MIM Notes 228 February 15, 2001 Overheard on the Internet: the text for a recommendation of the MIM web site ITAL The following is a stupendous effort by someone who does not speak English as a native language and why they recommended the MIM web site. We corrected a number of grammatical errors. END I would like to make a quick reply to all those who wrote and asked why they should relinquish capitalist ideals when they see that capitalist societies have a much greater standard of living. Here is a little insight. The reason why those of you privileged few who live in 1st world nations enjoy such a high standard of living can be answered with one word. Imperialism. No, I am not an educated person, but I realize that Lenin's Principle of Imperialism holds true. It is the highest stage of capitalism by which affluent countries exploit the natural resources and labour from other poorer nations to bolster living standards at home. This is why those of you who live in capitalist nations are so rich. It is not because you are ethical, but because you have no qualms about exploiting poorer people in other nations. There is an infinite number of examples but for lack of time I'll only name a couple. Multinational corporations like Nike, and other huge companies go into third world nations, open up factories and pay these works virtually nothing. They are wage slaves at the hands of their imperialist masters i.e. the US and ALL other 1st World Nations. I strictly mean imperialism in the Leninist context. That is, like I said before: It is the highest stage of capitalism whereby a capitalist nation must exploit the natural resources and labour power of other countries to bolster living standards at home. This explicitly fits the current US mode. It can be explained strictly in ecological terms. When all the ecologically productive land of the earth is added up and divided amongst the entire population, each person should be allotted 1.5 hectares of land. This is the amount of land which can sustain one person indefinitely. This is where the ecological footprint comes in. The ecological footprint is a measure of all the ecologically productive land required to sustain a specified population indefinitely. Thus, the EF measures not just a population's surrounding land, but all the land required to support her/his lifestyle, be it the arable land from other countries where exploited peasant farmers produce cheap food for affluent countries or not. Therefore it directly measures the amount of land being used in a global context. Given this fact, it has been calculated that the Ecological footprint of Amerikans is 5.5 hectares/person (remember, the fair earthshare is only 1.5 hec/person). Therefore, the decadent lifestyle of Amerikans is directly co-opting land from poorer nations. Thus Lenin's point holds true. Amerika has reached the highest stage of capitalism that they must expand to maintain their high standards of living, regardless if that means stealing land from other countries and making the poor poorer. And you ask why do communist countries not enjoy the luxuries which 1st world nations enjoy? Its because we do not exploit other countries. In the Maoist era, there was no Chinese corporations invading other countries to make greater profit. The only Chinese intervention there was in other countries i.e: Africa, Vietnam, Korea was in the form of aid to combat the exploitive hegemony of U.S. capitalism. Socialist programs such as medicare, foodbanks etc. were a hallmark of the Maoist era not to mention other communist states. Once again, the only reason why communism has failed on its first attempt is because they did not believe in exploiting other countries. There humanitarianism was their downfall. They were overpowered by capitalist nations, namely the United States. Yes, I bet the United States is a great place to live. But considering the fact that the only reason why it is such a good place to live, that is, feeding off the labour power of other nations rendering half of the world in an utter state of poverty, then I just don't understand why how living or propagating capitalist ideals can be justified. DOWN WITH U$ IMPERIALISM! LONG LIVE DEMOCRACY! Chinese writer overheard on the Internet --April 24, 2000 MIM responds: MIM is much heartened by its Chinese readership. We are definitely making some headway. The amazing thing is that most of those calling themselves "Marxist" are abandoning the labor theory of value, especially how labor flows from place to place and how parasitism functions. The number of parties in the world willing to uphold the labor theory of value and admit fully that the U.S. living standard--even of so-called workers-- comes from the Third World is a tiny minority. Readers can check the list of parties willing and unwilling to sign the W.E.B. Du Bois declaration we started circulating at the end of 2000 for his birthday commemoration in February 2001. People wanting to oppose parasitism as a means of getting rich and the built in world war that goes along with that should circle the wagons with MIM. If everybody got rich the same way the United $tates did, we would all be dead for sure; hence the U.$. model fails as a principle for internationalism. The U.$. model is a model of war and genocide. Despite the collapse of much revisionism in the last 10 years, this question is still squelched and avoided by the revisionists. Just as it once fell for Soviet revisionism that led to the collapse of the Soviet Union and outright restoration of capitalism, the majority calling itself communist prefers to take a beating on the question of living standards rather than acknowledge the labor theory of value. The reason for this is that the leaders who have taken over the communist movement even in most Third World countries, but especially in the imperialist countries--most of these leaders do not know and do not care what the labor theory of value is despite proclaiming to be Marxist! They throw about terms like "mass line," "ultraleft" and "sectarian" and such as if they know the real meaning of these words, but these words are completely empty when unconnected to underlying economic realities of classes. These classes exist independently of their observers and will not respect any of the labeling of the honestly ignorant, the hysterically chauvinist or the otherwise pre-scientific. MIM would prefer that the chauvinist majority calling itself Marxist in the imperialist countries call itself "social- democrats" instead. They should also have the honesty to admit they no longer uphold the labor theory of value and Marx's theories of wealth accumulation.