MIM Notes 229 March 1, 2001 White supremacists emerge as true leaders of Amerikan social- democrats On January 18th, touting the message headline of "White Workers Unite!" the true leaders and beneficiaries of revisionism and social-democracy made their conscious appearance on Internet newsgroups alt.politics.communism and alt.politics.socialism.democratic. The white supremacist activists listed their websites such as www.churchofthecreator.com and said "Join the Creativity Movement. White Workers awake. Save the White Race. RAHOWA!" Not surprisingly, given the white nationalist bent to most of Amerikan leftism including most of those calling themselves "Marxist," few of the messages in response even rebutted the nonsense. In fact, more messages rose to the defense of the fascists, with the usual tripe of equating anti-white bigotry with white nationalism, when in fact, only white nationalism is in power and the nationalism of the oppressed nations is applied internationalism. Paul Julian Gold, who on January 31st posted a message of the Co- RIM (Committee of the RIM) saluting the phony "RCP"-USA ("Revolutionary Communist Party") for its 25th anniversary, had this to say about the white supremacist crap when someone simply suggested "please don't feed the trolls": "The trolls don't eat much, they're so much fun to play with, and their bark seems to be much worse than their byte!" MIM is not surprised to see open white supremacy gaining ground on Amerika's alt.politics.communism. None of the people in the USENET group support MIM's third cardinal principle and social-democrats and revisionists alike are only expressing the slogan "white workers unite!" in their own way. Note: 1. http://x62.deja.com/threadmsg_ct.xp?thitnum=8&AN=717304031.1&mhitn um=0&CONTEXT =981083426.560857176