Antarctic ozone hole hits record size Every year scientists measure the hole in the ozone layer of the atmosphere and find a hole over Antarctica. Part of the hole is natural, but part is caused by pollution, and on September 3rd, the hole reached a record 11 million square miles, at a surprisingly early date in the southern hemisphere's winter.(1) Depletion of the ozone layer causes ultraviolet light from the sun to reach the surface of the planet where it causes the smallest plants in the food chain to die and humyns to get cancer. The polluting device that first attracted public attention to the ozone layer was the aerosol can--ubiquitous in the Amerika of the 1970s. Under pressure from the proletariat, the capitalist ruling classes signed a global treaty on the ozone layer called the Montreal Protocol. MIM reviewed a most excellent book on the subject called Ozone Diplomacy by Richard Elliot Benedick.(2) The capitalist system is not best suited for the fight against pollution. In the case of the ozone, refrigerator and air conditioner equipment owners opposed the banning of their equipment. Also, black marketeers make profits for avoiding the terms of the treaty which ban ozone-depleting pollutants. If the public owned all property, no one persyn would take the whole loss for doing the right thing vis-a-vis the environment. That is why socialism is superior for the environment. The class with no special interests to protect in eliminating pollution is called the proletariat. When it comes to cigarettes, ozone-depleting substances and other harmful items that kill people, bans cause opposition under capitalism from profiteers. Under the dictatorship of the proletariat no one will have the right to invest in the death of other people. The right to the most healthful environment humynly possible is not negotiable. Notes: 1. Boston Globe 9 Sep 2000 2.