MIM Notes 193 September 1, 1999 Facts on U$ imprisonment The facts about imprisonment in the United $tates are that the United $tates has been the world's leading prison-state per capita for the last 25 years, with a brief exception during Boris Yeltsin's declaration of a state of emergency.(1) That means that while Reagan was talking about a Soviet "evil empire" he was the head of a state that imprisoned more people per capita. In supposedly "hard-line" Bulgaria of the Soviet bloc of the 1980s, the imprisonment rate was less than half that of the United $tates.(2,3) To find a comparison with U.$. imprisonment of Black people, there is no statistic in any country that compares including apartheid South Africa of the era before Mandela was president. The last situation remotely comparable to the situation today was under Stalin during war time. The majority of prisoners are non-violent offenders(4) and the U.S. Government now holds about a half million more prisoners than China; even though China is four times our population.(5) The rednecks tell MIM that we live in a "free country." They live in an Orwellian 1984 situation where freedom is imprisonment. Notes: 1. Marc Mauer, "Americans Behind Bars: The International Use of Incarceration 1993," The Prison Sentencing Project, 918 F. St. NW, Suite 501, Washington, DC 20004 (202) 628-0871 Reference: SRI: R8965-2, 1994 2. Ibid., 1992 report. 3. United Nations Development Programme, "Human Development Report 1994,:" Oxford University Press, p. 186. 4. Figure of 51.2 percent for state prisoners there for non- violent offenses. Abstract of the United States 1993, p. 211. 5. Atlantic Monthly December, 1998.