Amerikan public takes up more correct view of death penalty The Amerikan public has shifted its view of the death penalty more into line with MIM's. While 80% of Amerikans used to favor the death penalty only 60% do now and more importantly, like MIM 64% of Amerikans favor a moratorium on the death penalty.(1) MIM regards the shift in opinion toward favoring a moratorium to be a small victory for the proletarian movement. To put this in layman's terms, we favor the death penalty in theory until the distant day of advanced stages of communism, but we oppose it for now because of how it works in practice. This is how the public understands the question, but we would point out that theory does not mean moral principle. Theory means scientific principle or statement concerning causation; hence the popular phrase that "I'm for the death penalty in theory" is not how MIM uses the word theory. Eight cases of DNA proving the innocence of death row prisoners has caused a shift in public opinion. According to the Wall Street Journal, the first statistics on the subject show that 40% of convicts who succeed in getting DNA testing done prove to be innocent.(2) On this basis, MIM calls on the lying cops, judges, prosecutors and prison guards to get real jobs while the U.$. imperialist economy is still strong. We do not need them or the prison industry profiteers to be putting away innocent people. Another famous fact is that the pro-death penalty Republican Governor of Illinois has come out in favor of a moratorium. "'We have now freed more people [13] than we have put to death [12] under our system,'" said Gov. George Ryan.(3) Ryan's thinking is a good attempt at scientific reasoning. Looking at death penalty sentences, Ryan noticed that a high portion involved mistakes. The figures he quotes amount to a failure rate of over 50% by one crucial calculation. Meanwhile, spurred by a September 12th Justice Department report, an inept discussion has started on federal death penalties. The Justice Department noticed that 70% of death penalty prosecutions by the federal government do not target whites. Also, according to the Justice Department itself, the federal government applies for death penalties based on geography and politics of the locales.(4) Perhaps more important than the percentage in this case is the number. The federal government is not usually the prosecutor. It is usually the state government, but the federal government has won the death penalty in 26 cases since 1988 when the federal government started applying for the death penalty again. 20 of those cases came in the 1990-1995 period. Of those 20, some 6 cases had their sentences overturned or postponed. Of the remaining 14 cases of people currently sentenced to death, 10 are Black and 3 are white. In other words, the federal government, judges and juries found 10 Black murderers to go after and only 3 white.(5) That's what MIM means by not being able to carry out the death penalty fairly in practice. If that is the outcome, then MIM suspects the truth of those sentences even more. Despite much talk about integration, the white man is not ready for integration yet. Whites must go through a most thorough process of cleansing themselves of parasitism and racism. Even Blacks, Latinos, First Nations and Asian-descended peoples within U.$. borders must also be de-loused to have their attitudes toward the Third World poor cleaned up. In the meantime, we believe the dictatorship of the proletariat should have national aspects, such that whites do not stand in judgement over other peoples. The movement for a death penalty moratorium is a positive indication - - mostly from whites-- that they realize there is a problem in how justice is applied in practice. Notes: 1. Boston Globe 15 Sep 2000 2. Wall Street Journal 12 Jul 2000 3. feb24/ 4. 5.