Firestone tire recall hits the middle-classes By now the whole world has heard about the Firestone tire recall involving millions of tires, mostly from a Decatur, Illinois plant. 88 people have died because of defective Firestone tires on Ford Explorer vehicles.(1) The bourgeois media has launched shallow article after shallow article, most of them so poorly thought out that they failed to show that Firestone tires failed more often than other tires. For now the Ford Explorer with Firestone tires has had its tires recalled, but the capitalist media is leaving the impression that the killing of less than 100 people by negligence and profiteering is a stupendous crime, as if many more were not killed all the time by capitalism in countless similar situations. People who buy Ford Explorers are no proletarians. They are labor aristocracy, solid labor aristocracy or higher in social class. For this reason, the tire failures on Ford Explorers are no ordinary matter to the bourgeois press. On the other hand, none in the bourgeois press draw any real lessons from the deaths of 88 innocent people. The press pundits are arguing about whether Firestone or Ford knew what was happening or whether they simply did not follow up on their own statistics. This is the kind of situation that Joseph Stalin (leader of the Soviet Union 1924-1953) was perfect for. Had any factory managers claimed not to know about such problems or allowed them to happen, Stalin would have severely disciplined them -- under some circumstances he would have justifiably had them shot. It matters little whether the cause was incompetence or intentional downgrading of consumer safety. People who want to be industrial leaders in products meaning the difference between life and death should not put their careers or profits first. Under socialism, such becomes possible because no one owns the means of production to make profit off of and no one must fear losing jobs. Still some incompetent or lazy people wormed their way into leadership roles in life-and-death matters and Stalin was right to shoot such opportunists when the situation demanded it. Shooting one such persyn can easily save hundreds or thousands of people who would have been killed by faulty products. Whether or not Firestone or Ford people knew that tires at one plant in Decatur were nearly 10 times more defective than in another plant using more standard procedures in Oklahoma City,(2) it does not matter. Either way, these industrial leaders are responsible for the deaths of innocent people, and should suffer the consequences. People in the tire business should make it their business to know such things and people who want to be leaders better be good or avoid worming their way into power. The reformists and a peculiar type of persyn calling him or herself Marxist but who is really "economist" as Lenin would say-- these people take a different message from this Firestone tire problem. They conclude that workers at tire plants in Amerika should be paid more money at the expense of turning the screws on the Third World workers even further. Between 1994 and 1996, Decatur had a strike of 1,400 workers that affected tire quality because the company hired replacement workers. MIM does not deny that such an economic conflict causes damage to tire quality. However, our solution is different than that of the reformists and economists. The phony "Communist Party" of the USA says that replacement workers in strikes should be outlawed as the solution.(3) Strife between capitalists and between capitalists and the middle- classes will be eliminated under socialism and then communism. It is not only the economic conflicts between proletarians and capitalists that should be resolved by socialism. Socialism also resolves the other dangerous economic conflicts, none more dangerous than those amongst capitalists leading their countries to world war. Firestone negligence is just one of millions of ways in which profit comes before people under capitalism. Notes: 1. 2. New York Times 15 Sep 2000 3. People's Weekly World 19 Aug 2000