MIM Notes 192 August 15 1999 Letters NRA and government hypocrisy Dear MIM, I know that we have no rights only power struggles, and I know that the National Rifle Association (NRA) is not a progressive organization by any stretch of the imagination, nor is the NRA lobbyists for prisoners' rights. But yet you have prisoners (under the influence of Ohio's Fascist Prison Network) in Ohio who have nothing better to do than sit around mimicking the words of the NRA. They claim that the only reason why the "Jewish controlled" media is publicizing so much gun violence is so the government can take away the right to bear arms. These fascist wanna-bes act as if they don't realize that the government has already take away their rights to bear arms, and if any ex-convict went to an NRA meeting with a gun in their hand, the NRA would confiscate their weapon at gun point and hold them there until the police came to haul them off back to prison. Now, if the NRA was truly a progressive organization (whether they liked prisoners or not) they would be taking Amerikkka to task on the issue of the fact that there is nothing in the constitution that says once a person is convicted of a crime, that person (forever) loses their constitutional right to bear arms. -- a prisoner in Ohio, 5 June1999 P.S. This institution made me send all the books sent by MIM home but under the pressure of outside lawyers, they are reviewing their policy of not allowing non-religious books. MIM responds: We'd add to this that not only does the government take away former prisoner's rights to bear arms, but it also takes away their vote, and it takes away their ability to get housing or a job by branding them for life with the label criminal. The government is passing more and more laws which re-incarcerate prisoners who have served their time. This is taking away prisoners' supposed right to live outside of prison once their time is served. MIM received the following in response to our work to end the imperialist death grip of debt on Third World countries in conjunction with the Jubilee 2000 movement. More info on Jubilee 2000 campaign Dear MIM, First, there were four sums of money discussed [by the imperialists as amounts of Third World debt to forgive]: a) $30b: Original HIPC proposal; Jubilee 2000 doesn't count this. b) $25b: Early agreement achieved by Jubilee 2000. c) $25b: increase proposed by Gordon Brown (19 Feb 99) d) $20b: further increase proposed by Clinton (22 Mar 99) "Total debts of the 52 countries identified for assistance by Jubilee 2000 amount to $371b", almost 4 times the grand total. A cynical view of HIPC: IMF/WB recognized they would never recover the $30b. So they decided to try to get something for it: Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs). SAPs help the 1st world: they keep wages low, force the 3rd world to produce cash crops for export, this reduces global prices on 1st world imports. The West installed the dictators. The West loaned them the money. The West should take the losses. -- a supporter in the east. MIM responds: We print this letter because it helps to make clear that the imperialists are trying to look good by saying they will give debt relief to the poorest countries but in fact they are offering to forgive only the amount of money that will never be repaid regardless of what they do. And in exchange for this, the imperialists are insisting on harsh Structural Adjustment Programs (SAPs) which will give them greater economic and political control over these Third World countries while further impoverishing these countries. But we would add that there is no real loss to be taken by the West: while a small number of loans will not be repaid with interest, the West was not lending money to Third World countries just to make money off the interest. These loans gave imperialist countries significant control over the economies of the Third World countries. The imperialist countries were able to take natural resources, dictate import and export policies, and create conditions favorable to imperialist corporations who went in and set up factories which exploited the labor of the people. In some countries the gain was strategic military bases or military alliances. Overall, even if the loans from some countries are never paid off, the net gain will be on the side of the imperialists.