MIM Notes 211 June 1, 2000 DNA testing expands: Massachusetts wants prisoners to fund growing police state The Massachusetts Legislature has found an additional method for prisoners to pay costs related to their own repression. Prisoners throughout Amerika already work for slave-like wages (if any wages at all) and they pay exorbitant prices for necessary items from the commissaries. Prisons also overcharge prisoners and their families for phone calls, medical visits and a slew of other "services". Now, a panel from the Executive Office of Administration and Finance in Massachusetts is considering the proposal to force prisoners to pay $110 for the establishment and maintenance of a DNA database.(1) We have previously reported the efforts of all 50 states and the federal government to implement DNA testing. The pigs then use the DNA database to allegedly solve past and future cases. Given that Amerikan law enforcement murders, brutalizes and lies to cover-up blame, there is no rational reason to assume that pigs would not tamper with the DNA evidence to suit their interests. In other words, we don't trust the pigs not to falsify evidence to pretend they have solved a crime. But even if the pigs do not tamper with evidence, MIM opposes these databases because they only lead to increased incarceration. Incarceration in the United Snakes does not decrease crime, murder and rape (the biggest culprit being the United Snakes itself).(2) Increased incarceration under imperialism only serves the interests of the settler nation seeking social control and national oppression. While fighting against the entire imperialist injustice system, we agree with liberal groups on a tactical level in opposing DNA databases. For instance, the liberal legal argument is that it is unjust to gather DNA for future use without individualized suspicion. Massachusetts courts suspended the DNA database plan in 1998 because of this privacy argument. In 1999, the courts reversed the decision and DNA collection has begun. This is more proof that, just as in any legal battle, the bourgeoisie will do what is necessary, even breaking its own codes, to continue oppression. Legal battles can be useful to temporarily end tactics of repression, but only revolution will liberate the oppressed. "Paying" for crimes in Amerika Across Amerika, politicians serving white settler nation interests have pushed for prisoners to pay some costs of their incarceration. This goes over well with the tax-fearing white population that still wants a strong police state. But in fact, prisons do not stop crime and are actually a welfare program for rural white communities. Efforts to force prisoners to pay for their incarceration are both ideological and economic attacks. Ideologically, such programs bolster support for the imperialist stance that the real criminals are the ones that are put in prisons. Economically, prisoners are not paid the value of their labor (are exploited), yet still must pay for basic needs and the means to educate themselves. Prisoners hold jobs that peak at 25- 40 cents an hour. But policies like extortion for medical co- payments and charging "rent" prevent prisoners from buying necessities. The financial burden extends beyond the prisoner's incarceration. When (or rather if, in Amerika) a prisoner is released, s/he often has to deal with additional payments to the "victim" or court costs. Released prisoners are virtually unemployable: people are afraid to hire them and their job skills are generally very out of date. Their debts leaving prison make the creation of stability in their lives that much tougher. Amerikan prison system is not about justice The "justice" system has national oppression and the maintenance of Amerikan imperialism as its goals, not justice. If justice were the goal, actual guilt (as opposed to kangaroo court conviction) would be paramount and Amerika would address educational and rehabilitation needs of those who actually committed crimes. Anti- imperialists should always look for opportunities to use a part of the oppressor's system to fight back without compromising the larger revolutionary struggle. While the purpose of the Amerikan state is to use DNA evidence to increase incarceration, DNA evidence can be used to exonerate prisoners. In late February, Peter Neufeld, director of the Innocence Project, spoke at Yale Law School about his work using DNA evidence to free prisoners. Neufeld pushed for the passage of laws requiring states to allow post-conviction DNA testing. Currently, only New York and Illinois give prisoners the right to post-conviction DNA testing. Not surprisingly, it is New York and Illinois that have the highest number of post-conviction exonerations. Illinois has recently released eight prisoners from death row because they were proven innocent. Both legislators and prosecutors spend time fighting the ability of prisoners to prove their innocence. In half of Neufeld's cases, prosecutors oppose his attempts to allow such testing. Neufeld also made an interesting argument about fighting the Amerikan death penalty: because DNA evidence is available now, activists have a tactical opportunity to galvanize the public against the death penalty with a large number of releases of innocent prisoners. In the future, while the white nation courts will still convict the innocent, there may not be similar impressive numbers of indisputable releases. The Innocence Project currently represents 200 prisoners where DNA evidence still exists that could exonerate them. The Project has a backlog of 1,000 cases that met their criteria, and several thousand more cases have not been taken because the evidence has been lost or destroyed by prosecutors. In a study of 70 cases where the prisoner was exonerated with post-conviction DNA evidence, mistaken eyewitnesses were involved in 84%. With one exception, in all of the cases, defense attorneys challenged the admissibility of the identifications, but the settler nation's courts upheld each identification. Police misconduct was involved in 50% of the cases, prosecutorial misconduct in 40% and inadequate defense counsel in 25%. Significantly, the system protects its own; not one of the cases where the prisoner appealed on the grounds of ineffective counsel did the courts grant appeal. As of his lecture, 64 people have been freed from Amerikan jails with post- conviction DNA evidence (8 of these from death row) and another 8 in Canada. For Neufeld and for MIM, in Neufeld's words: "It's not how they got out, it's how they got in [prison]" that really matters. Neufeld also warned that the use of DNA testing will not stop future incorrect convictions. If left unchanged, the same factors that send the innocent to prison will continue to function. We agree with Neufeld on this point, but of course emphasize that it is only through thorough revolutionary overhaul, seizure of state power by the proletariat and proletarian dictatorship that the system will be changed. Reforms of this parasitic and repressive kkkountry will not stop the bourgeois and the pigs from finding new ways to incarcerate the innocent and exploit the oppressed. ITAL Reporting by an ally, analysis and article by MIM. END Note: 1. Laywers Weekly, 6 March 2000. 2. See for example: http://www.prisoncensorship.info/archive/etext/ulk/194crime.pdf