MIM Notes 184 April 15, 1999 Amerikan court finds weapons inspection team guilty On March 10, 11 members of a citizen inspection team were found guilty of trespass for an incident at the Raytheon weapons production facility on October 26, 1998. The team, comprised of pacifists, hoped to gain access to a missile plant, identify weapons of mass destruction and then work to eliminate them. In response, Raytheon called the police and had the eleven arrested. The defendants argued a necessity defense, where by the "harm" of their trespass was outweighed by the harm caused by weapons of mass destruction. The jury rejected the argument, and they were sentenced to probation. MIM sees no harm in this "trespassing" since it's Raytheon's land was stolen in the first place from the First Nations. And the parallel to the U.$. war against Iraq should be clear to all our readers. When Iraq refused to comply with UNSCOM weapons inspectors -- or when Iraq did in fact comply but UNSCOM manipulated the truth - - bombs fell from the Amerikan planes. When "citizens inspection teams" in Massachusetts attempt to inspect for weapons of mass destruction, the pigs get out the handcuffs. Note: Boston Globe March 13, 1999, p. B3.