MIM Notes No. 202 January 15, 2000 W.B. Bland turns out to be Hoxhaite MIM has been distributing a book called the "Restoration of Capitalism in the Soviet Union" by W.B. Bland for over 10 years. It turns out that W.B. Bland is a Hoxhaite in the "United Kingdom." There is now a second edition of the book available free on the Internet. (See, http://www.geocities.com/Athens/Atrium/1091/ussrindex.html) The book exposes what happened in the Soviet Union after the death of Stalin in terms of the mode of production. We welcome a review from our readers. W.B.Bland also works with some Hoxhaites seeking to regroup. Hoxhaites uphold Marx, Lenin, Stalin and Hoxha in Albania. They live in denial of Mao's thesis that there is a bourgeoisie in the party at the stage of history when the communist party holds state power. Hoxhaites used to argue against us Maoists that a bourgeoisie can only exist in the party if the leadership tolerates it. Since Hoxha's hand- picked successor Ramiz Alia restored open capitalism in Albania, MIM has not heard any such willing defense from Hoxhaites. Nonetheless, Hoxhaites go on denying reality that it was a bourgeoisie in the party and not external imperialists who restored capitalism in the USSR, China and Albania. Readers will also find the Hoxhaite view of Kosova at http://www.geocities.com:80/Athens/Atrium/1091/ALBANIA-KOSOVA.html