Turkey marks Ottoman Empire anniversary Ironically, Turkey celebrated the 700th anniversary of the "Ottoman Empire"s birth on April 8th. It was the Ottoman Empire that conquered Albania and defeated the Serbs in Kosovo in 1389. That historic battle is one reason that nationalist Serbs attach importance to war in Kosovo. A Ph.D. in Turkey marking the birth of the empire said about the war in Yugoslavia: "Behind these incidents, there are fascist approaches and several ideas remaining from communism. The atmosphere of peace and tranquility have never been installed again after the withdrawal of the Ottoman Empire from these places." Serbia did not get Kosovo back until the Balkan Wars just before World War I this century. Even then Kosovo switched back into Albanian hands once in World War I and again in World War II. MIM does not know the ulterior motives of Turkish liberal patriots to publish such nationalist drivel at this time, and in English no less. Certainly the effect is to whip up reactionary nationalism. Nonetheless, perhaps many Amerikans will laugh at this while catching a glimmer of self-recognition. It is always easier to see appalling reactionary nationalism in other people. Source: www.turkishpress.com