MIM Notes 194 September 15, 1999 Pseudo-science promotes religion: Study shows bankruptcy of Amerikan health research by MC53 A pseudo-scientist at Duke University studied the health of people 65 and older, and recently concluded: "attending religious services may be as big a factor in increasing longevity as refraining from smoking cigarettes."(1) Science under the control of the bourgeoisie only serves to prolong the death of imperialism. With half a million people in the U.$. dying as a result of smoking-related illnesses each year,(3) bourgeois science thinks encouraging people to attend prayer services is a worthwhile endeavor. Promoting genuflecting bolsters support for imperialism, as many religious ideologies justify exploitation of the majority for the benefit of the minority. Mysticism also encourages the masses to look toward salvation in a mythical afterlife instead of struggling against real imperialist slaughter and surplus value extraction. MIM encourages readers to take up materialist analysis to critically examine bourgeois claims. All progressive people should study successful systematic solutions to health problems, and work toward an end to the most pernicious source of death in the world: imperialism. Researchers studied the health of 4,000 u.$. citizens over age 65. The study reports a 46% lower chance of death during the six-year study for respondents attending religious services.(1) Yet because the Duke study did not control for increased activity as a result of attending any social function, it cannot even answer whether senior citizens would achieve the same longevity benefits from attending a college class. Most people in Amerika have generous resources for survival. Their parasitic consumption levels have led to more overweight, inactive and sedentary people. The majority is distanced from the production process and engages in little or no regular physical activity. They are left scouring for diet pills, stomach-stapling surgeries and now, religious services to keep them from exploding in Amerika's chocolate factory. Revolutionary China cut a better path to longevity During the revolutionary period of the People's Republic of China, the government and masses emphasized social solutions to health problems. High death rates, preventable illnesses, malnutrition and other health problems were treated not with mysticism, but with proletarian science and struggle. As a result, the life expectancy in China was higher than in the united snakes during the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution(GPCR).(2) Participation in building socialism continued into old age. The elderly were respected as persons fully capable of working in production and in community development. The experiences of revolutionary China show that productive social interaction, physical activity, and participation in social development can keep individuals healthy and alive for more years.(2) Religious activity may be social and it may keep older people more in touch with others, but it does nothing to help them contribute to society. People with mental illnesses in revolutionary China also received much more respect than they do in Amerika. The mentally ill were not drugged and locked in prisons as they are in Amerika. Individuals and their local communities worked together and helped individuals with mental illnesses to develop skills and to better integrate into society. Dealings with both the mentally ill and the elderly in China from 1949-1976 reflected a deep understanding that for all people, deep involvement in productive social life is the best preventive and therapeutic medicine. Without anti-religious coercion, the reactionary notion that the masses must attend religious services was crushed during Chinese liberation. The Chinese Communist Party led the people to understand that religious services and ceremonies were a way for landlords and religious leaders to extract more wealth from the toiling masses. Religious leaders and landlords would demand payment for god to help bring in good harvests, cure illnesses or sustain life. The peasants recognized and eradicated such exploitative ruses.(5) Despite its feudal legacy and imperialist war, China made huge strides in popular health care. It increased its hospital bed capacity by 800% between liberation in 1949 and 1965.(2) Because of the enormous population relative to medical resources, the Chinese trained doctors, nurses, barefoot doctors and other medical technicians to meet the masses' needs. This is the opposite of a "trickle down" approach, in which doctors spend six years studying something obscure such as the effects of religious ceremonies on people over 60 and then go on to work with only the elite population that can afford their specialty services. Instead, research, medical training, medical system organization, and distribution of care were conducted for the purpose of improving the living standard of the majority. During the GPCR, Mao led the masses to fight against elitism and reactionary science through advancement of science for the service of the masses. The Chinese people emphasized treatment through collective help, self-reliance, drug therapy (traditional and modern), acupuncture, "heart to heart" talks, follow-up care, community ethos, productive labor, the teachings of Chairperson Mao, and revolutionary optimism. During the midst of the GPCR, infant death rates of oppressed nationals in New York city were more than twice the rate in Shanghai. Infant mortality in Shanghai was one-third lower than the rate for whites in New York city.(2) Individualist approach to medicine is a failure In typical Amerikan style, the Duke study directs its attention to longevity as a result of individual, as opposed to systematic, improvements. In the next study we could expect the imperialist scientists to conclude that if people in the Third World "get religion," the problems of u.$. military expeditions, exploitation, natural resource robbery, inadequate medical attention and other effects of imperialism will evaporate. But u.$. economic practices reveal the falsity of this approach. In the united snakes, indigenous nations have the highest rates of smoking and smoking-related deaths. The Amerikan rate of smoking- related deaths is among the highest in the world according to the American Cancer Society -- though health statistics in imperialist-dominated countries are inadequate. Between 1986 and 1997 the united snakes increased tobacco exports from about $2.1 billion to $4.9 billion.(4) Exports to Japan have increased nine- times, and exports doubled to the former Soviet states. As Amerika exports its cancer rates for profit, it promotes anti-scientific understanding. In an embarrassment of science under capitalism, a study separate from the Duke one has reported that several types of physical and social activity promote health and long life. This second study includes social, physical and productive activities (such as volunteer community work) as life-extenders for older people. It also draws more correct attention to the role of stimulation and a sense of purpose in life as important factors in physical well- being.(6) In the name of individualism, both of these studies can be funded, and both can no doubt spawn future research positions studying more details of the same initial questions. This is because private academic research thinks in terms of promoting individual health -- so attending a religious service and volunteering at a home for runaway kids are weighted equally as means to improve the individual's life. MIM encourages scientists to learn from the advances of the masses made under proletarian dictatorship. We need researchers to expose the myths of the bourgeoisie. We need medical technicians to create better health care for the masses. Those who are interested in promoting proletarian health care but do not have medical skills, are welcome to support MIM in resuscitating Serve the People healthcare programs like those established by the Black Panther Party and Young Lords Party. Already, prisoners we work with have taken an interest in developing health-related campaigns for those under lock and key. Mao said that the art of the old society should be kept as an educational tool for future generations during the GPCR. The same would be true of such non-sensible pseudo-scientific reporting. Just as people would now scoff at cures through alchemy, the future generations of proletarians will learn how bourgeois science heralded mysticism to bolster imperialism in the 20th century. The difference is that the alchemists did not know better. Now, we have the lessons of the Chinese people under the leadership of the communists to learn from. Notes: 1. New York Times, "Paths to a Higher Plane and Longer Life." 17 August 1999, p. D9. 2. Victor and Ruth Sidel, Serve the People: Observations on Medicine in the People's Republic of China. Boston: Beacon Press, 1973. (Available from MIM Distributors for $13) 3. American Cancer Society website: http://www.cancer.org. 4. http://www.cancer.org/statistics/cff99/tobacco.html#export 5. See Fanshen by William Hinton for useful accounts of peasant struggles against reactionary religious, feudal and imperialist exploiters. (Available from MIM for $20) 6. New York Times 24 August 1999. Science Times.