MIM petition: Stop "Gatekeeper," open the border! As protesters plan to gather at the u.$.-Mexico border and the u.$. and Mexican governments discuss relaxing immigration restrictions, MIM is seeking endorsers for a demand to end "Operation Gatekeeper" and immigration restrictions generally. The Immigration and Naturalization Service (INS) launched the military-style "Operation Gatekeeper" in 1994 to stop undocumented immigrants crossing into the united $tates into Mexico. "Gatekeeper" includes increased patrolling using high-tech, military grade night- vision equipment and other interdictory measures, such as a triple wall built along the border in the Tijuana-San Diego area. This has forced migrants to cross in remote, wilderness areas. More than 500 people have died from exposure or border-guard violence since "Gatekeeper" began. This is more people than died attempting to cross the East/West German border -- much reviled in Amerikan propaganda -- in its entire 25+ year history. The Amerikan military was involved in "Gatekeeper" in the mid-nineties, to aid the INS in the so-called "War on Drugs." ("Gatekeeper" also gave the military a chance to train troops in a "live combat" situation.) In 1997, 17-year-old Ezekiel Hernandez was killed by a u.$. Marine sniper while he tended his family's sheep. After widespread public outcry following this and similar incidents, the Amerikan military withdrew from "Gatekeeper." MIM thinks that ending "Gatekeeper" and immigration restrictions generally are winnable, progressive reforms under imperialism. The border imposes artificial barriers on families, communities, and nations. As the popular t-shirt slogan says, "We didn't cross the borders, the borders crossed us." Three u.$. states are now majority non-white; others are barely majority white. A bigger and bigger percentage of people living here will have cultural and economic ties on two sides of the border. They will have a direct interest in open borders. The border also prevents the development of a real "free market" in labor power. The internationalist section of the Amerikan bourgeoisie complains about barriers to the free movement of capital, but you rarely hear them complain about barriers to the free movement of labor (i.e. people). This is because they -- and the privilege enjoyed by oppressor nations generally -- depend on the depressed wages in Third World countries. The brutal super- exploitation of billions of toilers in the Third World ensures not only the imperialists profits, but the high standard of living for hundreds of millions living in oppressor countries. It's no mystery why workers in the Third World earn an average of $0.48 an hour, while u.$. workers earn $16.40: Billions of toilers in the Third World live under death-squad governments, which use force to set wage rates and attack union organizers.(1) Death-squad governments supported by the Amerikan imperialists, we should add. Those regimes which do not use military force are competing against those which do, and, unless the leaders mobilize their people for people's war against imperialism, the threat of imperialist invasion remains. In this context, the border is a tool to keep the vast majority of workers in a situation of most brutal exploitation. Even those undocumented immigrants who do manage to get into the united $tates face brutal exploitation in sweatshops; their undocumented status is used as a lever to drive down their wages. Lifting restrictions on immigration into the united $tates would objectively benefit the international proletariat. Workers will not have to risk their lives just to look for work in the united $tates. If a really free labor market develops in the capitalist world, the world- wide average wage will rise, and reforms like an international minimum wage or international labor-rights guarantee will be easier to push through. But we believe that many different classes and groups also will support lifting immigration restrictions for many different reasons. The petty-bourgeoisie in the oppressed nations or oppressed internal semi-colonies resents the intrusion into their cultural and economic life, which as we mentioned above increasingly straddles the border. Activists who oppose Amerikan prisons might support a call for granting legal status to immigrants because the of growing number of foreign nationals trapped in Amerikan prisons. (Undocumented immigrants often remain in prison after their sentence is up because they cannot return to their home country and u.$. authorities won't grant them legal residence.) Even members of the bourgeoisie in oppressed nations are ready to denounce Amerika's immigration restrictions. Some rather selfishly see immigration to the united $tates as a "safety valve," getting unemployed workers and landless peasants out of their hair and forestalling revolution in their countries. There is some justice in this position: The economic crisis in their countries is largely the result of imperialist-imposed policies, so let the imperialists deal with some of the fall out. Others may oppose restrictions out of nationalist sentiment. Recent discussions between the government of Mexican President Vicente Fox and the united $tates paid special attention to the issue of immigration. Under pressure from various forces at home, Fox has pushed to increase the number of Mexicans admitted to the u.$. as "guest workers." Some Amerikan businessmen support this, because they need workers. However they are not willing to commit to legalizing undocumented immigrants currently in the country or dropping immigrations restrictions generally. They favor expanding ITAL temporary END work visas.(2) Now is an opportune time to agitate around the issue of open borders, with the bourgeoisie somewhat divided over the issue. The imperialists will propose all sorts of half measures and drag their feet, but we can use that as an opportunity to expose them. Lifting restrictions on immigration is a progressive reform, but ultimately, the super-exploitation of the Third World will only be halted by revolution. Indeed, if Mexico for example was able to develop self-reliant socialism, the problems of unemployment and landlessness would disappear; people would not have to come to the united $tates. Oppressed countries which liberate themselves from imperialism have the right to impose trade and tariff restrictions, to ensure that trade and investment take place on equal terms. Notes: 1. Imperialism and its class structure, 1997, section C.4. 2. The New York Times, 8 Apr 2000.