MIM Notes 153 January 1 1998 AMERIKA FIGHTS WAR OF STARVATION AGAINST IRAQI PEOPLE by MC45 By continuing to insist on United Nations economic sanctions agaist Iraq and sustaining provocative spy-plane flights in Iraqi airspace, the United Snakes of Imperialism is making every effort to goad Iraq into taking the first shot and giving Amerika the excuse it craves to launch an all-out war of aggression against Iraq. MIM opposes this and all other forms of U.$. war against oppressed nations as the most brutal type of violence of imperialism against the oppressed. U.N. chief Kofi Annan and members of the U.N. Security Council have tried to push a compromise of increasing the amount of oil Iraq can sell in exchange for war reparations, food and medical supplies. But Saddam Hussein has said that he does not wish to see the oil-for-food program continue because it is another excuse for continuing sanctions.(1) MIM agrees that continuing the food- for-oil exchange is a sick ploy. This compromise offers the illusion that imperialism cares about the health of the Iraqi people while attempting to shield the U.$. from international criticism of its ongoing war of attrition against the masses. Amerika is using its dispute with the Iraqi government to justify a policy of brutality and deprivation against the Iraqi people, and all anti- imperialist Amerikans are duty-bound to oppose this action unconditionally. MIM does not see the current Iraqi government as revolutionary, but we wholeheartedly support the right of the Iraqi people to national self-determination. U.$. imperialism in cooperation with U.N. collaborationists is today the principal barrier to the Iraqi people realizing national autonomy. Therefore it is our responsibility, working from within the heart of the imperialist beast, to oppose all U.$. military and economic intervention in Iraq. Through building opposition to Amerikan imperialism from within U.$. borders, we will make our most effective contribution to genuine liberation for the people of Iraq. SANCTIONS AND OTHER IMPERIALIST METHODS In a letter to the members of the U.N. Security Council on October 2, Ramsey Clark pointed out that by the U.N.'s own definitions this embargo is nothing more than genocide by trade policy. Clark writes: "Genocide is defined in the Convention [on the Prevention and Punishment of the Crime of Genocide], in part, as '... acts committed with the intent to destroy, in whole or in part, a national group as such' by means including 'Deliberately inflicting on the group conditions of life calculated to bring its physical destruction, in whole or in part.'"(2) The mortality rate for Iraqi children under the age of five is now more than six times what it was in 1989, all as a result of the Gulf War and subsequent embargo. Child mortality was close to 600 in 1989 and had multiplied to more than 4,400 in 1995. 750,000 Iraqi children died as a result of the embargo alone by the end of 1996.(3) The language of sanctions, inspections and the need to secure U.$. interests in Saudi Arabia and Kuwait against the supposed threat of an Iraqi attack are all based on the imperialist assumption of Amerika's right to police Iraq. MIM continues to point out that it doesn't matter what Iraq has or hasn't done in Kuwait, and it doesn't matter what Iraq has or hasn't complied to in the name of subordinating itself to imperialist demands. No action on Iraq's part ever has or could justify Amerikan imperialist intervention into that country. MIM calls U.$. involvement in Iraq imperialist because it is rooted in the need of monopoly capital to eventually control people and resources all over the globe. Even the relief programs which have been extended to Iraq in the past are based on imperialist relations. The food-for-oil program, through which Iraq has sold $2 billion of oil to multi-national corporations over each of the last two years is based on the supposed imperialist right to Iraq's natural resources.(1) MIM does not advocate that Persian Gulf countries be graciously permitted to keep all their oil and starve, but it is a mistake to see the current oil-for-food program as a great humanitarian gift. Even if we discount the extraction of resources, the program does not only serve to benefit the Iraqi people, as a large percentage of proceeds from Iraqi oil are going to pay war reparations to Kuwait. DETERIORATING ECONOMIC SITUATION IN IRAQ The embargo, in effect since 1991, has forced the Iraqi government to continue privatizing state industries. Privatization started during the war with Iran in the 1980s. During and immediately following the Gulf War the dinar, Iraq's basic currency, became almost valueless for exchange as prices rose drastically on the black market. In the past two years, the government has legalized black market monetary exchange in an effort to restrain the exchange rate. Now there are two black market exchanges -- the legal one on which the dinar is worth a fraction of its former value, and the illegal exchange on which the dinar is worth even less.(4, 5) Another major effect of the privatization has been to amplify the wealth of the richest Iraqis while doing nothing to help the poor. Wealthy Iraqis who have capital to spend are buying government-sized businesses like hospitals, and becoming wealthier through this ownership. At the same time, the government is offering stocks in its operations to remaining workers so that a petty-bourgeois base of civil employees will remain on the job even while many educated petty bourgeois like lawyers and scientists are becoming small merchants, taxi drivers and other service workers because these jobs offer better pay than their trained professions.(5) DIFFERENCES IN IMPERIALIST OPINION A bright spot for Iraq in the inevitable rivalry among imperialists vying for exploitation rights to Iraqi oil is that Iraq is able to use this rivalry against the imperialists to some degree. Because of the following reasons, Amerika is hesitant to declare Iraq clean of illegal weapons and end the embargo.(6) The United Snakes has secure oil sources in Kuwait and Saudi Arabia. Amerika does not want to see Iraqi oil immediately on the market driving down prices overall. In an imperialist economy which creates no real value military build- ups are important to keeping money flowing. Amerika has attempted to get the U.N. security council to agree that Iraq has substantially violated the terms of the Gulf War ceasefire, which include inspections of Iraqi military facilities and weapons. If the U.N. officially agrees that Iraq has violated the ceasefire, Amerika can go ahead with a military attack on Iraq with international impunity.(6) France and Russia are holding back on supporting renewed sanctions because both countries are interested in future deals with the Iraqi state oil company, INOC. INOC is in charge of all oil extraction in Iraq and a necessary partner in any ownership of Iraqi oil resources. At the end of November, Russia attempted to have Iraq declared free of nuclear weapons in a meeting of a special U.N. body. Iraq must be declared free of nuclear, chemical, biological and missile weapons as one of the conditions to lifting sanctions.(7) Both Russia and France have fewer oil holdings than U.$. imperialism and are anxious to gain access to additional oil.(8) If important U.N. members want badly enough to get their grubby hands on Iraq's oil, they may be able to override Amerika and take some of the heat of weapons inspections and sanctions off Iraq. WHO DECIDES THE BRUTALITY OF A WEAPON? Since Amerika can't see the weapons and since it needs a reason for war, it has accused Iraq of having more chemical and biological weapons now than it did when the Gulf War ended in the winter of 1991. Much talk centers on the destructive potential of these weapons, and on the implicit inhumanity of storing and building these weapons.(9) MIM reminds readers that it is important first to interrogate the U.$. for the same crimes of which it is accusing Iraq. Amerikan policy towards bio-chemical weapons has been inconsistent and hypocritical ever since these imperialist snakes first refused to participate in the banning of chemical weapons in 1907. Demonstrating its hypocrisy even toward a single country and ruling party in different circumstances, the united snakes opposed U.N. action against Iraq in 1984 when Iraq was shown to have used mustard and nerve gases against Iranian troops.(10)Current warnings of the threat of biological weapons from Iraq continue to tell only the imperialist side of the story. In the Persian Gulf War, Amerika used such weapons as napalm and fuel-air explosives against both military and civilian targets, in violation of the Geneva Convention. A fuel-air explosive releases a "shockwave" whose "concussive force would surely rupture internal organs or eardrums of Iraqi soliders pinned down in their bunkers. This is not even to mention incineration and asphyxiation, as the fire storm of the bomb sucks all of the oxygen out of the area."(11) Even after the war was over, Amerikan armed forces used both biological and chemical weapons on the "Highway of Death," a road from Kuwait to Iraq along which retreating Iraqi troops and Palestinian, Jordanian, and other war refugees travelled at the end of the 1991 war.(12) And within united snakes borders police and prison guards continue to use pepper spray -- the main ingredient of which was outlawed for use as a weapon by the United Nations Biological Weapons Convention in 1972 -- against demonstrations and crowds, arrestees and prisoners.(13)MIM calls on all anti-imperialist activists and on those currently focused on the human rights of Iraqi civilians to join us in our efforts to prevent this war. It is not enough to oppose sanctions and respect the decisions of the United Nations. We must recognize that no imperialist intervention in Iraq can be justified. Amerika's crimes at home and abroad are recounted consistently in the pages of MIM Notes. Join us in our work to fight the imperialist monster, and to expose and oppose all forms of oppression. NOTES: 1. "Talk of the Nation," National Public Radio 5 December, 1997 2. http://www.Al-Bushra.org/iraq/clark.htm. 3. "Embargo Factsheet," http://www.Al- Bushra.org/temp/embargo.htm. 4. CIA World Factbook. 5. "Nation for Sale? In Iraq, War and Embargo have cleared the path for privatization," http://www.Al- Bushra.org/temp/aziz.htm. 6. MIM Notes 152 15 December, 1997. 7. New York Times 22 November, 1997. 8. New York Times 22 October, 1997. 9. New York Times 2 May, 1997. 10. "The pot calling the kettle black: A history of bio-chemical weapons," http://www.Al- Bushra.org/temp/grossman.htm. 11. Ramsey Clark and others, War Crimes: A Report on United States War Crimes Against Iraq. Maissoneuve Press (Washington, D.C.: 1992), p. 86. 12. Ibid, p. 18. 13. Michigan Daily 24 November, 1997 and MIM Notes #149 1 November, 1997. * * *