MIM NOTES 195 October 1, 1999 LETTERS What is MIM's strategy to fight imperialism? Dear MIM, Greetings comrades! I'm sorry about the amount of time that it has taken me to acknowledge receipt of MIM Notes from March but I was on "disciplinary sanctions" that led to the confiscation of all property, except a Bible of course. I was placed on sanctions due to my part in supposedly organizing several other prisoners of war (i.e. Political Prisoners) to stop participating in the "program" here at the state's super-max prison and to take some correction officers hostage for use as tools for negotiating. None of the above was going down as they thought it was but of course the pigs panicked and the snitches began the process of creating information that is slop for the pigs that they love so much. Regardless of guilt or innocence I had been too verbal for too long so I had to go down. Another lesson learned. Mastered. The politics of war as I understand them is that you definitely do not tell the enemy who has a loaded gun pointed at your head that you plan on shooting him in five minutes; if you also have a loaded gun you shut up plan, and keep your eyes fixed on opportunity or create an opportunity through subtle means. Anyway, since I'm new at the education that you are giving I have some questions for you. 1. Is modern day imperialism parallel with fascism or does one make use of the other or do they work together? Or are they one and the same with different names? 2. There seems to be a great deal of focus on the material with your movement, (seeking material change) but doesn't this all begin with the consciousness of the masses? I mean "brain-dead" slaves don't go very far seeking "freedom." They wouldn't know freedom if it slapped them in the face ten times on separate days. 3. If an overthrow of the present world system is successful how do you stop the same from rising again? This, to my knowledge, has not been done with any success yet. 4. Don't be offended by this one. If your movement truly posed any type of threat, real threat, to the imperialist system then why are you still around? Why haven't they taken you down as they did the Black Panthers and others? What are you doing or not doing that is giving you operational security? (If you don't answer that one its understandable.) 5. How would you organize a militant section of the party, such as military and warfare tactics -- particularly guerilla warfare tactics? (I'm especially interested in that one as I don't have much time in the camps left.) -- A prisoner in Connecticut, May 1999. MIM responds: First on the question of fascism: imperialist countries can be fascist but are not always fascist, the distinction is between different forms of government and government relationship to business under the stage of imperialism. We have responded to this question in the recent issues of MIM Notes. (Back issues are available for $2 each via mail or on our web site at www.prisoncensorship.info/archive/etext). We also encourage readers to read H.W. Edwards' "Labor Aristocracy: Mass Base for Social Democracy". In it, Edwards examines the connection between imperialism, colonies, the labor aristocracy and fascism. (Available from MIM Distributors for $10.) We agree with this writer that it is important to raise the consciousness of the masses if we hope for them to join the revolutionary struggle. This is why Maoist parties put a lot of resources into education. We know that conditions create consciousness but that it is important for the vanguard to be channeling this interest by exposing the root of imperialist exploitation and oppression and showing the masses a way to change the system. The question regarding the restoration of capitalism is addressed by MIM's dividing line question on the Great Proletarian Cultural Revolution in China. An ongoing revolution that fights against capitalist culture and entrenched bourgeois ideology is essential to stave off capitalist restoration and keeping a socialist country on the correct path. This is one of the important reasons behind MIM's advocacy of Maoism as the only ideology that will lead to communism. We're not offended by questions about why we have not been destroyed by the pigs. MIM regularly stresses Amerikan history of repression and the importance of careful security procedures and semi-underground organizing. MIM has implemented a number of practices to protect our organization as a result of the lessons we learned from the FBI's attacks on the Black Panther Party, the Young Lords and the American Indian Movement. Finally, the question about organizing a militant section of the party is related to Amerika's attacks against revolutionaries and Amerika's general strength. We are yet at the stage within the u.$. to organize an armed organization. Instead, the MIM-led army within u.$. borders is PIRAO, the People's Internationalist Rear Area Organization, which focuses on financial battles at this time. We believe it would only be a set back to take up guns before we have the strength and support to sustain this battle. Focoist attacks on the state will do nothing but bring on greater repression. We refer readers to the essay in "What is MIM?" on focoism or the page six article in this issue of MIM Notes.