Hackers denounce Rape of Nanking by MIM In late January, hackers penetrated several Japanese government websites and left messages in Chinese attacking the Japanese government's position on the Rape of Nanking. One message said, "The Chinese people must speak up to protest the Japanese government for refusing to acknowledge the historical misdeed of the 1937 Nanking massacre." Japanese troops butchered over 300,000 people during the six-week-long killing spree. The hackers' messages came after a meeting where Japanese ultra-rightists whitewashed the massacre.(1) The Japanese government officially expressed "deep remorse" for Japan's actions in World War II for the first time in 1995 -- 50 years after the end of the war. However, the government did not admit guilt for specific atrocities or make any moves to compensate victims. According to Ami Chen Mills, in an interview with Iris Chang, the author of ITAL The Rape of Nanking END, "the official Japanese position is that war-crimes issues were settled at the Tokyo War Crimes Tribunal -- after which seven Japanese high-ranking officers were hanged, and at subsequent war-crimes trials in China. The issue of reparations was settled in the 1951 San Francisco Peace Treaty, where an approximate $15-per-head payment for POWs was awarded for distribution to the Red Cross. There were no other reparations to victims of the war by Japan."(2) Chang points out: "For decades [Japan] has systematically covered [Japanese war crimes] up... During the rape of Nanking -- just that incident alone -- the number of deaths that resulted surpasses the death toll, the immediate death toll, of the victims of Nagasaki and Hiroshima combined. That's just one incident. And the rape of Nanking was not a unique and isolated incident. There were so many similar atrocities that occurred all throughout China. So few people even know about [them]."(2) Exposing just one other example, over 100 Chinese have demanded an apology and compensation for germ warfare experiments the Japanese army carried out in China.(3) The Amerikan government colluded with the defeated Japanese at the end of World War II to hide Japanese war crimes and protect war criminals for several reasons. First, the Amerikans needed a domestic power base in Japan that was staunchly anti-Communist and at the same time dependent on Amerikan aid. The Japanese fascists, Amerika's former "enemies," fit this bill well. Fascists and their collaborators were reinstated in other defeated fascist powers, like Germany, or territories previously occupied by the Japanese, like south Korea or the Philippines. Second, war criminals bribed their way out of prosecution with information useful to the Amerikan war machine. Amerikan officials granted those Japanese responsible for the biological weapons research immunity from prosecution in exchange for their research results. (The Amerikans later used the Japanese-developed techniques during the Korean War.) This mirrors u.$. actions towards German war criminals, many of whom later played leading roles in Amerikan war research.(3) The Japanese ultra-right has been on the move in the last few years, trying to "overturn old verdicts." The recent film "Pride" eulogizing war criminal Hideki Tojo also downplayed the Nanking massacre.(4) These lies and evasions rightfully cause outrage among Chinese, Koreans, and anti-imperialists around the world. We must do our part to expose these lies and hold the Japanese imperialists responsible for their crimes. Those of us inside Amerikan borders fighting for peace have the greatest responsibility to expose Amerika's complicity with Japanese imperialists and Amerika's own growing list of massacres: From No Gun Ri to My Lai to Bagdhad and countless others. We must also combat the anti-Japanese chauvinism that Amerikan imperialists and labor aristocracy stir up from time to time. Such Japan-bashing -- aside from being viscerally repulsive to proletarian internationalists -- makes it easier for the imperialists to launch an inter-imperialist war that would ultimately bring huge death tolls to the international proletariat. On a tactical note, MIM appeals to "hackers" and others with computer savvy who support MIM and RAIL's independent media projects to devote themselves to the painstaking work of building our computer infrastructure. Coding for the website and such may not be as sexy as breaking into the Department of Defense homepage -- but we don't need a bunch of politicized Kevin Mitnick's doing time. We do need people who see the value of building public opinion through independent media who are free to do such. See "In Praise of Underground Work," in this issue. Notes: 1. Reuters, 25 Jan 2000. 2. "Breaking the Silence," Metro, 12 December 1996. http://www.metroactive.com/papers/metro/12.12.96/cover/china1- 9650.html 3. MIM Notes 145, 1 Sep 1997. 4. MIM Notes 168, 15 Aug 1998.