MIM Notes 194 September 15, 1999 MIM honors accomplishments, mourns murder of Ka Paking The Maoist Internationalist Movement (MIM) sends condolences to the comrades, family, and friends of Ka Paking and his three companions who were brutally tortured and murdered by the u.$.- trained and supplied Armed Forces of the Philippines on August 2, 1999. Hundreds of people across North America became acquainted with Ka Paking through screenings of the documentary "Green Guerrillas" organized by MIM. We were inspired by his obvious dedication to the masses, his respect for and solidarity with indigenous peoples, and his leadership in launching an armed ban on logging operations in his area. Even from the small glimpse we caught of Ka Paking in "Green Guerrillas," we recognized his ability to carry out fearless self- criticism and struggle in difficult conditions. He clearly analyzed the ultra-left mistakes of the New People's Army (NPA) in the 1980s and devoted himself to correcting those errors and winning back the trust of the masses. We learn now that he led the rectification movement in his area. (The Communist Party of the Philippines launched the Second Great Rectification Movement in 1992, to reaffirm the Marxist-Leninist-Maoist founding principles of the Party and the NPA.) Under Ka Paking's leadership, the NPA in his area grew tenfold from 1992 to 1996. The tribute written by Luis Jalandoni of the National Democratic Front of the Philippines reads in part: "He showed a deep respect and appreciation for the tradition of the native population in the area, while at the same time imparting to them the principles, polices and programs of the revolutionary movement. ... "Ka Paking was renowned as a wise revolutionary leader to whom the people came with all kinds of problems, big and small, for advice and help. The prestige and influence of the revolutionary movement spread wide and far, because of his wisdom rooted in the tradition of the people and realities of their everyday life. "Ka Paking showed his practical wisdom in carrying out the log ban of the revolutionary movement, taking into consideration the people's needs and circumstances, the balance of forces in the area, and the principles and policies of the national united front. "With such valuable contributions to the revolutionary movement covering a span of so many years, it is no wonder that Ka Paking aroused the fear and hatred of the enemy." While we are saddened by these deaths, we understand the necessity of the armed struggle waged by the NPA for the liberation of oppressed and exploited people in the Philippines. Under the current system of subordination to foreign monopoly capitalists and local reactionaries, 70% of the population of the Philippines suffers from malnutrition. Easily treatable diseases like cholera continue to kill hundreds. The per capita annual income is $570. Only a revolutionary struggle for true self-determination and socialism can change these conditions. The bloody record of the Armed Forces of the Philippines and armed paramilitary groups in the Philippines confirms that the reactionaries will use arms to defend their power. It is correct to counter reactionary violence that oppresses the people with revolutionary violence which liberates them. The priceless sacrifices of Ka Paking and other martyrs of the protracted people's wars being waged around the world will live on not only in our hearts and minds as inspirations, but also through the flowering of their revolutionary work.