Under Lock and Key National oppression from hood to prison Let me speak to you about a Blackman inside the United Snakes. It begins in the community. I grew up in a low-income predominantly Black community (ghetto). Police it seemed to me lived there too. The police occupation in the Black community is such that Black people have no choice but to go to jail, even if it's for nothing more than "open container." By contrast, I've been inside "drug dens" in white communities that will serve customers 24 hours a day (white drug dealers). The result being almost non-stop traffic. A complete idiot that was blinded at birth would know what's going on. But it's no surprise that police (gestapo) presence is next to none. I guess they're too busy fighting crime in my hood. Now comes the county jail. Some may think Blacks don't have the money to make bond and the opposite is true for whites. Let me clear that up. A white man can be arrested for 20 burglary charges and receive a $50,000 bond. A Black man can come to jail for 2 distribution of crack charges and his bond will be $100,000. You do the math. Here comes the judge. After you've been in jail for 15 months and watched the whites make bond and the Blacks make plea bargains, it's your turn. You have a "public pretender" that has come to see you one time in 15 months. Now he's talking a scare game about the max that you're facing. Now comes the infamous "good deal." Seeing that you have no sincere representation along with your ignorance of the law, you accept it. (A bad deal). By the way, most of those white guys you see at the jail, they got probation, house arrest and drug treatment. Welcome to the Big House. Your initial classification will be extremely high, despite the fact that you're "non-violent" and it's your first commitment. You will be housed with "violent offenders" and thus labeled as an inmate with a "violent disposition." This leads you to be assigned to a med-max institution. While on the other hand (the white one), one of the few white men that's at R&E with you will ride with you. The vast majority will go to an open institution or work release. It's a well known fact that those institutions and programs were built for whites during segregation. (Note: There will always be one or two blacks going to those institutions, just like one or two whites go to med-max institutions. They have to make it look good). Once you arrive at your assigned KKKamp, it looks like your old neighborhood. It's so much color on the yard, that the little white that is there is swallowed up. Even most of the police are Black and Black women at that (21st century overseers). They are trying to impress "massa" so much that they want to show him that they have no bias toward their own. So in effect they hold it on our ass harder than the white police. The white CO's and Admin (most of the whites that work there are in top level positions) do their thing with the paperwork. Question: Why is damn near everyone that's on STG status Black? Why is most of SMU (Admin Seg) Black? Why is it that most of the custody reductions and transactions go to whites? As I stated before, an idiot born blind can see and understand what's really going on. I didn't get into all the by-products of incarcerating the Black man, such as welfare, mental illness, drug addiction, the complete breakdown of the family structure, etc. It's a covert form of genocide. The systematic removal of the Black man from society. This cripples the Black community. Destroys the Black family. In an attempt to remove an ever increasing threat to the white settler nation -- the Black nation! -- A South Carolina Prisoner, May 2000. Lousianna prisoner wants to build revolution I think that the inclusion of other captive brothers', sisters' and comrades' writings concerning the conditions of their confinement will help to dispel the myths of Blacks having it better, especially prisoners, in other states. The abuse and brutality that we (Blacks) have undergone and still undergo, here in the low down dirty South, makes it easy to imagine that there exists a better place somewhere else. I for one do not believe that such a place exists, certainly not in this racist capitalist society. The institutional and individual racism that the South is known for is not a Southern problem, but a problem that stifles Black progression all over this white controlled world. Though I (at present) know very little about socialism, I understand the exploitative, subjugative and even murderous nature of imperialism. I understand that the glamour witnessed here and in other first world kkkountries represents the rape and plunder that has and is occurring in the so-called third world countries. I understand that the high standards of living that Amerikkkan boastfully flaunts before the starving eyes of Afrika and her dispersed, down-trodden children, represents a purchase in Blacks' blood, sweat and tears., I understand the vicious paradox of white superiority and Black inferiority that has existed since the miscegenation of the two races. I also understand that books, signs, posters, televisions, education, courts, religions, everything, every single issue of this white fashioned society is in someway geared with the aim of reinforcing and perpetuating that vicious paradox. ... I say "Anything that promotes us having our own is superior to anything we have here." We can no longer depend on Amerikkka or any other entity that is independent of ourselves, to supply us with the vital and necessary elements that produces progressive life. The Black leadership is a joke, they have always inspired to become bourgeois accommodationists. That's what they've done. Now they, in their aristocratic splendor lead the Black masses to the slaughterhouse of neo-colonialism. There must be a new consciousness raised amongst our people, something that will counter the anti-Black and counterrevolutionary progressing we have received and accepted for the last three hundred and eighty something odd years. You seem to have as good an idea as any other, maybe the best I heard yet. So, lets do away with all this procrastination and come on with that low. ... Brothers, sisters, comrades, stand strong. There is a movement on the horizon. ... Guerrilla love, Power to the People! -- a prisoner in Lousianna, 31 July 2000. Kansas prisoner links to internationalism Please keep sending the MIM Notes. We need to get the word out to as many people as possible about the indignant acts of capitalist Amerikkka set to oppress all people of color - in Amerikkka and beyond. And the prison system is just another part of the "genetic annihilation" scheme. We have to write and fight for ours, because they sure have no intentions of giving up nothing. Armed resistance is all Amerikka understands. The founding of this country was based on oppression and violence. You see Amerikkka has no problem using violence to conquer other countries and stripe them of their natural resources. The minute they see someone wanting to raise up, they're quick to put a label on him/her, spread propaganda, get the citizens against you. Look at how they did Patrice Lumumba, Malcolm X. And its gonna get worse, especially if George Bush Jr. becomes President. Its gonna be the Reagan/Bush administration all over again. Those were one of the worst times for Blacks. -- a prisoner in Kansas, 3 August 2000. MIM responds: Our work among prisoners in the united snakes consists of many things, the primary task is that of building support for Maoism and proletarian internationalism. Among groups in Amerika, prisoners grasp proletarian internationalism and revolutionary science more readily because of their own material conditions. We welcome more efforts of prisoners to expand their knowledge and activism beyond merely the struggle against Amerikan prisons, but toward the struggle against imperialism entire. We add also that the prisoner uses the liberal's token term "people of color". MIM does not use this term to define members of oppressed nations. Instead, we emphasize that the nature of imperialism is the domination of one nation over others. Members of oppressed nations are not individuals oppressed because of their skin color, but they are a part of group, a nation, which is subjected to imperialist domination. For more, study MIM Theory #7 "Proletarian Feminist Revolutionary Nationalism on the Capitalist Road." Another mistake of analysis that this prisoner makes is to imply that the situation will be better under a non-Republican administration. We've stated repeatedly (and within this issue -- see articles on Friends of the Earth) that there are not differences between different bourgeois parties in the united snakes. Democrats and Republicans, as well as the small party candidates, only work to strengthen imperialism. Which face sits in the White House makes no difference to the world's majority -- which is bombed, starved and exploited by Amerikan imperialism. Indiana prisoners light up on reading ULK I love to share your papers with other comrades and watch them light up with excitement for finally hearing something that they can relate, that isn't a dream of a big piece of pie in the end. I was glad to read about brotha Mumia Abu-Jamal! At least there was some positive info to report. Getting to the point where he will know his fate will be less of a burden on him. I felt that way going through trial. Alot of things you report don't surprise me cause the truth always come to the light, and your paper has perfect examples. I was glad to hear Brotha Leonard Peltier's story as well, the people needs to hear about all comrades trapped United $nakes Desmocrips FIGHT THE POWER! -- Bro for a Cause, an Indiana prisoner. MI prisoner sets example in censorship fight The following is a copy of the defense a Michigan Prisoner wrote in his hearing regarding mail policy. To: Hearing officer, Notice of Package/Mail Rejection Re: Defense The notice in this case deprived me of any opportunity to properly prepare a defense because it was insufficient to inform me of the issue to be considered. The requirement of the 24 hour notice encompasses more than merely time and location of a hearing. This is explained in Hall, Administrative Law, SS 7, p 133. (I have attached a copy of the relevant pages): "The rule goes further than merely requiring notice of the time and the location of a hearing. It recognized that, for notice to have value, a party must be informed of the 'nature' of the hearing, the legal authority under which the agency believes it is empowered to have such a hearing, and the issues of fact and law to be considered. Again, the test for determining whether a party has been given adequate notice of the nature of the case or issue to be considered is whether information provided permitted the party to adequately prepare his or her case. If a notice is couched in 'bureaucratic gobbledegook, jargon, double talk, federalese and insurancese, and double speak," it will fail. (Fn. David V. Heckler, 591 F. Supp. 1033 (E.D.N.Y. 1984). Notice of both legal and factual issues must be made under the APA. Therefore, a notice that simply states that a party has violated a law is inadequate. The notice must also recite the basic facts which the agency believes constitute the violation." In this case, there is nothing in the notice of package/mail rejection which states how the 6 newspapers violate policy, administrative rules, or applicable laws. Therefore, the notice of package/mail rejection is insufficient. It leaves this prisoner to guess at the section that is being claimed to be violated in policy directive 05.03.118, Administrative Rule 791.6603. PD 05.03.118 sets forth when mail can be rejected as follows: "D. Prisoners shall be permitted to send and receive unlimited uncensored mail to or from any person or organization unless the mail violates this policy or Administrative Rule 791.6603. Prisoners are prohibited from sending or receiving mail that is a threat to the security, good order, or discipline of the facility, that may facilitate or encourage criminal activity, or that may interfere with the rehabilitation of the prisoner. This includes the following: "1. Mail violating federal or state law. 2. Mail violating postal regulations. 3. Mail containing contraband, which is defined as any property that a prisoner is not specifically authorized to posses or that is from an unauthorized source. This includes postage stamps, except that a prisoner may receive a single stamped self-addressed envelope from an attorney or legitimate religious organization. 4. Mail containing a criminal plan or conspiracy. 5. Mail containing threats. 6. Mail addressed to anyone who has objected to receiving mail from the prisoner sending the mail. This only applies after the prisoner has been notified of the objection. 7. Mail for the purpose of operating a business enterprise. "E. Prior to rejecting mail for violation of this policy, the prisoner is entitled to a fact-finding hearing conducted pursuant to Administrative Rule 791.3310. "G. Mail shall not be prohibited solely because its content is religious, philosophical, political, social, sexual, unpopular or repugnant." There is nothing in the notice of package/mail rejection which states which part of policy is being used as a basis for the denial of these materials. Therefore, this prisoner cannot properly prepare a defense to these vague claims. The US Supreme Court set forth the criteria for determining when books, magazines and newspapers sent to prisoners can be rejected in Thornburgh V. Abbott, 490 US 401; 104 L Ed 2ne 459; 109 S Ct 1874 (1989). They may not be rejected " solely because its content is religious, philosophical, political, social or sexual, or because its content is unpopular or repugnant." However, in this case, there is absolutely no way to determine whether one of these reasons that the Supreme Court stated they can't be rejected have been employed. Therefore, the advance notice requirement has bot been met, and the procedure employed in this case violates this prisoner's constitutional rights under Mich. Const. 1963, Art 1 SS 17, due process and fair treatment at investigation; Art 1 SS 5; US Const. Amend 1 and Amend 14. WHEREFORE, for the foregoing reasons, I respectfully request that I receive a specific statement explaining the reasons for denial of the materials, and that the hearing officer specifically state those reasons in the hearing report. Or, in the alternative, that I be allowed to have the materials at issue. Respectfully submitted, A Michigan Prisoner Montana denies yard time In the last two months, our yard time has been cancelled three times. Today, our yard time was cancelled because a construction crew was working on a totally different section of Max. We only get 1.5 hours every other day for yard. Federal law allows one hour per had for maximum custody inmates. We get less than our fair amount of time in the first place, then the problem is compounded by the fact that they cancel yard frequently. Because they are too lazy to watch us while we enjoy our outside time. Any help you can give us to correct this violation of federal policy would be greatly appreciated. -- A Montana State Prison Prisoner, 19 April 2000. Torture in Graterford, Penn I wish to address some matters that I think are important for MIM to know about that have been happening to me in Graterford Prison. I was hogtied for 7 days without food and water, and medical didn't come down to see my until 24 days afterwards. I was beaten 3 times. Hogtied means that they cuff you from behind, then leg- cuff you, then they cuff the handcuffs to your legcuffs in back of your body. Then they got a razor and cut off all my clothes and turned the air below 50 degrees. Then they left me there. I lost the use of one hand and part of one leg for life. I had surgery two times but nothing worked. After I tried to look for a lawyer I was transferred from where it happened to make it harder for me to find a lawyer. Until this day I'm still looking for a lawyer to take my case. I am very much illiterate. I have so much evidence and not much time to file this. Now I am at SCI Greene County where they help out by denying me showers, yard, and food, and calling me a snitch because I want the CO's to go to court and also a deputy lost his job because of it. I also have razor cuts and a night-club crack on my head. It is just not right for anyone to go through this treatment. -- a Pennsylvania prisoner. Pigs prohibit education in Florida Enclosed is a copy of the Florida Dept of Corruptions latest rejection of a publication sent to me. This book, Dark Alliance, by Gary Webb, so happens to discuss in detail the CIA's involvement in the USA drug-cocaine trade/business. It's evident that literature of this nature, exposing the government for what it is, isn't wanted in the hands of prisoners so they'll case any guise to justify prohibiting one of us from raising our political awareness. Funny thing is: (1) they don't ban 60 minutes, 20/20 etc., that have aired segments concerning the most intimate details of how drugs are grown, manufactured, sold, trafficked, used, etc. They don't ban newspapers that publish detailed info about the drug trade/business. Seems like some double standards being applied. --a prisoner in Florida, 17 March 2000.