Analysis of fascism & current imperialist war in Yugoslavia by MC12 In World War II, the communists correctly made a united front against fascism. They temporarily allied with the Amerikan imperialists to defeat the fascism of Germany, Italy, Japan and their allies. It is important to remember why this was the right thing to do when we are discussing what is best in the case of the Amerikan war against Yugoslavia. The first point MIM has been making is that Yugoslavia is not imperialist. World War II was a war between imperialist powers. The communists correctly judged that the German fascist imperialists were the worse enemy -- that they not only were committing genocide against Jews, Roma (Gypsies) and others, as well as wiping out other groups such as gays -- they were also directly threatening socialism in the Soviet Union, and threatening democracy in the imperialist countries. Likewise, the Japanese fascists were perpetrating expansionist aggression outside of their borders in Asia. Fascism is the middle classes and the labor aristocracy, led by the bourgeoisie, in opposition to the proletariat. It brings the middle classes and labor aristocracy on board with the big bourgeoisie's agenda. In the process, it is less democratic within the mother country, and more belligerent against oppressed nations and other capitalist powers. Genocide as it is popularly defined - - the outright, direct attempt to exterminate whole peoples -- is not a necessary part of defining fascism. And, imperialist countries have been genocidal even when they were not principally fascist -- Amerika in its early years being a prime example. So we have to understand what fascism is, and not just use it as a buzzword for what looks like really bad capitalism or imperialism. Imperialists have committed genocide before (that's how Amerika got to be where it is now, literally!). Imperialists have undermined democracy in many places, or not allowed it to develop in the first place. And imperialists have obviously expanded all around the globe, perpetrating colonialism and neocolonialism, running as much of the whole world as they can for their own economic and strategic interests. So the Amerikan imperialists were not morally better than the fascist imperialists. Defeating Germany and its allies did not stop imperialism from causing the premature deaths of hundreds of millions of people in the Third World in the next 50 years. It did help the Soviet Union, it made socialism in China possible (1949- 1976), preserved some democratic freedoms in the other imperialist countries (which helped us build our movements), and prevented some outright genocide. So, is Yugoslavia a fascist power now, such that communists should advocate that the proletariat once again temporarily unite with the Amerikan imperialists to stop them? MIM does not believe that Yugoslavia is fascist. The Yugoslavian state is certainly perpetrating crimes against the Albanian people in Kosovo. Yugoslavia -- which was economically gutted when Slovenia and Croatia split off to join western European capitalism -- has been left with a relatively strong state, including a big leftover military from its Soviet client-state days, and a weak economy. That is a bad recipe for belligerence and aggression against others, not unlike the situation of Iraq before being devastated by Amerika in the 1990s. But we do not see a capitalist state with a strong bourgeoisie leading an alliance of the middle classes and labor aristocracy and threatening other countries. We do not see a large labor aristocracy there, happy to use the state's oppression of others to increase their share of imperialist pie. We do not see that lending our support to the imperialist intervention there stops a greater harm than the harm we would cause by strengthening imperialism. People who support the imperialist intervention in Yugoslavia are in effect saying that the status quo before Serbian aggression was OK. They don't see the vast destruction and exploitation perpetrated by imperialist powers and their clients right now all over the world. They are saying: "Look at this bad thing on CNN! Can't someone stop it?!" That's a good question, but supporting NATO bombing is a bad answer. The ugly truth is that the world is in bad shape, that there are no easy answers, and that the imperialists won't get us out of this mess. Even if the NATO bombing were to have stopped Yugoslavian atrocities in Kosovo, which is not the case, it would have been in support of the even greater crimes of imperialism the world over. The beautiful truth is that the oppressed peoples of the world themselves do have the power to rise up in resistance and overthrow the imperialists and their war machines. The success of that struggle is the future of humanity. The primitive stage of that struggle's development -- and the losses we suffer from our relative weakness -- is the call to arms for all those who know we can be victorious.