MIM Notes 170, September 15, 1998 CONTINUED U.$. ATTACKS AGAINST IRAQI PEOPLE Saturday following the U.$. attack on Sudan and Afghanistan, an Iraqi newspaper published documents which contradict the Amerikkkan story of chemical weapons production. The documents showed that Iraq had bought medicines from the plant. The purchase of pharmaceutical products and medicine from Al-Shifa had been approved by the United Nations. The documents were initialed by the U.N. Security Council's sanction committee and this was confirmed by the United Nations the day following the cruise missile attack.(1) As a result of the release of this information the United Snakes was forced to change its story. It then claimed a link between the bombed Sudanese plant and alleged development of chemical weapons in Iraq. Countering the growing outrage at the bombing, the United Snakes said that it "believes that senior Iraqi scientists were helping to produce elements of the nerve agent XV at [Al-Shifa]." The U.N. stated that Al-Shifa had a $200 million contract to provide Iraq with medicines.(2) This is under the oil-for-food program which allows Iraq to sell limited amounts of oil to purchase badly needed basic living supplies. During the 1991 attack against Iraq, the imperialists killed an estimated 200,000 people and virtually demolished the entire infrastructure of the country through direct bombings. But the war did not end when U.$. troops stopped bombing the people. The ongoing warfare waged through the economic blockade and continuing military threat has lead to the death and suffering of approximately 1.5 million Iraqi people. The measly oil-for-food agreement to allow Iraq to sell about $2 billion in oil a year to buy basic human necessities is severely threatened by the recent events and U.$. proclamation to intensify its war. (See MIM Notes #153 for information on the affects of sanctions and MIM Notes 152, 157, 158 for more information on the continuing U.$. war against the Iraqi masses.) Amerikan policy toward chemical weapons has been inconsistent and hypocritical ever since these imperialist snakes first refused to participate in the banning of chemical weapons in 1907. In the Persian Gulf War, Amerika used such weapons as napalm and fuel-air explosives against both military and civilian targets, in violation of the Geneva Convention. Even after the formal end of the war, the United Snakes used chemical and biological weapons against retreating Iraqi troops and Palestinian, Jordanian and other refugees traveling on what became known as the "Highway of Death" at the end of 1991. While the United Snakes maintains that it is on a gallant mission to end the accumulation of chemical weapons and terrorist use, the facts show that it is the use of terrorist force and such weapons by the United Snakes that has murdered more of the world's people than any other organization or country during World War III. Notes: 1. Reuters. 22 August 1998. 2. AFP. August 21 1998. * * *