MIM Notes 211 June 1, 2000 Oppose Imperialist Parasitism! MIM report from "Shut down the IMF/WB" rally Over 10,000 people protested the annual meeting of the International Monetary Fund(IMF) and World Bank(WB) in April, in Washington D.C. MIM attended the demonstrations to protest imperialism and radicalize broader circles toward revolutionary anti-imperialism and internationalism. The rallies demonstrated a growing consciousness concerning world inequality, but at the same time showed the ever-present need for scientific analysis and proletarian leadership. Mobilization for Global Justice organized the rally and many related events during the week. Mobilization for Global Justice includes reformist, revisionist, anarchist, environmentalist, labor aristocrat, anti-imperialist and single issue groups. The Mobilization for Global Justice organizes as a loose coalition of these groups with scattered unity on political ideology, strategy and tactics. Many compare the development of this coalition to the Zapatistas and their support networks. While MIM sees potential for unity with some goals of the progressive sections of the protesters, we see it as our responsibility to push beyond unity on slogans calling for the cancellation of so- called debt (which was the focus of one of MIM's 1999 campaigns).(1) Our point of unity with many of the protesters is that exploitation must be fought; our point of departure is that we must do it with the most direct and effective path possible. The police came out in full brutal force to stop the protests. And the city bureaucrats used their powers to thwart organizing. These are quite small examples of what revolutionaries face when waging the war against imperialism. Our goal is to end imperialist exploitation quickly. Maoism has scientifically proven more effective than any other ideology or movement in combating imperialist plunder and in building more equitable societies. What are the IMF and WB? The International Monetary Fund and World Bank are global financial institutions run by the imperialist countries in the interests of imperialist finance capitalists and imperialist nation populations. The World Bank gives out long-term loans, while the IMF focuses on short-term, project oriented loans. The loan provisions and the projects themselves serve imperialism in a variety of ways. It is important to note for those seeking to shut down these two institutions, that they are only two of many. The exploitative conditions resulting from loan stipulations are similar to strings attached from other lending agencies, e.g. the African Development Bank or the U.$. Import- Export Bank. The loan agreements are typically forged with comprador governments selling out the toiling masses within their countries. The comprador governments receive kickbacks from imperialists in exchange for opening up the gates for increased imperialist surplus value extraction as well as product dumping. Structural Adjustment Policies typify the methods used by the IMF and WB to increase the rate of exploitation in Third World nations. Structural Adjustment includes reducing state funding for education, health-care, basic national infrastructure, and other social needs. The country accepting the IMF or WB (or other financial agency) loan generally agrees to lower (or erase) tariffs for imperialists countries and corporations to product dump. The country also agrees to minimize or abolish organizing "rights" and diverts funds from social needs into the military to protect imperialists from the exploited and organized masses. These are some of the structural changes countries receiving loans must accept. The terms of some loans are for specific projects. Usually, the specific project facilitates surplus value extraction for imperialists. For instance, the loan can be specified for a road that helps imperialist country mining corporations to ship the stolen goods back to the empire's nest. Or, as we reported in MIM Notes #199, the loan is for a specific project that is assigned to imperialist nation contractors. In sum, the imperialist contractors get the money from the loan, but the Third World masses must pay back the loan plus interest. As in the case we reported, often times it is for shoddy construction that does not benefit the people. Financial institutions like the IMF and WB also facilitate imperialist exploitation by charging usurious interest rates, which fall on the backs of the toiling masses and their children for generations to come. As of 1998, the total so- called debt in the Third World was $2.5 trillion dollars; $370 billion of which was "owed" by the 52 poorest countries. Sub- Saharan Africa "debt" is over $130 billion, or 83% of the total GNP of the region. In countries like Indonesia, the power of debt enslavement forces the masses into jobs paying 26 cents/hour. Because of high interest rates, many countries will never be able to pay back these loans.(2). The IMF and WB loan out money that rightfully belongs to the Third World people to begin with. Third World countries are in poverty because of past colonialism and present day imperialism. The super-exploitation of Third World peoples by First World multinational corporations is reinforced by imperialist institutions like the IMF and WB. MIM agrees with protesters who call for the cancellation of these so-called debts. We also organize for anti-imperialist revolution within the imperialist nations to establish socialist governments that recognize that the affluence of First World populations has come at the cost of Third World lives. Such socialist governments are necessary to stop Third World exploitation and to pay reparations to nations raped by the First World. Rally demands and material interest The rally, just like the coalition that formed it, was composed of several parts. When evaluating rallies, movements, demands or organizations, MIM looks at the interests being served. Here we break down some of the components of the protests. Reformists composed the largest section of the protest. But there are varied reformists as well -- the better ones and the First World chauvinists. Reformists called for basic liberal changes within the IMF and WB. They carried signs saying: "End WTO Democratically Before WTO Ends Democracy"; "Build Rails Not Roads: Make IMF Support Public Transit"; "Necessary Medication for Every Nation"; and "IMF, World Bank, WTO, Who Elected These Guys?". Some reformists demanding further oversight and public scrutiny of the IMF and WB are allies who can work with internationalists exposing the exploitation of Third World nations. But taking their demands to fruition falls far short of serving the interests of the world's majority. Reformist demands ignore the basic imperialist nature of the institutions and would only provide a band-aid. Some of the better reformists join revolutionary movements after seeing that band-aids are not enough. Other reformists will always vehemently oppose the goals of revolutionaries because they only want to change the ugliest parts of the world, but do not want to pay the price of ending parasitism. Amerikan unions are in the latter category. They call for reforms of financial institutions or the World Trade Organization for their own material interests. Sometimes they claim they want to make the lives of Third World workers better. But the reasons Amerikan so-called working class unions seek reform is to increase the amount of money that they are "earning". What's wrong with that? The amount of money (and pensions, and profit sharing, and stocks and bonuses) that the imperialist nation labor aristocracy currently receives depends on the extraction of surplus value from exploited Third World workers. Some argue that imperialist nation workers genuinely care about the material conditions of Third World workers. If that is the case, then they can demonstrate it by stopping the flow of superprofits to the First World. Another prominent grouping at the demonstrations were the revisionists. That is, those who call themselves socialist or communist but fundamentally revise the principles of Marxism. These groups have thrown Marxist political economy out of the window and tail after the so-called workers in the imperialist nations. They vie for support from the labor aristocracy of imperialist nations and vow to support their material interests. But worse than the unionists themselves, they demand more Third World exploitation and call it Marxism. That leaves a lot of cleaning up for us internationalists to do. The biggest shortcoming of the rally was revisionists' pretensions of worker solidarity. Revisionists claim that if an individual does not own Ford, but is on the payroll, then that individual must be exploited. They then say that these allegedly exploited workers share the same struggle as workers and peasants in the Third World. However, the interests of First World so-called workers contradict the interests of oppressed peoples. The struggle for Third World liberation is in fact taking a stab at imperialism, the gravy train for the majority of the First World. Aside from these reformists and revisionists, many unaffiliated youth and anarchists attended the rally. These protesters showed the most promise in terms of taking an anti-imperialist stance. They carried signs saying "United States of Exploitation"; "Human Needs not Corporate Greed"; "Third World: Unite, Default, Refuse to pay them!"; "Global Village not Pillage"; "Life before debt"; and "Cancel Debts Pay Reparations". Pigs arrive in riot gear Peaceful protestors were met with massive violence by D.C. pigs decked out in full riot gear. Determined to "control the people better then in Seattle," the pigs arrested more than one thousand protestors including some reporters and passers-by, for "protesting without a permit". Pigs also stepped on protesters with their horses, beat them and sprayed pepper spray. Those arrested were cuffed by the wrists and ankles and corralled onto buses. The pigs locked them inside, with the 85 degree sun blaring on them, for 12-14 hours with no food, water or bathroom facilities. Later, they were locked in cells without food, medical care or access to legal representation. This violence points to the hypocrisy of Amerikan democracy. There are no not mythical "rights for all" under imperialism. The pigs, with their guns, riot gear and state funds have the power to deny all protesters the privileges Amerikans are supposed to have through the Constitution. Arrested protesters now understand first hand what the Amerikan Injustice system is all about. And we look forward to increased support for the struggles of Amerika's prisoners among those at the rally. Proletarian internationalist leadership Maoism is based in proletarian internationalism. MIM's proletarian internationalism and scientific analysis make us stand out from the groups giving lip service to socialism within imperialist nations. When MIM attends rallies such as this one: *We explain that correct revolutionary theory is necessary in the fight to end Third World exploitation; *We explain that the super-profits appropriated by First World nations are stolen from Third World labor; *We explain that the path to communism requires an end to the flow of super- profits to imperialist nations; *We uphold revolutionaries in the oppressed nations who waged or are currently waging protracted people's war against imperialism. Many protesters perhaps learned more about Amerika's steadfast support of global oppression. Spontaneous, broad movements quickly grab attention. These protests and rallies are a good example of people's ability to mobilize against injustice. But we emphasize that large eclectic protests or even longer-lasting eclectic movements are missing an essential piece: proletarian internationalist leadership. Proletarian internationalist leadership, in part, means that the interests of the world's majority exploited and oppressed masses are leading the rallies, protests, actions, or whatnot. MIM believes that the vanguard of the proletariat -- a revolutionary Maoist Party -- is necessary to steer the most direct path toward liberation. Eclecticism of the SDS variety gives credence non- proletarian interests and withers away before the proletariat's interests are achieved. That is why we persuade progressives and internationalists at rallies like this to join MIM's circles and transcend single issue organizing. Only anti-imperialist revolution will abolish the the vampirism of institutions like the IMF/WB. Notes: 1. http://www.prisoncensorship.info/archive/etext/debt/ 2. www.jubilee2000uk.org and in particular see chart at www.jubilee2000uk.org/policy_papers/tables/figure-alpha.html