Pseudo-Feminism not a threat to u.$. Government FBI surveillance and infiltration of 1960s national liberation movements resulted in the murder and imprisonment of activists, and contributed to the destruction of revolutionary movements like the Black Panther Party. As part of COINTELPRO, FBI informants also infiltrated the mostly white pseudo-feminist movement. While activities in this movement were recorded, they were allowed, for the most part, to continue unfettered. This is because the pseudo-feminists posed no real threat to the Amerikan government. FBI informants repeatedly noted this fact. One FBI report stated, "women at the meeting state they are not revolutionaries and would not help anyone in a revolution until the oppression of women was solved first and completely." Another informant stated "This movement has no leaders, dues or organizations."(1) Not aiding revolution "until the oppression of women was solved first and completely" succinctly sums up the idealism and chauvinism in First World pseudo-feminism. The vast majority of the world's wimmin also suffer from class and national oppression due to imperialism. Starvation and imperialist military aggression are life-and-death issues for them. Furthermore, imperialism interacts with gender oppression, as in the case of rape and prostitution surrounding Amerikan military bases abroad. These wimmin -- and their supporters -- have a real interest in anti-imperialist and socialist revolution. Their liberation from gender oppression is contingent on the overthrow of imperialism, so they ally with men who are also oppressed by imperialism. This is why MIM says that gender is not the principal contradiction in the world today. Those who make it principal support imperialism and the oppression of wimmin and men all over the globe. While MIM is fighting for an end to gender oppression, we have analyzed the world situation and can see that national oppression is the principal contradiction. Fighting on this front at this time will make the greatest advances against all oppression.(2) MIM has also criticized the kind of anarchist feminism which rejects organization.(3) The reactionaries wield the state -- a form of organized violence -- in order to preserve imperialism and patriarchy. It is a fact of life that we cannot counter this reactionary organization without our own revolutionary organization. This involves hierarchy, dues, discipline, and other elements distasteful to the individualist petty-bourgeoisie. Furthermore, overthrowing the current state does not prevent the imperialists from re-capturing power, nor does it imply an automatic victory over patriarchy. We will need to use state power to prevent capitalist counter-revolution, to eradicate the most egregious supporters of patriarchy (e.g. the pornography industry), and promote the struggle to end gender oppression. Note: 1. Ruth Rosen, "When Women Spied on Women," The Nation, 4 Sep 2000. 2. See e.g. MIM Theory 2/3. 3. See e.g. "The tyranny of anarchist feminism," What is MIM? 1st edition.