Russians write to MIM ITAL A number of Russians have written to MIM. The work of the Russian Maoist Party and the Stalin issue of MIM Theory are the main reasons that Russians write. Lately some Russians have been digging into the question of white workers in the West. The writer below could not bring hself to say "crackers," but nonetheless found from direct experience that there are those whites in the United $tates professing to belong to the labor movement but calling Third World and First Nation peoples "savages." An anarchist bookstore at is now selling the publication of "Communist Party"-USA leader Earl Browder who criticized the Soviet Union for being too pro-First Nations under Stalin. In this pamphlet we learn that those calling themselves "communist" can still be white nationalist, and it is for reasons like that that MIM demarcates from parasitism forcefully. In place of crackers, the writer speaks of "cookies." END Dear MIM, MIM agrees that imperialists are not instrumental in ugly, everyday expressions of racism in this country. Imperialists are concerned only about profits, and nothing else. They would oppress anybody and make friends with anybody if it's beneficial for them. Jewish capitalists are a good example-- historically money lenders, not very popular among white supremacists because of their race and their wealth. The racial issue doesn't stop Amerikan imperialism from close collaboration with them, to the point of creating a Jewish state on the land populated for centuries by other nations. Cookies are different--more selective. Cookies perceive people of other races as competition that has to be dealt with. Cookies don't think even about their own benefits, like living in a stable society with less crime. They usually belong to lower-middle or middle class. Not underclass, but not enough education and income either --is it a recipe for the perfect cookie? Does it mean that racism is something NATURAL? There is no hope, then? One kind will always be substituted with another, if it's natural? Or it could be overcome with education? Totally normal and even compassionate to each other in good times people could fight for food and eat each other in times of starvation. It's not natural, though? We are humans, after all, not just selfish animals? Are we? What do you think? What to do with those cookies? Are they just puppets tied to the hands of imperialism, or more than that? People who never suffered, don't understand sufferings of others. People who suffered too much, become numb and wish others experienced the same pain. Where to draw the line? Who is to draw this line? --MIM Notes distributor March, 2001 replies: First of all, we would be careful with the term "money-lender" in reference to Jews. Yes, today, Jews are one of the relatively rich peoples of the world. Most of the people speaking of "money-lending" with regard to Jews have bought into anti-Semitism; however, we understand that the point the letter-writer is making is that imperialists in their own interests have worked with the Jews, despite what the KKK might say about it. Unfortunately, there are more than 100 million cookies in the world, but they are not natural at all. No, even though there are a lot of cookies, they can only be cooked up under imperialism where it is possible to have a class of people thrown food from the master's plate, where it is possible for people to appropriate the labor of other workers from the world's majority--in the billions. If imperialism comes down, then cookies cannot be baked, because to make cookies you need to have lard. Lard comes from access to the means of production which comes from making war on other countries and repressing those peoples for their labor. However, if socialism comes to power and the ex-imperialist countries continue to have all the white-collar jobs, all the wealth plundered from the Third World and the same old currency exchange system, then we will have social-imperialism and new crackers will arise to defend social-imperialism. These crackers will continue to believe in their racial superiority only because the revolution did not re- distribute the wealth of society with an eye to ending parasitism and the arrogant attitudes that stem from having access to more technology and larger masses of the means of production. If one racial group has managed to steal from other peoples more chances to work on technology and more means of production than other racial groups, that racial group will be bound to think there is something special about its racial efficiency. That's why it is very important to measure parasitism now and have some idea of what the goal of People's War is and the united front against imperialism. Otherwise it is quite possible to come to power in the West and still not do the job that is required to put down imperialism. Biologically -- yes it is natural for a cracker class to arise under imperialism. It is a sad fact that nothing in humyn nature prevents gutter-level white supremacy, but there is nothing natural or permanent about imperialism as a system. Currently the prospects for revolution are still bright. A majority of the world suffers the oppression and exploitation of imperialism and will not be detained by an especially twisted and vicious minority of ex-workers we call "labor aristocracy." Racism will not last forever because exploitation will not last forever. For the past 100 years, the labor aristocracy has stabilized the Western imperialist countries and supported the domination of Third World and First Nation peoples including the killing of their labor organizers by Uncle Sam. Then these same crackers paying tax dollars to and voting for Uncle Sam turn around and call Third World workers "scabs" when imperialist monopoly capital goes to the Third World to pay 50 or 75 cents an hour. These crackers help wreck the developing world economies and then hurl racial epithets when they notice that these countries are still poor with high unemployment rates after imperialist plunder. We use the term "crackers," because it is a term already in use by the oppressed people and it displays no illusions about the enemy. For the nationalism of the oppressed nations to subside, it will be necessary for the nationalism of the oppressor nations and their super-exploitation of oppressed nations to stop. If the "great nations" of the current time plundering other nations do not have revolution and take up the firmest internationalism, there is no way to expect that oppressed nation nationalism will not continue to arise. A corollary to that is that there will continue to be racism. Without an accurate appraisal of parasitism and the extent of the problem of oppressor nation domination, it simply won't be possible to integrate the world. There will be too much national distrust and that national distrust will have a material basis in the existence of parasitism. Those people worrying about a "switch" of oppressors after revolution should be the ones most on-board with MIM -- measuring and working toward a definitive end of parasitism and studying Mao's lessons about a new bourgeoisie under socialism arising in the communist party itself. More Russian groups sign W.E.B. Du Bois commemoration I've got two more ex-USSR signatures to the DuBois petition. Please add: (1) The Left-Radical Association of Youth, Kharkiv, Ukraine (2) The Revolutionary Homosexual Front, Ukraine These two overlapping groups (largely consisting of the same people and certainly under the same leadership) are not consistent Maoists - or Marxist-Leninists, for that matter. The Left-Radical Association claims to uphold "Maoism- Marcuseanism-Dutschkeism" (!!!) and to hold Stalin and Trotsky in the same esteem. They also believe the USSR was socialist till 1991. So their line is unbelievable New Left eclecticism verging on postmodernism. Still, in their concrete political standpoints, the guys are often quite progressive and (with respect to specific issues, such as the gay problem, internationalism, or the parasitic role of the white working class in the West - on which they are very vocal) we regard them as partial allies.You can go visit the LRAY (Russian/Ukrainian abbreviation LOM) at (their English page is dead so far). The Association is also a collective member of the RYCL(b). The Revolutionary Homosexual Front does not follow a worked-out political line, but concentrates on gay rights from a revolutionary perspective. Their line on homosexuals and their role in society closely parallels our own. They have initiated a wide-scale and very revealing polemic on homosexuality in the ex-USSR "left" movement, exposing many self-styled "Marxists" for the social-fascist homophobic pigs they really are. Proletarian greetings, Russian Maoist Party Chairpersyn,