from MIM Notes 101 June 1995 LAND MINES CONTINUE TO KILL IN IRAQI-OCCUPIED KURDISTAN AND ACROSS THE GLOBE Amerikan "protection" of the Kurds within Northern Iraq is not only meaningless in the wake of Turkish invasion, but it does nothing against a hidden killer: land mines that remain. The section of Kurdistan within Iraqi borders arguably has more land mines per capita than any other nation on earth, with estimates running as high as ten million mines for a population of about five million. Other areas in the globe contending for the top spot are Angola and Afghanistan, which have a mine per person and Kampuchea with two mines per person. A British NGO working in the area has recorded a total of 1400 deaths due to land mines in Southern Kurdistan, but estimate that the death toll is probably twice that. They are worst during the farming months, as Kurds work in their fields amid mines laid by Iraq that the Iraqi military did not bother to record the locations of. Most of the mines in the area were made by Italian companies and sold to Iraq during the Iran-Iraq war, but the US and France are also contributors to the lethal devices. Globally, the deaths due to land mines are increasing. While 800,000 mines were removed in 1994, 2 million new ones were planted. As of January 1995, five hundred persons are killed every week by mines. "Free enterprise" by imperialist manufacturers will not curb their trade; only the end of imperialist militarism will end the genocide. Note: Middle East Report, 4-5/95, p. 13.