Massive prison building in the wings By a prisoner in Oregon President Bush unfolded "Project Safe Neighborhoods" on May 14, 2001. The crux of this fascist initiative is, according to Bush, "if you use a gun illegally, you will do hard time." Bush says that American society is "far too violent." While recognizing that there is a violence problem within u.s. society, one should not be caught off guard by Bush's rhetoric. The imperialists, as usual, want to treat the symptom and not the disease, thereby yielding the highest monetary rate of return, although they "plan "to "monitor" the "success" of the program in reducing crime. This, after dumping upwards of $223.5 million dollars this fiscal year and $189 million in 2002 into their reactionary coffers. Much of these monies represent matching funds from state treasuries, so the payment to capital will actually be much higher. The monies already earmarked to be spent represent at least $169.3 million over the next two fiscal years to hire state and federal full-time "gun prosecutors." Where is all this leading? Where else can it lead except to continue incarceration of more and more proletarian victims, which, in turn, means more prisons. The "initiative" is simple and plain on its face, more prisons, more prison fodder from the ranks of the oppressed nations, more golden pocket linings for the capitalists. The entire $223.5 million dollars eventually ends up in those deep golden pockets. Many, if not most, crimes involving guns, are serious crimes, I doubt that anyone would argue otherwise. The reality behind the new "initiative" however, is the increased profit taking from the continued build up of the prison industrial complex. They have the capital to invest in prison expansion, and they have the power to fill the prisons by enacting whatever laws necessary to criminalize enough people to fill the investment, further turning the profit. They continue to get away with these crimes by hiding behind the time worn, but oh so effective, "law and order" invective. Where is the interdiction? Where are the social programs? Where is the outreach to these gun offenders? They're gone, replaced by prisons which provide jobs to the white working class and lock up the oppressed nations. We are in the age of imperialism, the highest form of capitalism. The United States, known for it's world wide imperialism also attacks the oppressed nation populace within its own borders. It's time for new class struggle history, people's history. History is written by the winner. Notes: Criminal Law Reporter, 16may01, p.182