MIM Notes 187 June 1 1999 Euro labor aristocracy chimes in on Kosovo Western European NATO members are justified in supporting the bombing of Yugoslavia, because otherwise they would be swamped by Albanian refugees from Kosovo - that was the reactionary, protectionist perspective of a German student at a recent RAIL forum on the war in Yugoslavia. People living in the u.$. are certainly familiar with anti-immigrant chauvinism. Those people take our jobs, say the labor aristocrats, they're a burden on our social services, they spend all our tax money. None of this is true, as MIM pointed out after the passage of Proposition 187 in California, which denied undocumented immigrants access to social services like schools and hospitals.(1) But emotion and the chauvinist ideological perspective of the labor aristocracy often override the facts. The labor aristocracies in Western Europe have similar attitudes towards immigration. The rise of fascist movements in England, France, and Germany is one indication of this. But the German student went beyond the usual "close the borders" rhetoric, to say that people should be bombed in order to stop refugees from coming to Western Europe (despite the fact that Western Europe has taken in only a handful of the refugees, while poor Balkan countries like Albania and Macedonia have taken the majority). Other audience members argued that actually the number of refugees from Kosovo increased greatly as a result of the bombing. The German student responded that such high numbers of expulsions were inevitable and not a product per se of the bombing. There is no clear evidence that this would have been true. The conflict in Kosovo could have taken a number of different turns without the NATO bombing. But it doesn't matter how many refugees would have come to Germany with or without the bombing. The borders of the imperialist countries should be open all. Most of the world's immigrants and refugees are created by the poverty and war endemic to capitalism and exacerbated by imperialism. It is the duty of the people living in imperialist countries to overthrow imperialism at home and help the peoples of the oppressed nations by paying reparations for centuries of exploitation and military devastation. Note: MIM Notes, December 1994. Article edited by MC206.