism"
becomes a convenient type of name-
calling used by opportunists simply to
refer to "the other guy." When right-wing
citizens criticize other countries'
terrorism, while supporting their own, it
is called "patriotism," which is correctly
known as the "last refuge of a scoundrel."
When citizens using socialist rhetoric
accuse other nations of terrorism without
bringing down their own terrorist
governments, they are guilty of "social-
patriotism." Social-patriots will pay lip-
service to ending oppression, but their
weak criticisms are intentionally limited
and ineffective, while their criticisms of
other peoples' terrorism will have real
murderous, war-mongering impact.
Unfortunately, in the imperialist
countries, MIM is nearly alone as an
organization opposing both patriotism
and social-patriotism.
The U.$. government knows that
Filipino Joma Sison has not attacked any
U.$. civilians. In fact, he has been in
prison and exile, but the u.$. government
is trying to distract attention from its own
terrorist record, so it has recently labeled
Sison a "terrorist."
Colin Powell's statement on this is so
obviously criminal that we include it here
in its entirety for the public to evaluate
(see sidebar). People will notice that in
the entire statement there is no mention
of any unarmed civilian killed--not even
in "collateral damage," the kind of which
Powell himself partook in in the Gulf
War. The purpose of Powell's statement
is to label anyone the united $tates
disagrees with most a "terrorist." Before
the United $tates goes and calls Sison
"terrorist," it better pay reparations to the
Philippines for the more than 1 million
unarmed civilians it slaughtered in the
Philippines from 1899 to 1914. The U.$.
military has admitted and documented
that anyone over age 10 in the Philippines
was to die: "American soldiers killed
`men, women and children, prisoners and
captives, active insurgents and suspected
people, from lads of ten and up, an idea
prevailing that the Filipino . . . was little
better than a dog.'"(5) Readers should
understand that we just quoted a U.S.
military source and there are many more
for those really interested in fighting
What is true in the Philippines is true
in the rest of the world. Dig a little deeper
and you will find that in most cases the
U.S. Government is the number one
terrorist. Dutiful extension of the U.S.
Government CNN reported on the
October 12th nightclub bombings in Bali
that "The blasts were `the worst act of
terrorism in the country's history,'
according to Indonesian police Chief
Da'e Bakhtiar."(6)
Given CNN's poor reporting record,
we at MIM Notes are not surprised it
thinks 180 or even 400 people could
possibly be the worst terrorist attack in
Indonesian history. After all, CNN and
other mainstream U.$. media outlets
ignored almost completely the genocide
in East Timor perpetrated with U.$.
weapons and blessings that killed over
200,000 people, more than one-quarter
of the now independent nation.
In MIM Notes 249, MIM referred to
U.S. Government documents de-
classified about East Timor on December
6th 2001. Indonesia used to consider
"East Timor" as a province: "Fully
declassified U.$. government documents
published on the Internet December 6th
[2001] show that President Gerald Ford
and Secretary of State Henry Kissinger
gave the go-ahead for Indonesia's attack
on East Timor that killed over 200,000
people, over a quarter and maybe a half
of the people of East Timor."(7)
Since 1975, the United $tates has lied
about its role in East Timor. Henry
Kissinger was still denying his role as
late as quotes obtained from him in 1996
and 1999 and he did not answer a phone
call from the Washington Post about the
released documents published on the
Internet December 6th, 2001.(8) After the
genocidal invasion of 1975, Kissinger
chastised his staff for preparing a memo
on cutting off military sales to Indonesia
in line with existing U.$. law. Apparently
the staff expected that the U.$.
government would be forced to follow
its own laws about offensive weapons
use.(9) (The United $tates supplied as
much as 90 percent of Indonesia's
weapons on the condition that they only
be used for defense.(10)) Instead,
Kissinger kept the arms pipeline open.
That's not the only six digit massacre
of unarmed civilians the united $tates
actively assisted in in Indonesia. We will
not mention the massacre of communists
of the early 1960s, because this is only a
news article and it's too long already.
Smokers should condemn smoking so
their children do not smoke, hypocritical
as it may be. However, MIM has decided
no imperialist country organization has
the right to condemn "terrorism" against
imperialist country civilians. We mourn
the losses of civilians and even young
servants in the imperialist military,
because they are all sacrificial offerings
of the capitalist system, but we know they
are being attacked because of the terrorist
violence of Anglo-Saxon imperialism. As
the New York Times pointed out, the
bombers did not attack just any
Indonesian nightclub: it was one that had
predominantly European and Australian
clients, one that turned away Indonesians
at the door.(11) Unlike smoking,
condemning terrorism by "the other guy"
involves provoking other nations and
war-mongering. When MIM and the
oppressed and exploited bring down
imperialist terrorism, we will condemn
smaller imitations as well--not before
2. Ibid.
people/grimsley.1/milhis/phil.htm MIM rarely
needs to quote a communist source for anything.
Article falsely titled "Hundreds missing in Bali
bombings: Indonesia's `worst act of terrorism'"
See also CNN correspondent Atika Shubert say:
"And this is by far the worst terrorist attack
Indonesia has ever seen, and it could be the
deadliest attack since September 11." http://
10/13/otsc.shubert/index.html It goes to show
how ignorant one has to be able to tolerate
working for CNN.
8. Washington Post reporting on this subject, dyn/
10. Reuters, 6 Dec 2001.
Continued from page 1...
Statement by U.$.
Secretary of State
Colin Powell
August 9, 2002
Today we are taking another important
step in our continuing efforts to combat
global terrorism. I am announcing the des-
ignation of the Communist Party of the
Philippines/New People's Army (CPP/
NPA) as a Foreign Terrorist Organization,
as defined under U.S. law. I made this de-
cision in consultation with the Attorney
General and the Secretary of the Treasury
after an exhaustive review of this group's
violent activities.
The CPP, a Maoist group, was founded
in 1969 with the aim of overthrowing the
Philippine government through guerilla
warfare. CPP's military wing, the New
People's Army, strongly opposes any U.S.
presence in the Philippines and has killed
U.S. citizens there. The group has also
killed, injured, or kidnapped numerous
Philippine citizens, including government
By designating the CPP/NPA as a For-
eign Terrorist Organization and publishing
that decision in the Federal Register, we
impose measures against these terrorist
groups in accordance with section 219 of
the Immigration and Nationality Act, as
amended, which was originally enacted as
part of the Antiterrorism and Effective
Death Penalty Act. This law makes it ille-
gal for persons in the United States or sub-
ject to U.S. jurisdiction to provide mate-
rial support or resources to these terrorist
groups; it requires U.S. financial institu-
tions to block assets held by them or their
agents; and it makes representatives and
members of these groups, if they are aliens,
inadmissible to and, in certain circum-
stances, removable from the United States.
With today's designation, the number of
Foreign Terrorist Organizations is now 34.
FTO designations play a critical role in our
fight against terrorism and are an effective
means of curtailing support for terrorist
activities and pressuring groups to get out
of the terrorism business. I hope this list
will draw the attention of foreign govern-
ments around the world to this group and
to the other FTOs. I also hope it will en-
courage those governments to take action,
as we have, to isolate these terrorist orga-
nizations, to choke off their sources of fi-
nancial support, and to prevent their move-
ment across international borders."
MIM Notes 270 · November 15, 2002· Page 5
Ancient writings of the Mayan civili-
zation appeared recently after a hurricane
uncovered some previously covered hi-
eroglyphics in Guatemala near Mexico.
The newly translated writings show that
there was the equivalent of a "world war"
that ruined Mayan civilization in the 8th
An attack on the Mayan city of Tikal
established in 629 included a scene of
genocidal fury and skulls piled up accord-
ing to the 18 steps uncovered by the hur-
ricane.(1) Tikal struck back and it was
Calakmul's turn to suffer. The war was
so intense that authority broke down into
smaller localities and certain cities ended
up being abandoned completely.(2)
The history of the Mayans and many
other great civilizations--including those
no one knows about yet--shows that
humyns are not "rational" about their
war-fighting contrary to common apolo-
gists of the status quo. The Mayans de-
stroyed the great organization of society
and cities that they had going. Other civi-
lizations have done the same and with
such a ferocity in some cases that we do
not know of their achievements. There
is no reason for complacency about
"humyn nature" and its ability to see
through the disadvantages of war.
It is common to accuse communists of
believing in a perfect humyn nature.
Quite the contrary, it is possible that the
humyn-being is so inherently flawed that
other species from other planets deserve
this planet much more. There is no guar-
antee that the humyn-being will not com-
mit massive suicide as a species. As a
result those calling themselves "commu-
nists" and only talking about future
events in perfect circumstances of ideal
revolution are not scientific communists.
The gap between scientific communists
following Lenin, Stalin and Mao on the
one hand and idealist Trotskyists and
anarchists only gets larger with each
passing year.
What we scientific communists are
saying is that to take a flawed animal and
insert him/her in a profit-system is to
make that animal worse than s/he has to
be. Looking back on Mayan accomplish-
ments, we see that it's clear that the
Mayans themselves did not adequately
appreciate their own accomplishments
and possibilities. Rather than have con-
fidence in their evolving ways of orga-
nizing ever larger numbers of people to
work together, the Mayans settled con-
flicts through self-destructive wars.
Today the situation is even more gro-
tesque. The United $tates spends hun-
dreds of billions of dollars a year on mili-
tary preparations--more money than the
entire economy of most countries--when
the solutions to the most pressing prob-
lems of the world would cost much less.
What is more, there is plenty of slack in
the economies of the world that could be
used to put unemployed people to work
for food, clothing, shelter and other
things that make people happy.
2. AP in 29Sept2002
Mayan wars scarred whole continent
A panel of former U.$. legislators and
"security" experts concluded that the next
September 11-style attack will result in
"even greater casualties and widespread
disruption to daily life and the economy."
"The more we tighten up on external
threats, the higher the risk becomes at
home," said co-chair Gary Hart at a 25
October news conference releasing the
report. "We have to face up to that
Hart is just restating a truth MIM has
emphasized since September 11: oppres-
sion breeds resistance. Attempts to break
that resistance militarily, using broad tac-
tics such as the bombing of Afghanistan
or the round up of thousands within U.$.
borders simply on the basis of their reli-
gion or apparent ethnicity, are bound only
to increase the resistance of the op-
Hart's panel's take-home message was
not that the United $tates should work to
eliminate conflicts over resources or en-
sure that food gets to 6 million children
under the age of five who starve to death.
Rather, the panel took is as a given that
the United $tates would and should crack
down on "external threats"--that is,
make sure the United $tates has contin-
ued access to cheap oil and Amerikan
farmers keep those farm subsidies.(3)
Consequently the United $tates should
increase "security" measures around sea-
ports, energy plants and water supplies.
The panel also endorsed the proposed
Department of Homeland Security,
headed by former governor Tom "Hang
`em High" Ridge.
Such "security" measures will not pre-
vent future September 11-style attacks,
to say nothing of the violence of poverty
and war millions face daily due to the
U.$.-supported status quo. Bourgeois
politicians like Hart lack the intelligence
to recognize this or the courage to say it.
Instead they opportunistically use partial
truths to get funding for their pet projects
or further Amerikan warmongering.
(The report claimed that Saddam
Hussein would attack the U.$ mainland
with weapons of mass destruction if the
United $tates invades Iraq. The imperi-
alists' own spy agencies have discredited
this claim, saying Hussein has neither the
desire nor the ability to launch such an
Socialism offers the best hope for re-
ducing the threat of war and other forms
of violence such as malnutrition due to
1. Associated Press, 25 October 2002.
2. LA Times, 16 Oct 2002.
3. MIM Notes 261, 1 July 2002.
Militarism is war-mongering or the
advocacy of war or actual carrying out
of war or its preparations.
While true pacifists condemn all
violence as equally repugnant, we
Maoists do not consider self-defense
or the violence of oppressed nations
against imperialism to be militarism.
Militarism is mostly caused by
imperialism at this time. Imperialism
is the highest stage of capitalism--
seen in countries like the United
$tates, England and France.
Under capitalism, capitalists often
profit from war or its preparations.
Yet, it is the proletariat that does the
dying in the wars. The proletariat
wants a system in which people do not
have self-interest on the side of war-
profiteering or war for imperialism.
Militarism is one of the most
important reasons to overthrow
capitalism. It even infects oppressed
nations and causes them to fight each
It is important not to let capitalists
risk our lives in their ideas about war
and peace or the environment. They
have already had two world wars
admitted by themselves in the last 100
years and they are conducting a third
right now against the Third World.
Even a one percent annual chance of
nuclear war destruction caused by
capitalist aggressiveness or "greed" as
the people call it should not be tolerated
by the proletariat. After playing
Russian Roulette (in which the bullet
chamber is different each time and not
related at all to the one that came up in
previous spins) with 100 chambers and
one bullet, the chance of survival is
only 60.5% after 50 turns. In other
words, a seemingly small one percent
annual chance of world war means
eventual doom. After 100 years or turns
of Russian Roulette, the chances of
survival are only 36.6%. After 200
years, survival has only a 13.4%
What is militarism?
`Security' panel
misses the point
There is no
guarantee that
the humyn-being
will not commit
massive suicide
as a species.
MIM Notes 270 · November 15, 2002· Page 6
your assets. The Government of the
Netherlands, where you currently reside,
followed suit the next day. Could you
comment on the charge of terrorism
against you? Why does it come now?
SISON: The charge of terrorism
against me is pure rubbish. The U.S.
government has fabricated it in a vain
attempt to demonise and destroy me. It
calculates that by targeting and
discrediting me with the label "terrorist"
and applying repressive measures on me,
with the help of other imperialist
governments, it can terrorize the
progressive overseas Filipinos as well as
the people back home in the Philippines.
The attack on me is part of the U.S. drive
to destroy all the forces in the world that
stand up and fight against imperialism.
The United States is the super-terrorist
of the world. It has killed millions of
civilians in waging wars of aggression
and in directing puppet regimes of open
terror. It has killed a far greater number
of people through the daily violence of
imperialist exploitation. Those
responsible for the September 11 attacks
are former trainees of the United States
in terrorism and their acts are small scale
in comparison to the grand scale
terrorism of U.S. imperialism.
The United States is using the pretext
of waging a war on terrorism in order to
wage a war of terrorism against the
revolutionary movements of peoples and
against countries assertive of national
independence. A growing number of
people are outraged that the U.S. postures
as an avenger acting in the name of the
victims in the September attacks in order
to foment imperialist war and state
terrorism and to grab the sources of oil
and other natural resources, fields of
investment, markets and salient points for
military intervention.
Q: What do you see as the definition
of terrorism? Do you think Bush is using
a consistent definition of terrorism? What
do you see as the solution to terrorism?
SISON: Terrorism consists of willful
and systematic threats and acts to harm
or destroy the lives and properties of the
people mainly and essentially. To show
what is terrorism and how to stand
against it, we must know the principles,
conventions and standards of respect for
human rights under any condition and of
humanitarian conduct towards civilians
and incapacitated combatants under
conditions of war.
Bush uses terrorism as a catchall and
open-ended term for persecuting,
repressing and warring on any entity that
is opposed to U.S. imperialism. He uses
the word for whipping up war hysteria
and fascism within the United States and
elsewhere in the world and for actually
stepping up war production, launching
wars of aggression and pushing puppet
regimes of open terror.
The solution to terrorism is the resolute
and militant struggles of the proletariat
and people to defeat imperialism and all
reaction. The only way to get rid of
Interview with Prof. Jose Maria Sison
terrorism is for the people to get rid of
imperialism and achieve national
liberation, democracy and socialism.
Imperialism is super-terrorism as well as
the source of or stimulus for lesser
terrorists like Al Qaedda and the Abu
Q: Colin Powell also labeled the
Communist Party of the Philippines a
"terrorist" organization in August. At
about the same time, the government of
Macapagal-Arroyo declared all-out war
on the CPP, taking up a new "terrorist"
bogeyman after claiming that the Abu
Sayaaf group was defeated. Similarly, the
government in Nepal has called the
Communists waging people's war there
"terrorists" when appealing for military
aid from the United $tates, China and
others. Could you comment on the
difference between a people's war and
SISON: People's war is the
revolutionary mass undertaking of the
people for the purpose of national and
social liberation. It is diametrically
opposed to the counterrevolutionary
violence or terrorism of the imperialists
and their puppets. The imperialist wars
of aggression and the repressive regimes
of puppets clearly harm and destroy the
lives and properties of the people all over
the world.
Q: According to the latest reports we
have, the Dutch government has frozen
your bank account and canceled your
subsidies for food, housing, health
insurance, etc. Have any other official--
or unofficial--punitive measures been
taken against you? Members of the
Philippine government have made thinly
veiled threats against you--for example,
that your house might be raided or that
you could be deported to the Unites
$tates. [We even heard the baseless rumor
that you already had been deported to
Guantanamo.] What do you think are the
gravest threats against you right now?
What can be done to counter them?
SISON: I face several grave threats
which overshadow the freeze on my
small joint bank account with my wife
and the termination of social benefits
previously accorded to me as a
recognized refugee. I can be subjected
to a raid and arrest for the purpose of
humiliating and defaming me and even
for the purpose of planting evidence and
arresting me.
According to certain high officials of
the Manila government, the US is poised
to extradite me under the US-Dutch
extradition treaty by fabricating a
criminal charge. Supposedly I would be
brought to any US military base,
Guantanamo, Guam or Diego Garcia, to
make difficult or impossible my access
to a lawyer of choice for a long time.
A high military official of the Manila
government, who is known to be a CIA
asset, has been boasting that Bush is
likely to order my assassination by the
CIA if I do not push the National
Democratic Front of the Philippines to
capitulate by signing a "final peace
agreement" prepared by the reactionary
What we can do to counter the punitive
actions and threats against me is to
expose the oppressive and exploitative
character of the imperialists, arouse,
organize and mobilize more people for
the struggle and pursue various forms of
Q: You have said the charges against
you are also meant to intimidate "all the
panelists, consultants, staffers, and
supporters of the Europe-based NDFP
negotiating panel." Can you comment on
concrete intimidations panel members or
supporters of the NDFP have faced?
SISON: The panelists, consultants,
staffers and supporters of the NDFP
negotiating panel are well aware of the
actions and threats publicly and
discreetly directed against me. They also
know why these are being done. These
are intended to put me in a corner and
pressure me and thereby begin to put the
entire NDFP negotiating panel under
Just consider the intimidating effects
on others of the unjust acts already taken
against me, such as the criminalization
without due process, defamation or
demonisation, the consequent threats to
my life and liberty and the moral and
material damages.
I think that the United States and
Manila government actually want to
destroy the peace negotiations. They are
now doing everything to render
impossible the resumption of these
negotiations. These brats, Bush junior
and Gloria Macapagal, think childishly
that they can destroy the people's
democratic revolution by persecuting me
abroad and by intimidating the NDFP
negotiating panel.
Q: We have also noted that the charges
against you are meant to have a chilling
effect here in the United $tates. Now,
thanks to the "USA Patriot Act," people
who would support even just the
publication of the views of yourself or
the CPP in the name of a fully informed
public debate on something important,
say, direct U.$. intervention in the
Philippines--such people are meant to
wonder whether they will be punished
for supporting "terrorists."
SISON: It is true that the Bush
administration is trying to put the Filipino
community in the United States under a
climate of fear. The Patriot Act and other
related acts of the United States read like
the fascist decrees of Marcos. The
Filipinos and Filipino Americans must
review how the Filipino people fought
and prevailed against the deadly U.S.-
sponsored Marcos fascist dictatorship.
They must work and struggle hard in
the community and in cooperation with
the people of various nationalities against
the growing fascism and violent racism
in the United States. In the United States
and abroad, Bush is already known as a
blustering dumbo. The broad masses of
the people are muttering, "It's the
economy, stupid!" The progressive
forces, of course, are striving to spread
the message that imperialism is the
scourge to be extirpated.
Q: Moving on. George Bush claims
that the United $tates must go to war with
Iraq in order to stop the proliferation of
weapons of mass destruction (WMD).
What do you think of this claim? What
do you think can best be done to eliminate
the threat posed by WMD? SISON: It is
quite obvious that Iraq does not have the
weapons of mass destruction. The United
States knows this. That is why it is in a
rush to launch a war of aggression in
order to grab the oil resources of Iraq and
install a U.S. colonial administration.
The claim of Bush that the United
States must go to war to stop the
proliferation of weapons of mass
destruction is pure hogwash. His logic
and bravado should bring him to war with
India, Pakistan, China and Russia. But
he will not go to war with any of these
countries precisely because they have
nuclear weapons. The best way to
eliminate the threat posed by WMD is to
generate within imperialist countries
revolutionary movements of the people
that can paralyse the use of these
weapons by the imperialists and that can
ultimately do away with these upon the
global victory of socialism. The people
cannot be absolutely safe from WMD
until they can do away with the system
of the imperialists.
MIM Notes 270 · November 15, 2002· Page 7
MIM Notes asks its readers to send the
following letter to the addresses listed
below. Please cc: or
send a copy of your letter to Defend JMS
c/o MIM, PO Box 29670, Los Angeles,
CA 90029-0670 so that we can keep track
of our effectiveness.
Philippine Prof. Jose Maria Sison is
living in the Netherlands as a recognized
political refugee under the protection of
the Refugee Convention and the Euro-
pean Convention for the Protection of
Human Rights and Fundamental Free-
Prof. Sison is the chief political con-
sultant of the National Democratic Front
of the Philippines (NDFP) in peace ne-
gotiations with the Government of the
Republic of the Philippines (GRP). These
negotiations have been facilitated by the
Norwegian, Dutch and Belgian govern-
On 9 August 2002, the US State De-
partment listed the Communist Party of
the Philippines (CPP) and the New
People's Army (NPA) as "foreign terror-
ist organizations," encouraging other
governments "to take action to isolate
these terrorist organizations, to choke off
their sources of financial support, and to
prevent their movement across interna-
tional borders." Since 12 August 2002,
the US Treasury Department has listed
Jose Maria Sison as a "terrorist" whose
assets must be frozen.
Subsequently, the Dutch government
has followed the bidding of the US by
issuing the "Sanctions ruling on terror-
ism 2002 III" on 13 August 2002,
criminalizing Jose Maria Sison as a "ter-
rorist" without benefit of due process and
subjecting him to punishment such as:
* The freezing of his Postbank current
account through which he receives so-
cial welfare payment to pay his bills.
According to the Belgian newspaper
"De Financieel-Ekonomische Tijd"
(page 34, 19 Oct 2002) Prof. Sison will
be added to the European Union list of
"terrorists" whose assets are to be fro-
zen. MIM Notes joins with others in ask-
ing that protest letters like that reprinted
here be sent to Lene Esperson and Bertel
Haarder, the Danish ministers who pre-
side the Council of Justice and Home
Affairs of the European Union. Please
cc: so that we can moni-
tor and communicate our effectiveness.
Lene Espersen (
Chairman of the Council for Justice
and Home Affairs of the European Union
Minister for Justice, Denmark
Bertel Haarder (
Chairman of the Council for Justice
and Home Affairs of the European Union
Minister for Refugees, Immigration
and Integration and for European Affairs,
Re: "Anti-terrorist" measures
against Filipino organizations and in-
Dear Madame, Dear Sir,
On August 9, US Secretary of State
Colin Powell announced the designation
of the Communist Party of the Philip-
pines/New People's Army (CPP/NPA) as
a Foreign Terrorist Organization. He
called on foreign governments "to take
action to isolate these terrorist organiza-
tions, to choke off their sources of finan-
cial support, and to prevent their move-
ment across international borders".
On August 12, the CPP, the NPA and
Jose Maria Sison were listed as targets
for freezing of assets by the Office of
Foreign Asset Control of the US Depart-
ment of Treasury.
According to media reports, the Dutch
and British authorities would already
have taken steps to implement the mea-
sures as demanded by the United States
government. More so, the Dutch govern-
ment reportedly would ask the European
Union and the governments of its mem-
ber countries to take similar action.
May we remind you that the CPP and
the NPA are leading components of the
National Democratic Front of the Phil-
ippines (NDFP). Over the years, the gov-
ernments of the Netherlands, Belgium
and Norway have facilitated rounds of
peace negotiations between the NDFP
and the government of the Republic of
the Philippines (GRP). Prof. Jose Maria
Sison is the chief political consultant of
the NDFP Negotiating Panel.
The European Parliament has passed
resolutions endorsing the peace negotia-
tions between the NDFP and the Philip-
pine government. These are EP Resolu-
tion No. B4-0601, 0645 and 0686/97
dated 17 July 1997 and EP Resolution
No. B4-1096,1106,1147,1158 and 1160/
* The removal of all state subsidies for
food, housing, health insurance and other
basic necessities under a directive dated
10 September 2002 from the social wel-
fare agency of Utrecht's municipal gov-
We, the undersigned, vow to help de-
fend the rights of Prof. Jose Maria
We demand from the Dutch authorities:
* the full respect for the protection of
Jose Maria Sison as a recognized refu-
gee under the relevant international con-
* the grant of his residence permit in
the Netherlands;
* the immediate de-listing of his name
and the unconditional and complete with-
drawal of the "Sanctieregeling terrorisme
2002 III;"
* the immediate, unconditional and
complete restoration of all the social ben-
efits to which he is entitled as a political
refugee (monthly allowance, insurance
and housing benefits);
* the refusal of any possible demand
for his extradition.
Prime Minister Jan Peter Balkenende
Binnenhop 20
Postbus 20001
2500 EA The Hague
Tel. +31 70 356 41 00
Fax +31 70 356 46 83
Mr. J. G. de Hoop Scheffer
Minister of Foreign Affairs
Bezuidenhoutseweg 67
Postbus 20061
Consulate General of the Netherlands
9th floor, King's Court
Building 1, 2129 Chino Roces Avenue
Makati City, Philippines
98 dated 14 January 1999.
Both the NDFP and GRP have suc-
ceeded in forging the Comprehensive
Agreement on Respect for Human Rights
and International Humanitarian Law.
And now NDFP allied organizations
and consultants are being called "terror-
We are also concerned that legitimate
political organizations and individuals,
including legitimate asylum seekers and
recognized political refugees, may be-
come the target of unjustified repressive
measures in the guise of fighting terror-
We demand that the European Union
does not follow the misguided advise of
the United States government and refrain
from including the CPP, the NPA and/or
other NDFP allied organizations and in-
dividuals in its list of `terrorist' organi-
We demand that the European Union
and its member states refrain from any
legislation or action that may hinder the
legitimate political activities of these or-
ganizations and individuals.
We demand that their democratic
rights, including the right to asylum, be
guaranteed and respected.
Sincerely yours,
EU threatens to place Sison on its `terrorist' list
by a Texas prisoner
Maryand Gov. Parris Glendening has
decided to stop all state executions in his
last eight months in office. Though he
supports the death penalty, he wants to
be sure that it is applied fairly, he says,
and not in a racially discriminatory man-
ner. He has appointed a group, led be a
criminologist and seven doctoral stu-
dents, to study how state executions are
If the governor wanted to really find
out if state executions are meted out
fairly, he should start with the statistics
of the Justice Department and the incar-
ceration and execution rate of Blacks,
whites, and Latinos, compared to their
populace in Amerika.
It doesn't take a rocket scientist to fig-
ure out simple mathematical problems.
The fact that such death penalty morato-
riums are in fact progress just under-
scores the rottenness of a system that
sanctioned legal lynchings for decades.
The bourgeoisie sometimes feels a
need to speak out on human rights viola-
tions--but often in a chauvinistic way.
If they were really concerned about kill-
ing, the majority of Amerikkkans
wouldn't support the sanctions on Iraq,
which have killed millions since 1991,
or Bush's murder of civilians in Afghani-
stan, nor the detainment of "terrorist-
looking" people.
If people of "Middle Eastern descent"
were brought up on charges under the
U.$. Patriot Act and the penalty was
death, would governor Glendening de-
clare a moratorium then?
--Edited by MC206
Note: Jet, May 27, 2002
Another weekend,
another (yawn) cop
City by the Sea (2002), Warner Bros.
Starring Robert De Niro
Drugs, violence, an experienced cop,
his son in criminal trouble--there is noth-
ing much new in this film. A cop has to
do his job that leads to his son as a sus-
pect, and he has to help his son. The fam-
ily versus professional duty angle is old.
The story based on a 1997 Esquire ar-
ticle while realistic has little redeeming
value. Politically, the one insight of the
film is the inner workings of police de-
partments. A younger scientific-minded
cop struggles with the older cops used to
doing things the "bullshit" way as they
themselves say. There is a rush to judg-
ment by cops pursuing a suspect and the
cops nearly kill an innocent man as a re-
sult. Meanwhile, there is the political
angle with the mayor's office getting in-
volved along with the television media.
The usual question arises of whether
crime stems from family problems or
whether everyone is a free-floating indi-
vidual responsible for his or her actions.
Yet, as usual, Amerikkkans obsess over
this question without going in any new
productive direction. The film points to
no real solutions to basic crime and drugs
problems but dramatizes one man's prob-
lem and solution.
There is nothing to comment on in this
movie from MIM's point of view because
it has little redeeming value. The acting
and artistic form may or may not be OK,
but the premise is fundamentally a waste
of time.
MIM Notes 270 · November 15, 2002· Page 8
Jewish settlers in Gaza and the West
Bank are both the bleeding edge of the
Israeli land-grab and the raison d'etre for
military occupation. Explaining the
policy of defending the settlements, gov-
ernment officials have described these
people as "facts on the ground." In build-
ing houses, roads and schools for them-
selves the settlers are supposed to have
obviated the question of whose land they
are living on -- they are there, and now
the army must protect them from the in-
evitable Palestinian revolt.
The settlers right now embody the prin-
cipal obstacle to peace in the Middle
East. Israel's aggressive policy of settle-
ment makes its refusal to live in peace
with the Palestinians clear. In direct vio-
lation of international law, more than
200,000 settlers have established "civil-
ian" outposts in the territories occupied
since 1967,(1) with an extra thrust of
building activitysince the so-called peace
talks at Oslo in 1993.
Recent settler actions have included a
campaign against the Palestinian village
of Khirbat Yanoun in the West Bank,
which resulted in the villagers' evacua-
tion. Settlers from the occupation town
of Itamar built illegal outposts to sur-
round Khirbat Yanoun. A Khirbat
Yanoun resident said: "our problem was
not with Itamar until they began setting
up outposts near our villages ... Now they
have outposts on every hilltop here, and
are beginning to build between them."(1)
From their outposts settlers fired guns
and threw stones at the village and people
working the olive orchards, assaulted vil-
lagers and vandalized property. The con-
ditions got so dangerous that the villag-
ers evacuated, leaving only a couple of
men to guard against complete occupa-
tion by the settlers. This was the first time
any settlers had terrorized an entire com-
munity into exile.(2) After the situation
attracted international press, the Israeli
army (which had previously refused to
do anything for the villagers) moved in
and promised to protect the Khirbat
Yanoun residents if they would return.(3)
The setters have also become a wedge
driving Israeli society apart. Their actions
are an open rejection of peace, and it is
easy for anyone who believes in justice
to see the need for unity against this most
flagrant wing of the occupation. A re-
serve officer in the Israeli army and a
leader of the Refusenik movement notes
that "guarding settlers has become one
of the army's main jobs. We had more
soldiers protecting [a West Bank settle-
ment] than it had settlers." The officer
described cutting down stands of orange
trees "to make it harder for people to
crawl up to the [border] and sneak
through." Arguing against this policy he
asked his commander: "What happens if
we have to cut the orchards to a depth of
5km rather than 500m on the grounds that
the Palestinians are getting longer-range
rockets?"(4) The Palestinian Authority
says Israeli troops have uprooted more
than 130,000 olive trees since the intifada
Israeli settlers: paramilitary `facts on the ground'
began in November, 2000.(5)
The distasteful work of depriving peas-
ants of their livelihood and driving them
out of their homes is causing more Israe-
lis to reject military service, even if they
don't take a political stand in doing it.
All Israelis are required to do military
service, including reserve duty, but ac-
cording to the army only one-third of re-
servists showed up for duty in 2001 (most
found medical or other excuses rather
than refuse outright).(4)
The settlers are doing all they can to
turn more soldiers against the war. 90
people were injured when 400 settlers
fought soldiers and police dismantling
the illegal Havat Gilad outpost near
Nablus.(5) An army brigade commander
said outright: "We are tired of babysitting
extremist thugs and guarding illegal
settlements ... They weaken our society,
they weaken the rule of law."(1) In two
other demolitions, hundreds of settlers
confronted the army, but the troops
showed restraint they do not offer the
Palestinians and the scene ended with-
out violence.(6)
History has already harshly judged the
Christian crusaders who pursued a mer-
ciless policy of conquering the "Holy
Lands" and slaughtering "infidels." The
Israeli settlers are no different. They are
well represented by people like Ezra
Rosenfeld of the Yesha Council of Jew-
ish Communities who says: "the last
thing we can allow ourselves is to back
off on our legitimate claims to have Jews
live in their historical homeland."(5) All
sane people must reject this talk of some
ahistorical entitlement of the Jewish
people, as if the presence of Palestinians
on the land were irrelevant, or at best
MIM reminds readers that Britain be-
fore 1948 and the U.$. mainly since 1967
are responsible for the intractable war in
the Middle East. If Amerika in particu-
lar could cough up $100 billion in aid to
Israel since 1967, it can certainly come
up with the resolve to deny aid to the Is-
raeli settler state from here on, and to
come up with a real peace solution, one
that involves land and genuine sover-
eignty for the Palestinian people. We fur-
ther point out that the war between Is-
rael and the Palestinians is a matter of
settling a few million people. It is worth
any amount of money and effort to see
that this conflict does not continue to feed
militarism and strife that could easily end
in nuclear armageddon.(7)
1. Boston Globe 23 October, 2002.
2. New York Times 21 October, 2002.
3. New York Times 24 October, 2002.
4. The Guardian (London) 22 October, 2002;
for more on the refuseniks, see MIM Notes 261
1 July, 2002 and the Refuseniks' website:
5. Atlanta Journal and Constitution 21 October,
6. Los Angeles Times 17 October, 2002.
respectively in companies that do busi-
ness with Israel.(2)
The Israeli apartheid state is in
violation of 70 UN resolutions
condemning it for unparalleled humyn
rights abuses, legalized torture and land
theft. In addition to divesting, MIM calls
on the University of California to make
its investment policy plain and public,
and to join the international community
in renouncing Israel's violation of humyn
rights and the laws of nations.(3)
MIM has said over and over that no
one is safe in a militarist society, so we
call on Israelis and their Amerikan
supporters both to seek peace with the
Palestinians for their own sakes, if not
for the sake of humanity. Ultimately it
will not be possible for Israelis or
Amerikans to reserve to themselves the
"right" to live in domestic peace and
safety while they deprive the Palestinians
of all basic survival rights. As an Israeli
army reservist said of his refusal to serve
the occupation of the West Bank and
Gaza: "if I'm in the army in the
territories, I'm not protecting people here
in Tel Aviv. Being a soldier increases the
danger to my family here You have to be
blind to think that people under
oppression won't rebel."(4)
The grinding oppression Palestinians
MIM builds momentum for UC Divestment from Israel
live under includes a system of pass cards
and curfews--much like in South Africa
under the pre-1994 Apartheid regime--
so that the Israeli army controls the basic
movements of the Palestinian people.
The constant curfews are onerous,
regularly confining people to their homes
until they run out of food, and for their
inability to get to work they run out of
money to buy food as well.(1) These
conditions, and the fact that the army
does not clearly state when a curfew is
beginning and ending, make it impossible
to abide the military rule. Since June of
this year, the military has killed 15 people
for violating curfews. 12 of these were
children under age 16. The Israeli humyn
rights group B'Tselem called the killings
"excessive use of force" and "a sweeping
means of collective punishment," which
violates international law.(5)
One adult and three of the children
killed for curfew violations died in Jenin
on June 21, when they and hundreds of
residents rushed to shops, mistakenly
believing that the army had lifted the
curfew. An Israeli tank fired on and killed
all four. Another adult, a widower with 7
children, was killed on August 11. A
municipal electric company worker, he
was legally exempt from the curfew, and
drove a truck that B'Tselem videotapes
showed to be clearly marked as that of a
municipal worker.(5)
Just as a military occupation cannot but
kill some innocents, "targeted actions"--
the name the Israeli military gives its
assassination operations-- will take
civilians with them. Two humyn rights
organizations in Israel report that
between November, 2000 and January
14, 2002, the Israeli army assassinated
53 Palestinians, killing 19 bystanders
including 5 children in the process. The
army also attempted and failed at 11 other
assassinations, and wounded a total of
57 bystanders in the successful and failed
assassinations. From January 14 through
the middle of October, Israel assassinated
another 51 people, killing 27 civilians.
To carry out assassinations, Israel uses
gunfire, missiles (helicopter-to-ground
and ground-to-ground), tank fire, and car
or phone booth bombs. It would be
shocking if Israel did not kill bystanders
by these methods. Israel's High Court has
so far rejected to petitions contesting the
legality of the assassination policy.(6)
Of course the ubiquity of "collateral
damage" extends beyond assassination
attempts. On October 13, a Palestinian
toddler in Rafah, Gaza, was killed by
falling debris during an Israeli military
raid. Also in Rafah during the same week,
six Palestinians were killed, including
two women and two children, and 50
others were wounded, all during a
firefight between Israeli soldiers and
While it was claiming credit in the
international press for not responding
militarily to a bus bombing, Israel
clamped down hard with bans on drilling
for water and olive picking in the West
Bank. This is the height of the olive
harvest, a vital link in Palestinian
agricultural economy.(8) The water ban
is an even more immediate danger. The
head of the Palestinian Water has said
that now 225 villages have no water
supply other than rainfall (occasional in
the winter months, but always scarce) and
the black market. "In the northern West
Bank, we have no more than three wells.
For example, Tubas has only one well
for 60,000 people, which means about 12
liters per family per day."(9)
In October, the United Snakes floated
a new co-called "peace plan." For the
immediate future, the plan would see
Israel retain all the land it had occupied
before November, 2000, along with all
the settlements and military outposts in
the West Bank and Gaza that helped
instigate the intifada. The November,
2000 Palestinian borders would be
"temporary" for two years. In 2005 a
Palestinian state could be established,
subject to Israeli conditions on its internal
operations and borders. After both
Sharon and Arafat rejected this plan,(10)
Continued from page 1...
Continued on next page...
MIM Notes 270 · November 15, 2002· Page 9
by a MIM Comrade
Bowling for Columbine, by satirical
documentary filmmaker Michael Moore,
is better than the documentary that made
him famous, Roger and Me, in which he
bemoaned the loss of Amerikan jobs to
poor countries. Bowling is also better
than his recent book Stupid White Men,
which was mostly just dumb.
Using the mass murder at Columbine
high school and the shooting of a six-
year-old by another six-year-old in Flint,
Michigan as starting points, Moore tack-
les the issues of gun violence and mur-
der in Amerika. He makes an argument
in three parts. The first is historical, made
through a cartoon by the animators from
Comedy Central's "South Park." The
white settlers who formed the country
were a violent, paranoid mob that was
shaped in conquest and domination. For
them, oppressing others was a way of life,
and personal violence was a central part
of their identity. They burned "witches,"
raped and killed slaves, then formed the
Ku Klux Klan--and the National Rifle
Association--to protect what they'd
won. Their savage murder spree contin-
ues to this day. He uses interviews with
the Michigan Militia and various other
gun nuts (including Charlton Heston) to
show that whites hypocritically pump
themselves up to be heroes, partly driven
by their racist fears of Blacks, and now
the "war on terrorism."
The second argument is also about
white violence, and he makes it through
an interview with Marilyn Manson.
Manson's music was blamed for the Col-
umbine massacre, because the killers lis-
tened to his music and dressed in black.
In the interview, Manson also says vio-
lence in Amerika results from fear. But
in addition to the media hyping crime and
violence, the culture constantly tells
people through advertising and celebrity
worship that they are not good enough,
and never will be. The fear and insecu-
rity drives them to ever higher levels of
consumption, and the alienation that re-
sults leads to outbreaks of violence like
Columbine. One of the South Park cre-
ators agrees, saying that kids at Colum-
bine clearly got the message that if they
were screw-ups in high school, they
would never amount to anything--and if
they conformed to all the expectations
of them, their "successful" lives would
be empty and meaningless anyway. The
murders took place right before gradua-
Finally, Moore argues that violence
among what MIM calls the oppressed
internal semi-colonies results from rac-
ism and lack of social support from the
state. Compared to Canada, which also
has a lot of guns but not a lot of gun
murder, Amerika lets its relatively poor
people suffer without education, health
care, decent housing, and so on, which
all contributes to violence. In the example
of the Flint shooting, he shows that the
Black womyn whose child committed the
killing was working 70 hours per week
at two "workfare" jobs -- which she was
forced to do by the welfare reform law.
Despite her efforts, she was evicted from
her house. That's why she and her son
were staying with relatives, where her
son (unsupervised because his mother
was taking the 40-mile bus ride to the
mall where she served rich white custom-
ers) found the gun he brought to school
that day.
(Under the kind of socialism MIM en-
visions, jobs, healthcare and education
will be guaranteed to all, which will
eradicate the roots of all sorts of intra-
persynal violence as Moore argues. We
differ from the social chauvinists who
often point to Canada as a positive ex-
ample in that we do not seek to imple-
ment socialist reforms for those within
First World borders at the cost of contin-
ued exploitation in the Third World.)
Moore argues against those who blame
Marilyn Manson and video games, by
showing that the biggest violent role
model in history is the U.$. government.
He goes to great lengths to show this, and
it's the best part of the movie. For ex-
ample, he says the day of the Columbine
massacre was the biggest day of bomb-
ing in the U.$. war in Kosovo, and many
civilians were killed when a school and
hospital were hit. He goes from there to
detail Amerikan wars and interventions
from Iran (and Iraq) to Guatemala and
Chile, from Vietnam to
Panama, naming the
Amerikan-installed dic-
tators and counting the
dead. He even shows that
there is a giant nuclear
missile plant near the
Columbine high school,
where many people in
that town work. To blame
video games while all
this is going on at the
highest levels is just dis-
These arguments are
reasonable partial expla-
nations for Amerika's
gun violence problem.
We find the movie to be
pretty internationalist,
especially compared to
Roger and Me. We are
also glad that Moore
does not call for a ban on
guns, though he clearly
favors much greater re-
strictions on gun ownership. MIM be-
lieves that although private guns are used
to kill many innocent people in Amerika,
the right to own guns is an important one
for resistance against the government.
Moore is a liberal reformist, to be sure,
and there is plenty here that is not cor-
rect or exciting politically. However, his
criticism of Amerikan culture, and espe-
cially the hypocrisy of its leaders and
supporters, is good enough to warrant a
recommendation. Also, there is a lot to
laugh at in the movie, which makes good
use of juxtaposing images and snippets,
and letting politicians and gun nuts em-
barrass themselves just by talking freely.
Columbine satires Amerikan culture of violence
the u.$. withdrew to the Israeli corner,
saying there can be no peace talks until
"terrorism and violence" against Israelis
While the U.$. tells Palestinians to suck
up ongoing assaults, it is considering a
new request for $10 billion to help Israel
out of the economic rut its occupation of
the West Bank and Gaza, and the
subsequent intifada, has caused. A
Hebrew University economics professor
said that since the current intifada started
in November, 2000: "Tourism revenues
have halved. Foreign investment has
fallen by two-thirds since the start of the
intifada [though part of this is the
international slide in imperialist
economies]. I think nothing will improve
until something happens to the peace
process." Most of the aid package would
go to buying weapons from Amerikan
companies, like those the University of
California and others invest in. Though
the Israeli apologists suggest that letting
Israel buy weapons from its own
"defense" industry would enhance the
restorative benefits of the aid.(12)
Either way, ramping up Israeli
militarism a poor plan for stabilizing the
political situation in the Middle East and
insuring long-term economic growth.
The economics of war profiteering have
had their chance and failed big time. In
the end opposing the Israeli occupation
of Palestine is a matter of standing up
for survival rights of the humyn species,
not just Israelis and Amerikans--a basic
plank in any anti-imperialist's platform.
As "Electronic Intifada" website co-
founder Ali Abunimah has pointed out:
"There is an inability for the U.S. to deal
with the objective facts. Five times as
many Palestinians have been killed [as]
Israelis."(2) The Palestinian people have
taken up the struggle for statehood
because Israel has left them no options:
they can have death under occupation,
or make their own history for a chance at
The mounting numbers who are paying
attention to and signing on with the
campaign to divest from Israel are our
hope for some sanity in this country. Stay
up to date on the UC Divest campaign,
take up the demands on your own
campus, help stop the death march before
it's too late!
1. MIM Notes 269, 1 November, 2002.
2. The Houston Chronicle 21 October, 2002.
4. The Guardian (London) 22 October, 2002.
5. Financial Times (London) 17 October, 2002;
Los Angeles Times 17 October, 2002.
6. The Jerusalem Post 17 October, 2002.
7. Los Angeles Times 18 October, 2002.
8. The Guardian (London) 23 October, 2002.
9. The Jerusalem Post 23 October, 2002.
10. The Independent (London) 24 October,
11. The Guardian (London) 25 October, 2002.
12. The Guardian (London) 22 October, 2002
November 11, 2000 -
January 14, 2002
Gunfire, including snipers: 28
Missiles (fired from Apache or Cobra
combat helicopters): 22
Ground-to-ground missiles: 1
Tank fire: 2
Bomb in car or public phone booth: 11
Source: "Report slams `assassination'
policy," Jerusalem Post 17 October,
UC Divestment from Israel
Continued from last page...
MIM Notes 270 · November 15, 2002· Page 10
MIM on
Prisons & Prisoners
MIM seeks to build public opinion
against Amerika's criminal injustice sys-
tem, and to eventually replace the bour-
geois injustice system with proletarian jus-
tice. The bourgeois injustice system im-
prisons and executes a disproportionately
large and growing number of oppressed
people while letting the biggest mass mur-
derers -- the imperialists and their lack-
eys -- roam free. Imperialism is not op-
posed to murder or theft, it only insists that
these crimes be committed in the interests
of the bourgeoisie.
"All U.S. citizens are criminals--
accomplices and accessories to the crimes
of U.$. oppression globally until the day
U.$. imperialism is overcome. All U.S.
citizens should start from the point of view
that they are reforming criminals."
MIM does not advocate that all
prisoners go free today; we have a
more effective program for fighting
crime as was demonstrated in China
prior to the restoration of capitalism
there in 1976. We say that all prisoners
are political prisoners because under
the dictatorship of the bourgeoisie, all
imprisonment is substantively
political. It is our responsibility to
exert revolutionary leadership and
conduct political agitation and
organization among prisoners --
whose material conditions make them
an overwhelmingly revolutionary
group. Some prisoners should and will
work on self-criticism under a future
dictatorship of the proletariat in those
cases in which prisoners really did do
something wrong by proletarian
Under Lock & Key
News from Prisons & Prisoners
Harrassment and
Censorship in Texas
I have previously reported to you that I am
litigating a case against Texas state prison
officials for their making arbitrary denials of
literature to prisoners. I am scheduled for an
evidentiary hearing in November.
On Sept. 1, a new property policy went into
effect in Texas prisons. In July, I had put in
for authorization to possess legal material that
would make my total property exceed the two
cubic feet maximum allowable volume be-
coming effective on Sep. 1. I was told by an
official who does the authorizations that as
long as my property fit into my oversized stor-
age space locker, I would not have a prob-
lem. However, after Sept. 1, I was told some-
thing different.
I put in for written authorization to have
the "excess legal material" on Sept. 12, but
by Sept. 17 I had not received authorization,
and my excess legal property was seized. On
Sept. 18, I received the required paperwork
that I had submitted back, with the notation
"Which Court?" I had written [the name of
the court] in the blank on the form. Obviously,
the officials who are supposed to authorize
extra legal property are up to no good.
In struggle,
--A Texas Prisoner, October 2002
MIM responds: This prisoner is one of
several comrades who are currently fighting
censorship in Texas prisons. As MIM's work
in Texas prisons -- including the campaign
against forced labor for prisoners who are sick
or injured -- continues to gain supporters,
and more prisoners read MIM Notes and get
involved, we expect more of this censorship
and harassment. Watch these pages for up-
dates on the labor campaign and these cen-
sorship fights -- and write to keep other read-
ers posted of relevant developments in your
own cases.
Excited to learn about MIM and
spread the news
Dear MIM:
I greet you today with lots of respect for
the movement that you all represent and for
the enlightenment that you all are bringing to
the people. I'm one who truly knows about
the wickedness of the oppressor. I'm very
serious about wanting to know more about
MIM. I'm also sending you the name of [an-
other prisoner in another state] that I write to
regularly and we're always debating on is-
sues that MIM talks about. [This other pris-
oner] feels that the only ones who are doing
something or even thinking about issues of
oppression, etc. are inmates. I tried to tell her
that the movement goes far beyond these
prison walls; that there's brothers and sisters
that aren't in prison who can see the struggles
and are doing something about it. I would like
to show her how true this is. Even though I
can't send any money to help I promise you
that I'll share all books and newspapers with
the brothers around me and she'll do the same
with the sisters around her.
--A North Carolina prisoner, September
Communism doesn't
deserve bad rap
Revolutionary Greetings Comrades:
I am in receipt of your [introductory form]
letter. . . There wasn't one thing that I didn't
agree with in the six pages that were sent forth
to me. If that is the being and the great cause
of a communist then by all means sign me
up. . . Communism has gotten a bad jacket
because of the men and women in history who
betrayed its system in various times in his-
tory but I'm very much sold on the fact that
communism is what the world needs. I'm
ready to offer my two hands for the work of
the party but I must be educated so that my
work is not done to no effect. . . As I read the
papers of these imperialist controlled presses
I can see where their propaganda can be coun-
tered and so when I do come across issues as
such I'll save the article and write a piece on
the same issue from communist perspective
and send it to you. . .
I'm currently in a dorm environment so it
would be easy to "spread the news" and form
study groups. . . It's also my aim once I'm
released and have gathered up some funds to
purchase MIM Notes and disperse them to
key points.
--A Connecticut prisoner, October 2002
MIM responds: We are eager to have both
these comrades on board and look forward
to working together both inside and outside
the walls.
Illinois: Down with
Menard's seg quota
Menard Correctional Centers Segregation
Unit consists of one abnormally large cell
house, which has the capacity of 490 inmates.
Menard had only one major incident this year
and there's hardly anyone getting into trouble.
So in order to justify using so much space for
segregation, the staff issued quotas for each
population cell house on how many inmates
they need to send to segregation. So the staff
sets out to find reasons to place inmates in
During quota filling time, correctional of-
ficers exaggerate disciplinary reports, by writ-
ing tickets for "intimidation and threat" be-
cause an inmate stared at them too long. Or
they charge people with "gang activity" when
six or seven people are standing in a small
group on the yard. Oftentimes, they can't ex-
aggerate tickets so they talk loudly and curse
at inmates to provoke a verbal or physical
response. If all else fails, they will utilize the
Internal Affairs Confidential Sources proce-
dure, which uses inmate trustees to lie on gang
members. Law advocates say that the inmates
are planning some outrageous security threat,
so that they can lock them in segregation any-
where from 30 to 60 days under "investiga-
tive status." I encourage any and all inmates
to remain dormant to force the staff here to
open at least half the segregation unit's build-
ing to the general population, and at the same
time neutralize Menard's Segregation quota
-- an Illinois prisoner, June 2002
RAIL and MIM respond: The prisoner
is correct to expose the everyday injustice as
prisoncrats use their power to fix their stupid
mistakes. Like this prisoner, we also do not
encourage prisoners to fight the pigs since
they are currently armed and dangerous. The
demand to reduce the size of Menard's seg-
regation unit is a correct one. Segregation
brings with it such increased suffering for pris-
oners as sensory deprivation, reduced yard
time, highly restricted contact with other pris-
oners if any, denial of the ability to work, and
tighter controls on visitation. All this is in
addition to the loss of good time from tick-
ets, forcing prisoners to serve longer sen-
tences before getting the opportunity to pa-
As we point out in every issue of MIM
Notes, the size of the U.$. prison population
is too big and growing, with more prisoners
per capita than any government since Stalin's
during World War II and more Black prison-
ers than Apartheid South Africa. While we
work to bring down this system in its entirety,
for the short term we look to fight winnable
battles that we can win by legal means. Bet-
tering prisoners' conditions now is a good
thing. Any honest persyn can see that getting
the Menard Correctional Center to stop manu-
facturing charges against prisoners is a posi-
tive reform that deserves support. To express
your views to the Warden, write or call (please
send MIM a copy of any correspondence):
Warden George Welborn
Menard Correctional Center
711 Kaskaskia Street
Menard, Illinois 62259
Phone: (618) 826-5071
Tennessee censorship victory
Dear MIM,
I received this memorandum [from the
Warden stating that MIM can send in litera-
ture and he will review it]. What do you think
about it? Do I need to take further steps or
what? When I showed him the brown enve-
lope that was sent back to you, Mr. Warden
told me that he wasn't aware of that and that
somebody in the mailroom took it upon them-
selves to return the magazines. He told me
that he would personally see to it that all in-
coming magazines that you send he would
make sure they are routed to his office, and if
they are in the guidelines of police I would
get them. He asked me to hold on to the brown
envelope so he could make copies of it, and
that he would return it. I let him take it with
him. So have we won or do I need to fight on,
or are you gonna send the magazines that I
asked for earlier? I am sending three stamps
to donate to you because I know it costs to
send mail. I will try to send stamps every other
--A prisoner in Tennessee (WTSP), Octo-
ber 2002
MIM responds: The warden at WTSP sent
MIM a letter claiming he had no record of
mail being sent to this prisoner as well as
another one. Both had been sent copies of
MIM Theory, which were returned to MIM
censored by the prison. After several protest
letters from MIM and the prisoner, which in-
cluded copies of the returned envelopes, the
Warden was forced to admit the censorship
violated prison policy. Although we reject the
idea that educational material sent to prison-
ers needs to be reviewed by the warden, we
consider this a victory over censorship. We
will resume sending in literature to the pris-
oners at WTSP and monitor the situation
Oregon censorship victory
Revolutionary greetings,
For the most part censorship of MIM ma-
terial has been stopped! I did pursue the cen-
sorship of MT7, as well as other MIM publi-
cations, and Kathy Stevens, and the rest of
the administrative assholes in the mailroom
bowed down real quick like. MIM will now
be able to send any material it publishes it-
self, however, non-MIM published material
will continue to be rejected.
I patiently and triumphantly await MT7 so
that I might continue with my education and
In struggle,
--A prisoner in Oregon (SRCI), October
New York censorship battle
Greetings Comrades,
I must inform all comrades that on my side
of the globe, I continue to struggle in a plight
against one of the imperialist system's oppres-
sive soldiers for their confiscation of MIM's
publications and the constant censoring of our
correspondence. My studies regarding how
and what type of legal approach may be used
to challenge these oppressor's are coming
together well, however, any insight from a
fellow comrade is greatly appreciated. the
MIM Notes 270 · November 15, 2002· Page 11
Facts on U$ imprisonment
The facts about imprisonment in the United $tates are that the United $tates has been the world's leading prison-state per capita for the last
25 years, with a brief exception during Boris Yeltsin's declaration of a state of emergency.(1)
That means that while Reagan was talking about a Soviet "evil empire" he was the head of a state that imprisoned more people per capita.
In supposedly "hard-line" Bulgaria of the Soviet bloc of the 1980s, the imprisonment rate was less than half that of the United $tates.(2,3)
To find a comparison with U.$. imprisonment of Black people, there is no statistic in any country that compares including apartheid South
Africa of the era before Mandela was president. The last situation remotely comparable to the situation today was under Stalin during war
time. The majority of prisoners are non-violent offenders(4) and the U.S. Government now holds about a half million more prisoners than
China; even though China is four times our population.(5)
The rednecks tell MIM that we live in a "free country." They live in an Orwellian 1984 situation where freedom is imprisonment.
Notes: 1. Marc Mauer, "Americans Behind Bars: The International Use of Incarceration 1993," The Prison Sentencing Project, 918 F. St. NW, Suite
501, Washington, DC 20004 (202) 628-0871 Reference: SRI: R8965-2, 1994
2. Ibid., 1992 report.
3. United Nations Development Programme, "Human Development Report 1994,:" Oxford University Press, p. 186.
4. Figure of 51.2 percent for state prisoners there for non-violent offenses. Abstract of the United States 1993, p. 211.
5. Atlantic Monthly December, 1998.
publications confiscated are of May 1, 2002
(MN #257) and May 15, 2002 (MN #258). I
will keep you posted on the results.
--a prisoner in New York, October 2002
Tennessee: Warehousing inmates
The iron fist of Shelby County JustUs sys-
tem, under which mostly young black men
fall prey, conspiratorially warehouses its in-
mates not only causing jail overcrowding,
unfit living conditions, and overlapping trial
budgets, but also forces many inmates to serve
more time or charges than the actual sentence
ranges requires. This entire warehousing pro-
cess begins with the arresting officers who
frequently apprehend so-called suspects and
overcharge them with crimes. For example,
there are several inmates who were charged
with aggravated robbery, when the police re-
ports as well as the circumstances of the
charges clearly constitute theft. By the per-
son being charged with aggravated robbery,
by the arresting officer, he has to meanwhile
be placed in an already overcrowded court
system, which if he refuses to `cop out', he
will be given the bond of an aggravated rob-
bery charge and forced to either make an ex-
tremely high bond or wait at the rear end of
the crowded court dockets until he can con-
test his bogus charges, which can sometimes
begin with months and other times turn into
years. All of this can no doubt be simply
avoided if the arresting officer properly
charges the so-called suspect instead of ac-
cusing him of bogus offenses, which wastes
unnecessary time and money, and further in-
tensifies court docket and jail overcrowding.
The repetition of this process is "warehous-
One of the contradictions of the warehous-
ing scheme is that on the one hand the crimi-
nal JustUs system is successfully incarcerat-
ing its prey, young black men, at a record high
of 200 to 400 a month. And the courts conse-
quently issue excessively high bonds as well
as resetting trial dates off at 6 to 9 months
intervals. On the other hand, special courts
have been adopted to subside the over-
crowded dockets and overcrowding of the jail.
The epicenter of the contradiction lies with
the question is how can court dockets and jail
overcrowding be eased when the sheriff's
department allows officers to arrest and over-
charge suspects with bogus charges (in the
name of zero tolerance), which adds to the
burden of the courts to clear dockets, prop-
erty charge, sentence, and close out cases. As
the old saying goes..." actions speak louder
than words." The only actions occurring are
young black men being disproportionately
incarcerated, given excessively high bonds,
and being forced to reside in the county jail
for periods ranging from 2 to 4 years, which
is far too long to wait for a trial.
I have forwarded complaints to the new
sheriff (Mark Lutrell), the federal courts,
mayor and congressman. If there are no broth-
ers stressing these issues instead of `bucking'
about losing institutional `privileges' not
`rights', then the power of the pen would be
more effective. Unfortunately, Shelby County
is not only a blatant racially oppressive
county, but also shelters young black men who
see no benefit or future in becoming politi-
cally conscious.
In struggle,
-- a prisoner in TN, October 2002
Incarceration vs. social
programs: What should be done?
Over the last two years we've seen deep
financial cuts made in every social service
here in Washington state. The only exception
to this has been the department of correctional
operations which got by without having any-
thing slashed and has managed to do so for
many years now.
When you've read the facts presented
herein you may question whether this is jus-
tifiable. If so, we urge you to join with us in
pushing for correctional reforms which would
result in a cheaper better way of dealing with
crime and produce a savings of millions that
could be used by people for social programs.
There's a total of 17 prisons in Washing-
ton State. Fourteen of those were added since
1980 and we have 15, 000 prisoners presently
incarcerated. Along with that, we've seen a
corresponding rise in the prison budget.
Which is close to 1 billion dollars and one of
the state's highest.
No purpose has been served by this because
our approach to crime and punishment failed
over 20 years to produce permanent decreases
in the crime rate. A temporary drop here or
there is the best we can point to in any given
category. And evidence of this sort makes it
necessary to consider new methods which
address these problems without a waste of
To this end we need to shift the approach
we've taken from long term incarceration to
crime victim compensation. Reliance on the
former has justified big budgets for correc-
tions without producing any real solution. Our
emphasis requires a stay in jail or prison un-
til a debt is paid by the offender. Only non-
violent drug or property related offenses
would qualify under the program but this cov-
ers half the inmate population.
This of course makes it possible for you
and others to recover your loses any time
someone is convicted of those crimes. Once
paid, the offender would be free to go be-
cause they were punished to the fullest under
our laws.
Under our plan, prisoners don't simply sit
in prison watching TV when they're locked
up. They pay for their crime in a real way
that helps both victims and taxpayers alike.
By restoring a victims property and empty-
ing cells once their debt's paid off, when a
person's made compensation no one benefits
by having them in prisons using up money
needed for programs hard hit by cuts in our
We seek to pass legislation making this a
-- a prisoner in WA, August 2002
This article was submitted by a prisoner
in Washington building a movement for
schools not prisons. MIM has been fighting
for similar reforms for years and we unite
with this battle in Washington state. To get a
copy of the MIM petition for this struggle,
which is an adapted version of the one de-
veloped by this prisoner (reprinted below)
you can visit MIM's web site at
Politics/MIM/agitation/prisons. If you would
like more materials on the work this prisoner
is doing you can contact him at: Mark LaRue
629174, Washington Correction Center, PO
Box 900, Shelton, WA 98584
MIM replies: We unite with this prisoner
in harshly condemning the high state and fed-
eral prison budgets. And we agree that this
outrageous spending on prisons has done
nothing to deter crime. In fact, prison build-
ing works as a capacity driven system as the
incarceration rate has gone up steadily over
the past 30 years. As this prisoner points out,
this should be no surprise with the concur-
rent budget cuts to social services. With over
half the prison population locked up for non-
violent drug or property crimes, with the dis-
proportionate imprisonment of Blacks and
Latinos, and with most prisoners coming into
the system with little money or resources, the
correlation should be clear.
The change to the system of incarceration
proposed by this prisoner would be progress
for the criminal injustice system because it
would reduce the sentences served in prison.
MIM would add to this proposed solution that
the Amerikan criminal injustice system is
behind the problem, not just incorrect sen-
tencing of non-violent offenders, or misplaced
spending. This solution does not address the
injustice of the entire system, from arrest, to
the courts to sentencing to prisons where re-
pression and national oppression are the
norm. The same people currently being
locked up would still be imprisoned, while
the biggest property criminals, the imperial-
ists who steal huge amounts of wealth from
the Third World peoples, go free running the
country. Prisons would still be used as a tool
of social control by the imperialists, even if
they couldn't lock people up for the same ri-
diculous sentences.
MIM envisions a system that would serve
the people rather than serving the Amerikan
imperialists. As a part of our fight for reforms
that will improve the conditions of the op-
pressed, we need to make clear to the people
that without revolutionary change the oppres-
sive system will remain. We must frame our
reformist battles in this context as a part of
our work to build public opinion.
The concept of retribution also misses the
bigger picture. Property crimes are fueled by
poverty, and locking people up until they
make retribution will not do anything to ad-
dress the problem of poverty. MIM does not
see a way to address this problem under im-
perialism and this is why we put our work to
reform the criminal injustice system in the
context of the battle to overthrow imperial-
ism. We work to build a society run by the
people for the people. This system, after capi-
talism is overthrown, is called socialism and
is run by a dictatorship of the proletariat.
Socialism will still require prisons, but pris-
ons will be used to re-educate those who com-
mit crimes against the people. The goal won't
be retribution, though certainly prisoners may
be made to work while locked up. Rather the
goal will be to create productive members of
society who can go back out and make last-
ing contributions. As a model for this we look
to revolutionary China under Mao. We rec-
ommend the book Prisoners of Liberation for
a more detailed description of the use of pris-
ons for real rehabilitation in China at that time.
Incarceration vs. education: A
stacked Deck
Evergreen State College $2,000,000 --
Prisons $800,000,000
We, the undersigned, object to cuts in our
educational budget when no money at all was
taken from the budget for correctional opera-
tions. Based upon the facts which follow we
believe correctional reforms should be pur-
sued. And the savings made on this should
be used for educational purposes.
There are a total of 17 prisons in our state
and fourteen of these were brought on line
since 1980. The prison population now stands
at 15,000. And the rise in our correctional
budget makes it one of the highest in Wash-
ington State at close to one billion dollars.
In spite of all this, our approach to crime
and punishment served no purpose over the
last 20 years. Aside from temporary declines
which never last there has been no perma-
nent decrease in our crime rate during this
time. And a record of this sort requires us to
review alternatives. Rather than spending
money to lock up more people, without of-
fering them any rehabilitative services, pre-
vention of crime should include increased
spending on education in our state.
In our view there's a priority here which is
being over looked. All of us feel our current
approach is misguided. And urge you to set
us on a better course by pursuing these mat-
ters in a different way and shifting money
from prisons to education.
Name, address, phone
MIM Notes 270 · November 15, 2002· Page 12
Notas Rojas
nov 15, 2002, Nº 217 Fragmento del Periodico Oficial del Movimiento Internacionalista Maoista Gratis
¿Que es el MIM?
El Movimiento Internacionalista Maoísta (MIM) es un partido revolucionario
comunista que ejerce el Marxismo-Leninismo-Maoísmo. El MIM es una organización
internacionalista que trabaja desde el punto de vista del proletariado del Tercer Mundo;
es por esto que sus miembros no son amerikanos sino ciudadanos del mundo.
El MIM lucha para acabar con la opresión de todos los grupos sobre cualquier otro,
naciones por naciones, clases por clases, y géneros por géneros. La revolución es una
realidad para los Estados Unidos mientras su ejército continúa extendiendose en su
esfuerzo por asegurar la hegemonía mundial.
El MIM difiere de otros partidos en tres puntos basicos: (1) El MIM sostiene que
después que el proletariado conquiste el poder estatal, existira aún el potencial para una
restauración de tipo capitalista, bajo la dirección de una burguesía nueva dentro del
mismo partido comunista. En el caso de la Unión Soviética, la burguesía se apoderó del
gobierno después de la muerte de Stalin, en 1953; y en China después de la muerte de
Mao y del derrocamiento de la llamada "banda de los cuatro' en 1976. (2) El MIM
sostiene que la Revolución Cultural en China es la fase ms avanzada a la que llegó el
comunismo en la historia. (3) El MIM afirma que la clase trabajadora blanca de los
EE.UU. es primordialmente, una élite trabajadora no revolucionaria en el presente. Es
por esto que no es el principal vehículo para avanzar el Maoísmo en este país.
El MIM acepta como miembro a cualquier individuo que esté de acuerdo con estos
tres puntos basicos, y que acepte al centralismo democrtico, el método de gobierno por
la mayoría en lo que se refiere a cuestiones de línea del partido. El MIM es un partido
clandestino que no publica los nombres de sus miembros para evitar la represión estatal
dirigida históricamente contra los movimientos revolucionarios comunistas, y anti-
imperialistas. Si Ud. desea una suscripción para cualquiera de nuestros periódicos o
libros teóricos, en español o en inglés, por favor mandar dinero en efectivo o un cheque
al nombre de MIM a esta dirección:
MIM · P.O. Box 29670 · Los Angeles CA 90029-0670
El MIM saca
conclusiones y
calcula la
[Octubre 2001]
El clímax que hoy día se presencia en la
historia, aclara muy bien la política yanqui.
Según las encuestas, el 92% de los yanquis
están a favor de la guerra mientras que el 8%
está en contra de la misma. Un solo miembro
del Congreso se opone a la guerra. El entero
partido Demócrata y el partido Republicano
se han unido.
La unidad de los partidos Republicano y
Demócrata demuestra que el sistema está a
punto de quebrar. La estupidez de los
republicanos y los demócratas en el poder
saltará a la vista del pueblo de una vez por
En EE.UU., la clase gobernante ha asumido
un gran riesgo, del cual tal vez no va a poder
recuperarse. Cuanto más dure la alianza en-
tre los Demócratas y los Republicanos, la
probabilidad de que el pueblo estadounidense
tenga que enfrentar la incometencia por parte
de la clase gobernante en su esfuerzo por
lograr la paz y la justicia, será mayor.
La clase gobernante actual va a gastar 105
mil millones de dólares no más para retirar
los escombros del World Trade Center. Otras
pérdidas económicas relacionadas al
terrorismo alcanzan cientos de miles de
millones de dólares, mientras que las pérdidas
en la bolsa de valores han llegado a los 1.4
trillones de dólares. (1) El dinero que EE.UU.
han perdido en el conflicto hasta el momento-
sin contar los miles de millones de dólares
otorgados anualmente a Israel en forma de
ayuda militar- pudo haberles alcanzado para
comprar la región entera de Long Island con
fin de fundar un estado de Israel. Hoy en día,
gracias al creciente número de policias
federales a bordo de los aviones y guardias
de seguridad por todos lados, la economía
está brindando mucha seguridad pero menos
servicios y mercancías. Esta pérdida de vidas
humanas que se desgastan guardando cosas
en vez de producirlas, es resultado de la
incapacidad del gobierno actual para lograr
la paz y una armonía económica. Sin em-
bargo, desde el punto de vista de nuestro
gobierno actual y el presente sistema
económico, estas pérdidas no afectan el lucro
capitalista; de hecho, es posible sacar
ganancias incluso con establecer compañías
de seguridad. Es por eso que los capitalistas
no se oponen a este tipo de gastos e
ineficiencia. Los socialistas son los únicos
capaces de cuestionar si los arreglos políticos
actuales están malgastando la labor humana.
En cuanto al caso ántrax, durante las dos
primeras semanas en octubre, se reportaron
2300 incidentes de ántrax. (2) El MIM
denomina esto como el principio del señuelo
ofensivo. El ataque de tipo señuelo ofensivo
es particularmente eficaz contra rivales de alta
tecnología y gigantes financieros, como es el
caso del gobierno estadounidense.
Para explicar porqué es poco probable que
una facción terrorista (los yanquis) derrote
por completo a otra alegada facción
"terrorista" (por ejemplo, Osama bin Laden
patrocinado por la CIA) por vía militar, o
porqué es imposible alcanzar aunque sea un
cierto grado de la paz mediante una
liquidación de la "mayor parte" de otras
facciones terroristas, algunos reporteros de
la Internet cubriendo el caso ántrax han
aclarado cómo funciona el ántrax falso sin
que sean captados los responsables de su
difusión. La gente compra guantes y evita
dejar huellas o su DNI, o compra guantes con
1000 huellas dactilares. Lo peor es que las
cartas destinadas a agencias del gobierno
estdounidense pueden ser mandadas de
cualquier lugar del mundo. Cuando la
posibilidad de recibir un sobre con una
verdadera amenaza de ántrax es 1 entre 1000,
la clase dominante no se las puede arreglar.
Por lo tanto, un solo ataque es acompañado
por 999 ataques de tipo señuelo ofensivo.
Una falsa amenaza a la Agencia de
Protección de Medio Ambiente de Connecti-
cut ha costado 1.5 millones de dólares. (3)
Aún con 2300 amenazas recibidas hasta el
momento, a la clase gobernante no se le
ocurre ser honesta con su pueblo y decirle
que es imposible ganar esta guerra y que la
única solución viable consiste en tomar pasos
hacia una armonía económica y social en vez
de dar la bienvenida a la expansión del
dominio estadounidense. Es imposible
defenderse contra un señuelo ofensivo bien
planeado, pero nuestra clase gobernante no
alcanza a comprender que aun teniendo las
fuerzas militares más poderosas y unos
servicios de inteligencia de la más alta
tecnología, es imposible ganar a personas que
posean armas nucleares en forma de maletines
y que implementan tácticas acompañadas por
ataques de tipo señuelo ofensivo. Por ahora,
los casos de ántrax falso son relativamente
escasos. Si los servicios gubernamentales de
China y Rusia decidieran mandar a EE.UU.
correo con polvo blanco o llevar a cabo
amenazas más sofisticadas, ¿se podría
imaginar lo sobrecargado que estaría el FBI?
Por otro lado, dentro de EE.UU. parece haber
cierta confusión. Ya en junio de 2000, una
página web sobre materiales peligrosos
aseguró que era casi imposible trasmitir
ántrax por vía de correo.(4) Este tipo de
confusión sin duda aumenta los gastos del
gobierno estadounidense, y una de las
condiciones de la caída de un gobierno es su
inhabilidad de conseguir más prestamos.
¿Se imaginan lo fácil que sería bloquear
los mecanismos de espionaje con tan sólo
establecer redes telefónicas y electrónicas
capaces de originar señales falsos? ¿Cuánto
tiempo tardarían "los terroristas" a los que el
imperialismo estadounidense les está jugando
una pala pasada, en adaptar la misma táctica?
El uso de esta táctica- el señuelo defensivo -
agobia hasta a los servicios de inteligencia
de la más alta teconología. Es por eso que la
presente retórica en torno a la "seguridad" e
"inteligencia" no puede tener éxito. Cuando
los imperialistas prosiguen con sus planes de
espionaje, señuelos defensivos aseguran que
la mayor parte de la información obtenida sea
falsa. Al contrario, el señuelo ofensivo
contiene falsa información contribuyendo a
que un solo ataque acompañado por 999
amenazas resulte exitoso sin haber sido
No es ningún secreto que el estado de
Florida tiene una tasa impresionante de
desemlpleo porque la industria turística ha
sido minada. Según unos rumores en la
Internet, puede que se lleve a cabo un
bombardeo de DisneyWorld para acabar con
la economía de Florida. Wall Street está aún
más horrorizada que el resto de la economía:
"Muchos inversionistas están diciendo: `No
vemos luz al final del túnel. No han ningunas
señas que indiquen el fin de la presente
recesión económica'".(5)
La lista sigue. Por ahora es el ántrax, pero
existe un sinfín de otras amenazas semejantes,
cada una de las cuales será acompañada por
señuelos ofensivos o defensivos.
Desde luego, EE.UU. tiene la capacidad
militar para matar a todo el mundo, en cuyo
caso ya no habrá señuelos ofensivos ni
defensivos. Sin embargo, según comprueban
los recientes casos terroristas, una economía
en expansión requiere un mínimo de
colaboración global. Es irónico que los
gobernantes de un país dedicado al indiviuo,
no logren comprender que el poder
destructivo del individuo ha alcanzado una
fase en la que la única posibilidad de
sobrevivir y seguir con la expansión
económica a largo plazo se plasma en la
necesidad del comunismo. "Otorgarle el
poder al idividuo"- ¿Acaso no ha sido este el
lema de los fundadores yanquis? Es mejor
que tomemos medidas para llegar al
comunismo antes de que los individuos que
han obtenido el poder acaben con todos
El propio ex-presidente Clinton señaló que
EE.UU. tenía que reducir el campo que
origina terrorismo. Esto significa liquidar las
raíces del terrorismo, sobre todo, el
terrorismo estadounidense que compone la
mayor parte del terrorsmo mundial.
Instamos a todo el pueblo estadounidense
y a toda la gente del mundo que se encuentra
bajo peligro u oprimida por el gobierno
yanqui, a que dejen de tolerar la estupidez de
los Republicanos y los Demócratas que
proponen "soluciones" en forma de
bombardeos, "seguridad" o "inteligencia".
Estos gobernantes están arriesgando las vidas
de ustedes en una guerra que jamás podrá ser
ganada, y ustedes no tienen que aguantarlo.
1., 4Oct2001. "Una
semana brutal en Wall Street," http://
markets_newyork/ ; además, según Edward
Said, (
NLR24502.shtml) a partir de 1967, el
gobierno estadounidense ya ha gastado 92 mil
millones de dólares en ayuda a Israel.
¿Porqué la facción terrorista estadounidense no puede ganar?