MIM Notes 228 February 15, 2001 Latest evidence supports Global Climate Change: Bush keeps head in sand, world on path toward environmental destruction by an HC The third study conducted by the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change (IPCC) of the United Nations was released in January, further strengthening scientific evidence of humyn-made climate change. Meanwhile, President Bush represents a faction of ideologues which even other bourgeois commentators refer to as "Panglossian" -- that is, Bush ignores any possibility of disaster from global warming in this, "the best of all possible worlds." The latest IPCC report is not drastically different from the previous one, but new methods and more recent data have been incorporated. One significant change in the report is that the projected increase in global temperatures between 1990 and 2100 rose from 1 to 3.5 degrees Celsius to the current estimate of 1.4 to 5.8 degrees Celsius. The report concludes that the 1990s were the warmest decade ever recorded directly by instruments, and that 1998 was the warmest year. The data also shows a sea level rise of .1 to .2 meters in the 20th century. The IPCC has made the assertion in this report that most of the changes are likely due to the release of greenhouse gases, primarily carbon dioxide, by humyns.(1) While giving lip service to climate change as an important issue, Bush believes that more evidence must be gathered before action is taken. This is a common trick of anti-science sophists -- we are either zero or 100% certain of something. If Mr. Jones smokes, it either will or will not give him cancer, these people argue; we can't say that there is a certain probability Mr. Jones will get cancer or that if 1,000,000 Joneses smoked, then 10,000 of them would get cancer. In real life, however, science deals with percentages, probabilities, and partial knowledge. Richard Benedick, author of ITAL Ozone Diplomacy END, quite correctly observed that, "The world may not have the luxury of early warning signals before an irreversible collapse occurs in some other segment of the planet's ecosystem."(2) We won't always be able to afford to know every last scientific detail before acting. Most people in the imperialist countries know to buy insurance for accidents. Yet there is no such thing as an interstellar insurance company that will help us out if we blow the Earth's environment. Once it becomes unlivable, that may be the end for the species. Under capitalism, businesspeople take risks with our environment every day for their profits. Under socialism, such risks will be minimized and only done in the interest of the people, not the wealth of individuals. The competition dynamic in which the environment is damaged while capitalists are busy fighting for market control will not exist. Bush and his ilk prefer to ignore the mounting evidence and growing probability that capitalism will make the earth unlivable for ITAL homo sapiens END -- instead they cling to capitalist dogma like there is a "right" to profit (see article on page 5) and neoliberal platitudes about the so-called free market. Of course the rhetoric about the free market gets ignored when monopoly capitalist profits are on the line. The United $tates gives $25 billion a year in federal subsidies for domestic fossil fuel extraction, while estimates as high as $150 billion include money for projects such as the Gulf War to secure foreign oil supplies. But when it comes to the environment, Bush proposes that "market-driven technologies" will solve environmental problems, i.e. don't look for $175 billion in subsidies for environmental clean up or alternative fuels research any time soon. Bush follows in the footsteps of his predecessors in opposing the Kyoto Protocol to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. The United $tates led the most recent international meeting on the agreement to a dead end last November as reported in MIM Notes 224. Bush has made a strong stance saying that the United $tates will not bear the brunt of the responsibility for reducing emissions while the Third World is not subject to the agreement.(3) This is in light of the fact that the United $tates is responsible for the bulk of the emissions, while the Third World will be the ones to suffer the most from climate change.(5) The United $tates accounts for over 25% of greenhouse gas emissions, but only 4% of the worlds population. Clinton and Gore didn't move to rectify this situation -- they sabotaged the Kyoto agreement -- and neither will Bush. He has encouraged increased energy production to help solve shortages in California, ignoring plans for conservation. He has been battling from day one to open up the Arctic National Wildlife Refuge in Alaska for drilling of oil, which will allow current Amerikan consumption levels to continue, while damaging the local ecosystems on top of that. And in a candid moment in L.A. addressing a man complaining of the two slow buses he must ride back and forth to work everyday, Bush replied, "My hope is that you will be able to find good enough work, so you'll be able to afford a car." (4) Evidently better public transport will not be part of Bush's environmental strategy either -- he'd rather tempt people with the petty-bourgeois dreams of Amerikan car culture. The Bush clique's open adherence to capitalist dogma in the face of science only makes it clear that the imperialists are willing to wager some short term profits for a handful of people against the long-term product of the entire humyn species. The current economic system does not promote the environmental conservation necessary for the preservation of humyn life. The unwillingness of Bush and the rest of Amerika to deal with the destruction caused by their consumption puts another nail in the coffin of Amerikan imperialism. Facing the threat of death and disease, oppressed people will crush this system that cannot deal with their problems. Notes: 1. Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change. Climate Change 2001: the Scientific Basis. 2. Richard Elliot Benedick, ITAL Ozone Diplomacy, END Cambridge: Harvard University Press, 1998, p. 307. For a further discussion of science, the environment, and risk assessment, see the reviews of this book and ITAL Against the Gods END by Peter Bernstein at http://www.prisoncensorship.info/archive/etext/bookstore/offbooks.html. 3. Issues 2000: George W. Bush on Environment. http://www.issues2000.org/George_W__Bush_Environment.htm 4. Jim Motavelli. Bush Sucks. 26 Jan 2001. http://www.gristmagazine.com/grist/imho/imho012601-b.stm 5. MIM Notes 224. December 15, 2000. Climate change summit leaves oppressed to suffer.