MIM Notes 186 May 15, 1999 European intellectuals split over U$/NATO bombing by MC206 The u.$.-NATO attack on Yugoslavia provoked strong protests from many Europeans, and also revealed the true imperialist allegiance of many former anti-militarists and anti-imperialists. Playright Harold Pinter called the humanitarian justification for the NATO bombing "clearly a very bad joke". According to Pinter, the recent war is the result of a u$ policy summarized as: "Kiss my arse or I'll kick your head in." In Germany, hundreds of Green Party members turned in their membership cards in protest of the Greens' endorsement of the bombing - including the deployment of German planes over the same cities Germany bombed 45 years ago. The dissident members also painted "Green Warmongers" on the walls of party headquarters. The German Greens are learning something they should have known all the long: To win at the imperialists' electoral shell game, you have to play by their rules. This is why MIM does not make elections a part of its strategy for seizing power at this stage in the struggle in the u.s. and other imperialist countries. According to Agence France Presse, former east German favorite daughter Christa Wolf "deplored the bombing but admitted she could see little alternative." So much for the anti-imperialism of the revisionist GDR and its social-democratic critics. On the other hand, over 150,000 protesters turned out for anti-war protests in Germany on Easter Monday.