LETTERS TO MIM Oppose U$ imperialist war against Yugoslavia Dear MIM, I have been able to follow Amerikkka's version of the "Crisis in Kosovo" and to me its a classic case of imperialism vs. fascism. So from a military standpoint this is a win, win situation. But politically, the imperialists are trying to use fascism to justify imperialist aggression and the fascists are trying to use anti-imperialism to gain popular support. Any country that does not allow the free flow of foreign capitalism, Amerikkka is going to be hostile to. So Amerikkka sees in this crisis a change to open up and secure new markets while appearing not to be anti-Islamic. But if the Amerikkkan imperialists really cared about ethnic Albanians, then the refugees would be able to find them a home in Amerikkka. Was this war a success? Well, the stock market closed at over ten thousand for the first time in history. But at the same time, we cannot allow fascists to be portrayed as champions of the people. So choosing any side in this conflict is a lose, lose situation. Moja Mafundisha! -- an Ohio prisoner, 4 April 1999. MIM RESPONDS: We agree with this letter writer that choosing sides in this war in Yugoslavia is a lose, lose situation if all we can chose from are the imperialist dictated sides. In fact, though, we do chose a side, we chose the side of the international proletariat which includes the Serbian and Albanian exploited workers. Unfortunately our side is not organized in any kind of revolutionary resistance right now in the Balkans and so the best that we can do here in the u.s. is come out strong in opposition to the imperialist bombings and explain how the situation in Yugoslavia was created by capitalism and will not be solved by imperialist militarism. We disagree though, that this is a war between fascism and imperialism. In fact Milosevic represents the reactionary national bourgeoisie, also called the comprador bourgeoisie, in Serbia. He uses rhetoric of national chauvinism to help gain the allegiance of the Serbian people, and he has attacked the Albanians in Kosovo using this rhetoric. The current situation in Yugoslavia is not like World War II, where communists allied with one imperialist bloc against the other, fascist imperialist bloc. At that time, there was a socialist state to defend against the aggression of the fascists. The USSR was also strong enough to keep the u.$. imperialists' mitts off of much of liberated Europe after the war. Today there are no socialist countries in the world, and there is no independent power we know of in Kosovo to resist Amerikan domination should Amerika defeat Yugoslavia and occupy Kososvo. During WWII, the communists were correct to ally with the allies against the more immediate enemy, the Nazis. But this is not the same situation, and in this case we can not win by taking the side of one imperialist or imperialist puppet against another. Dear MIM, Hello, i recently received a mailer to join RAIL. But i have a few questions for you. As far as i have been informed, this guy that's doing all that ethnic cleansing stuff seems like a Hitler reincarnate: he has lowered the price of gas, created jobs, and improved the economy while performing cold blooded murder motivated by the desire to rid "his" country of a certain ethnic group. Albanians are leaving by the hundreds of thousands because they have no means to fight back. This guy is murdering the elderly, women, children, and men with no remorse. He thinks that this genocide is justifiable. I too do not believe in war and agree with the feeling that imperialism is evil and agree with the fact that the "u.$." has contributed to such violence in the past. However, as we are supposed to have learned from the past, i support nato intervention in finding homes for these albanian refugees and the attempt to stop serbian violence. Nobody yelled at the jews to take care of their own problems when Hitler decided he didn't like them. And the u.s. has even been criticized for not intervening quickly enough to end that genocide. I would hate to see a repeat of WWII because there was an overwhelming desire to let the albanians take care of "their own" problems. The question here does not seem to be the support of imperialist endeavors but has stretched to sustaining humanity. I just don't understand how you could not support that. --a reader in the west MIM responds: We disagree that u.$. and NATO intervention actually helps the Kosovar Albanians. And we do not see any evidence that u.$. has learned from history anything that would serve the interests of the majority of the world's people. Our first response to this letter and the many similar questions we have been asked since the bombing of Yugoslavia began is to ask a question of our own: Why does the u.$. get involved here, while supporting genocidal regimes in Turkey and Indonesia (for starters)? Milosevic is a chauvinist who spells bad news for oppressed and exploited Kosovar Albanians and Serbs. But we do not think it is "writing off" or dismissing the problems of the Kosovar Albanians and Serbs to say that they can solve these problems themselves - at the very least they'll be better able to do so without the u.$. and Germans meddling in their affairs and buying off one faction and bombing the other. The fact is that there is plenty of historical precedent for oppressed peoples liberating themselves without u.$. aid. The Yugoslavians and Albanians, for example, fought a successful guerrilla war against the Nazis. They kicked out the invaders themselves - they didn't need the Amerikan troops to do it for them. Most of the Hitler references being tossed around by the u.$. media is jingoist hype. Nazi imperialism was qualitatively different than the reactionary nationalism of Milosevic, in that it aggressively occupied foreign territory. The Serbs are not imperialist, and the whole question of whether Kosovo is part of Yugoslavia or not is very thorny (whereas Poland and France were clearly not part of Germany). The point is, there is no good reason for oppressed and exploited peoples like the Albanians and Serbs to be fighting each other. The fighting going on the former Yugoslavia is partly the fault of local reactionaries, but also in large part the fault of players like the u.$. and Germany, who have actively sought to divide the peoples of Yugoslavia and install regimes friendly to them. The U.$. has the largest military, the worst track record as far as actually using their military is concerned and is the biggest arms merchants. The best way people living in the u.$. can help eliminate war worldwide is to oppose u.$. imperialism. To our readers: Struggle is an essential aspect to building unity behind proletarian internationalism. If you want to help build opposition to the U$ war against Yugoslavia in the context of anti- imperialism in your area, send for copies of a brief pamphlet made by Missouri RAIL. Bundles of 100 cost $11. And if you want to help distribute a wider array of anti-imperialist information, see the ad on page two to become a MIM Notes distributor.