MIM Notes 230 March 15, 2001 German Green leader smiles while Uncle Sam bombs Iraq by mim3@mim.org Green party leader and German Foreign Minister Joschka Fischer met with U.S. Secretary of State Colin Powell February 20th regarding the U.$. bombing attack on Iraq on February 16th. Fischer posed for a photo opportunity for Powell, smiling and shaking hands. The German Green was not able to condemn the attack but instead came out in the press saying while Germany did not support the attack, it "understood" the attack.(1) MIM covered Fischer's past in the armed struggle movement and his sellout with the Greens in the July 1, 1999 issue about the U.$. attack on Yugoslavia.(2) To get an idea how bad this Green is, the relevant comparison is that U.$. lackeys in Egypt and Jordan condemned the attack, likewise, Turkey.(3) Meanwhile, outright imperialists France, Russia and China who are permanent members of the U.N. Security Council said the attack had no legal basis. Iran, which had a war with Iraq in the 1980s, denounced the attack's "'carnage.'" Somewhat scientific for an imperialist, British Labour Party parliamentarian George Galloway said U.$. and English policy is "boosting his [Saddam Hussein--MC5] standing around the world rather than reducing it."(3) Such a well-behaved imperialist in contrast, this Green Joschka Fischer stood there and smiled with Colin Powell. As in the Green inability to oppose the attack on Yugoslavia, MIM says that this incident proves why struggle for scientific principle and anti-militarist vision is necessary in the movement, including purges of movement leadership and members who stray from basic anti-militarist principles. Fischer should have been purged from the Green organization before he was able to corral support for actions opposed to the alleged principles of original Green movement organizers. These organizers worked hard only to have the political momentum and culture they built up stolen from underneath them. Many imperialist country middle-class activists put pressure on MIM to water down and tone down its line and they call us "sectarian" when we struggle for principle. It is not sectarian to struggle for principle. It is only sectarian not to unite all who can be united on behalf of the international proletariat or any oppressed group. In other words, if arguments over principle become bitter and obvious unity in action suffers, then there are people guilty of sectarianism, which Mao defined as putting an organization's interests above that of the proletariat. In our case, it would mean putting MIM self-interest above that of the proletariat. It means there is no excuse for failure to unite around opposition to U.$. war against the Third World or in support of the Vietnamese workers being super-exploited in Samoa, no matter our differences on other questions. Recently, a signatory on our W.E.B. Du Bois birthday celebration accused MIM of sectarianism--not for failing to act with him despite our disagreements--but for talking principles with this persyn on a one-on-one basis. The signatory said MIM did not "play nice" while telling MIM in private that we were for "infinite repression," and we should learn from Khruschev on liberalization. There are no two ways about MIM's stance on the dictatorship of the proletariat and capitalist restoration after Stalin in the Soviet Union. MIM is going to have bitter disagreements with anyone who comes our way and consciously calls the USSR after Stalin "socialist." Sectarianism is not a matter of tone, rudeness or scientific principle. Sectarianism is what happens after bitter struggle. One of the signatories who was working with us before the question of Khruschev came up in private discussion no longer works with us and called us sectarian for his breaking from us. Yet it was not us that ceased a course of action in areas of unity. Hence, we should be aware that most sectarianism actually has a Liberal backdoor, but many Liberals are propagating their wares in the name of fighting "sectarianism." The pre-scientific middle-class activists of imperialism are going to put pressure on MIM, just as the lumpen-proletariat is going to put anarchist pressures of another sort on MIM. The German Greens are proof why we cannot listen to these petty-bourgeois activists who think it is possible to tone down the struggle over principle. One day Fischer was supposedly throwing bombs against the German state and another day he is shaking hands with Colin Powell in "understanding" of the bombing of Iraq. To get from one place to another, Liberalism greased the skids. Notes: 1. USA Today 21Feb2001, p. 11a. 2. MIM Notes 189, http://www.prisoncensorship.info/archive/etext/mn/mn189/greens .txt 3. Christian Science Monitor 21Feb2001, p. 1.