MIM Notes 192 August 15 1999 Taiwanese demonstrate substance of national question The Chinese people have thousands of years of history together as a people with their own Mandarin alphabet and language. Yet on July 9th, the governor of Taiwan--Lee Teng-hui--made separatist remarks to a German radio station.(1) Currently, U.$.-China tensions are higher than they have been in decades. On July 30th, Uncle Sam agreed to pay China $4.5 million for the 27 injuries and 3 people killed by the May 7th bombing of the Chinese Embassy in Yugoslavia. As MIM reported before, China still does not accept the U.$. explanation of the bombing as being a result of faulty intelligence.(2) The Taiwan matter is something that China has always held suspicions toward the United $tates on, because originally Uncle Sam recognized Taiwan as having the official government of China. It wasn't until a generation after Mao's liberation of China that the United $tates warmed up to so-called Mainland China. Tensions regarding Taiwan are so high that "When a short circuit triggered an air-raid siren in the city of Tainan, many jittery citizens rang up police stations to ask if 'communist fighter jets have arrived,' the United Evening News reported."(2) At the same time, many attributed a two day blackout of electricity to the Mainland Chinese's preparing invasion. While the posturing by Taiwanese politicians has aggravated the situation, it is not possible to rule out that financial speculation was the underlying cause. Stock markets in Taiwan, Hong Kong and China instantly dropped(3) as Taiwanese leaders made remarks that would predictably lead to talk of war to bring Taiwan back to China. An 82-year-old so-called envoy named Koo Chen-fu from Taiwan stressed that Taiwan still favored reunification with China some day. Ultra-right-wingers around the world are now standing for Taiwan to separate from Mainland China. People like Senator Jesse Helms stand for a strong pro-Taiwan policy for the U.S. Government. Gradually since Mao liberated China in 1949 and sent the landlord and U.$. lackey families packing to Taiwan, the Taiwanese have lost their Chinese identity. The reasons are three-fold: money, money and more money. Older people in Taiwan remember living on the Mainland, but younger people are more concerned with the economy. They believe they will pay higher taxes if reunited to the Mainland, because the rest of China is poorer than Taiwan. Taiwan is excellent proof of the economic reality underlying nationalism. With enough money, a people can give up thousands of years of history. Notes: 1. Beijing Review, Vol. 42, No. 31, http://www.china.org.cn/bjreview/ 2. USA Today http://www.usatoday.com/news/world/nwsfri01.htm 2. http://cnn.com/WORLD/asiapcf/9907/30/BC-Taiwan-Blackout-1.ap/ 3. http://cnn.com/WORLD/asiapcf/9907/30/BC-TAIWAN- CHINA.reut/index.html