MIM Notes 187 June 1 1999 NATO guaranteed 'peace' failure by demanding occupation of Yugoslavia by MC5 & MC12 Diplomats offering Serbian leader Milosevic a peace treaty knew all along they would fail, because they offered impossible terms for him to sign before the bombing started. It is a real testimony to the ignorance and imperialist chauvinism of major media reporters and executives that no one reported on the Western side of the story. No state leader would have signed the peace treaty offered by NATO: NATO asked to occupy all of Yugoslavia, not just Kosovo. The facts about the peace treaty NATO offered support Noam Chomsky's contention that U.$. diplomacy often uses the tactic of making a situation worse to set up stepping in as an apparent savior. Phony Maoists in Germany have pointed out the relevant facts to MIM. The truth is the truth, even when it comes from phony Maoists and homophobes. Walter Grobe of verlag@neue- einheit.com pointed out the following, from Appendix B of the draft treaty of Rambouillet: "8. NATO personnel shall enjoy, together with their vehicles, vessels, aircraft, and equipment, free and unrestricted passage and unimpeded access throughout the FRY [Federal Republic of Yugoslavia -ed.] including associated airspace and territorial waters. This shall include, but not be limited to, the right of bivouac, maneuver, billet, and utilization of any areas or facilities as required for support, training, and operations." Also: "3. The Parties recognize the need for expeditious departure and entry procedures for NATO personnel. Such personnel shall be exempt from passport and visa regulations and the registration requirements applicable to aliens. At all entry and exit points to/from the FRY, NATO personnel shall be permitted to enter/exit the FRY on production of a national identification (ID) card. NATO personnel shall carry identification which they may be requested to produce for the authorities in the FRY, but operations, training, and movement shall not be allowed to be impeded or delayed by such requests." "6. (a) NATO shall be immune from all legal process, whether civil, administrative, or criminal. "(b) NATO personnel, under all circumstances and at all times, shall be immune from the Parties' jurisdiction in respect of any civil, administrative, criminal, or disciplinary offenses which may be committed by them in the FRY. The Parties shall assist States participating in the operation in the exercise of their jurisdiction over their own nationals."(1) MIM adds that to make a long story short, after thousands of words of text, the Appendix calls for the surrender of Yugoslavian sovereignty to foreign powers. Such deals from the imperialists are reserved for cases (such as First Nations in the Americas) in which complete domination is the only option, and the "choice" provided to leaders is whether or not they want to openly accept puppet status rather than face military annihilation. The imperialist media's unquestioning description of the "agreement" as a "peace" deal proves their role as servants of the imperialist agenda. Consider the "Q & A on the Conflict in Yugoslavia" that the Washington Post ran on March 28, and keeps on their web site as background: "Q: Why did the U.S. and NATO attack? "A: They want Serbs and Kosovo Albanians to accept a peace deal that was negotiated in France last month. The Kosovo rebels have signed the agreement. But the Yugoslav government - led by President Slobodan Milosevic, a hard-line Serb nationalist - has refused to go along, objecting to foreign peacekeepers who would be sent INTO KOSOVO under the accord. NATO told Milosevic that if he didn't accept the peace deal, his forces would be bombed. He refused anyway, and so the bombing has begun."(emphasis added, 2) The Washington Post continues the lie that the NATO troops would only be in Kosovo, and adds that refusing to completely surrender sovereignty to the U.$. and NATO makes Milosevic a "hard-liner," the universal Amerikan media term for whoever disagrees with the U.$. Whatever the circumstances in Yugoslavia were before, the Amerikan intervention at Rambouillet guaranteed the failure of the "peace" process. The plan was clearly complete NATO/Amerikan domination, one way or the other. Notes: 1. The complete Interim Agreement for Peace and Self-Government In Kosovo is at http://jurist.law.pitt.edu/kosovo.htm. 2. Washington Post at http://www.washingtonpost.com/wp- srv/inatl/longterm/balkans/overview/overvie w.htm