MIM Notes No. 200 December 15, 1999 LETTERS Prisoner discovers and struggles with MIM Notes Now, how did I learn of MIM? There is this brother that lives next door to me, who I've always thought was a psychiatric patient. But one day I gave him a USA news paper and he gave me a book on "MIM's Theory". Thus I had an occasion to speak to him. And to my surprise, the brother turned out to be an intellectual political diplomat. We discuss various issues, including the goal and aim of MIM's movement. While I agree with the majority of MIM's concepts, I dissent on others. Mainly on what is said to be the sole ingredient, which will in time, constitute "true peace and stability." MIM advocates an arm struggle to achieve the above desired objectives. I don't know! This is a wonder! OK, lets say the proletariats are successful in seizing power in socialist revolution, and turn the tide on the imperialists. Thereby, establishing themselves as rulers over their former oppressors. Furthermore, the proletariats are given a free opportunity to decide on independent nationalism. Now, tell me, is this accomplishment sufficient to guarantee international peace and stability? I understand fully that, pro-imperialists will not give up their dictatorship and exploitation of the poors, without the shedding of blood! But, is that the way to attain peace? Notwithstanding, I also know that this world is a pulpit upon which man preaches about peace, and there is no end to this talk. For millions of years man has been speaking about peace, but he has not come forward to find peace within himself. My brothers and sisters, how can someone give something he doesn't have?! How can one without love, peace, unity, and justice give these things to others? Can true peace, not peace through fear, be achieved through war?! Know not that our whole entire human history is drenched with our blood?! Still, we have no peace, only wars and poverty! My brothers and sisters, my point is this. There should not only be a vehicle to restore external socialism, but also, one to restore internal socialism as well. We can talk from now till the heavens collapse, but there will never be any real peace and stability, so long as, we the people continue to shout at the top of our lungs "I" "you" "mine" "yours". Without giving up our differences of race, religion, languages, etc. How can we ever hope to bring true peace to the world?! We must give up these senseless labels, and unite in a common cause for the embetterment of all oppressed people. Despite their race, religion, language, etc. Hypocrisy, envy, jealousy, hatred, selfishness, pride, separations, theft, greed, intoxicants, attachments, murder, and falsehood are a cancerous disease to true peace and true socialism. ... I fully understand that something needs to be done! Because the underprivileged can not go on living under these cruel and degraded conditions. Yet still, man must find peace, tranquility, happiness, unity, love, and every good quality within his own live, within his own innermost heart. Only a person who does that can understand the difficulties, the pain, and the misery of others. A man of wisdom will know this, understand this, and rectify his own mistakes. Then he can help others. We must think about this. May God help us all. Amen. -- a prisoner in Florida May, 1999 MIM responds: We frequently get this question of how can the proletariat succeed in ending violence through armed revolution. Usually we agree with those asking the question, like this prisoner, in the end goal of peace and justice for all people. But MIM differs from these pacifists in that we approach the struggle with a materialist analysis. We can see that our enemies, the imperialists, will not put down their guns without a fight. A materialist analysis of history teaches us that the battle to bring true peace to the world must proceed in stages. We can not have everything at once. First we must seize state power for the people. As this writer points out, this will not ensure a peaceful and just society, but we see this as only the first step. With state power in hand the proletariat can set about the task of transforming society. This second stage, the transformation of society, is the socialist period where we are building a communist society. We will need to teach people about unity and justice and materialism because these things are not taught in capitalist culture. We will have to counter years of capitalist training in greed and selfishness. And we will have to keep the old bourgeoisie from taking power back. This second stage of the struggle can not be accomplished without state power. Communists are honest about this and we call the period of socialism the dictatorship of the proletariat. It is a dictatorship but it is of the majority (the proletariat and peasantry) over the minority (the bourgeoisie and their allies). While we consider these debates over revolutionary strategy of tremendous importance because they relate to the correct path out of this cesspool of capitalist misery, we work with many people, including pacifists, who share our anti-imperialist goals. We invite all of our readers to struggle with us over this and other important topics while working with us to expose and fight the imperialist system.