Alabama prisoners endure unsafe conditions Inmates housed at Holman prison on Alabama's death row and segregation unit are forced to stay in 5- feet by 8-feet cells 23 hours a day. The cells have a wire mesh over the bars, with holes in it that are about a centimeter in size and air cannot flow through. The cells reach temperatures of a hundred degrees and we cannot have fans in the cells any more. The maintenance tunnels behind the cells have water leaks and the inmates have water leaking into the cells from the septic system in the maintenance tunnels. The inmates have to eat and sleep in these cells, and there is mildew from all the water leaks. There have been times when the water from the sink was brown. The inmates have rats and roaches in their cells. Some inmates have found small snakes in their cells. These conditions pose a risk of harm to the health and safety of Holman death row and segregation inmates. State fire marshals also cited the prison for its failure to have a fire alarm system. Experts discovered the unsafe conditions of the kitchen equipment and numerous fire safety violations throughout the prison. The prison does not have a single operable fire extinguisher. The prison administration and staff are aware of the problems and nothing has been done to fix them. --A prisoner in Alabama, 14 August 2001. * * * Welcome to the Revolution ITAL We print the following article from USW leader, South Carolina Prisoner #1 on the rectification of MIM's Serve the People Books for Prisoners Program. In it, we find highly instructive lessons for other USW chapters and others in our circles. Out of MIM's mistakes, this USW chapter formed an internal structure to prevent some of the problems we found, particularly in follow-through and coordination of work among people receiving books from our program. Other USW chapters should follow these comrades' lead on the organizational front in order to maximize the resources of the international proletariat and better position MIM and USW to enact agitation campaigns against censorship, forced labor, and more. END --MIM The United Struggle from Within comrades here at [X prison] would like to take this time to salute the MIM for its rectification of the errors and mistakes in the Serve the People Free Books for Prisoners Program. MIM's criticism of its error and victory over its rightist mistakes was instructive in helping us to develop our own political program. MIM Notes 223 is a jewel that should be used by all the United Struggle from Within comrades as a starting point from which to clarify and organize the prison movement. We take this time to do so. On page 5 of MIM Notes 223 an article entitled "MIM Prison Ministry Advances, Overcomes Rightist Mistakes" gives an overview of MIM's prison ministry organizational work over the last year (2000). In a letter from MIM to one of our cadres dated 19 November 2000 MIM wrote, "The Free Books for Prisoners Program is unabashedly political. This implies: 1) The books we send out are chosen for their political value; 2) They are sent out in the context of political organizing." To paraphrase the program's mission statement: The purpose of the Free Books for Prisoners Program is to help prisoners develop their politics and to struggle with us for an end to oppression. The Free Books for Prisoners Program is not a book of the month club. MIM sends out books expecting that the recipients will do some organizing work in return. For example, MIM asks comrades in prison to write book reviews, use the books to write articles for MIM Notes or MIM Theory, form study groups, etc. MIM and its allies collect and send out political, legal and historical books. MIM also has a small supply of dictionaries and other reference that are useful for writers, which we reserve for comrades engaged in organizing work. In MIM Notes 223 the party summed up its criticism of the Free Books for Prisoners Program by stating that "some comrades within MIM circles strayed from the Maoist principle of politics in command. Instead, they treated the BfP program as a bourgeois charity." MIM's correction of its mistakes helped us to resolve the contradiction between the need to politically educate our cadres on the one hand and a lack of revolutionary material by which to politically educate them on the other. Approximately 2 months ago our organization compiled a book list and made it mandatory under Democratic Centralism -- the system of majority rule - - for our cadres to read and write reviews of the books on the book list. At first, this book list was compiled from books inside our outdated prison library. This was mistake number one. After struggling in class over the self- criticism made by MIM comrades concerning the BfP program we realized the mistake we made in our own political education program, and utilized the self-criticism made by the MIM comrades to correct our mistakes. They wrote, "we spent time and money filling requests for books from prisoners who were not involved in building [revolution] or engaged in active political struggles, either with MIM, with other prisoners, or with others on the outside. We often sent books of questionable political value -- e.g. reformist, pro- bourgeois "histories" of the Black civil rights movement, persynal testimonials -- without guiding prisoners on how to make the best use of them politically. Even when we did send books with correct political perspective -- e.g. MIM Theory - - there was more often than not no political or organizational follow-up ..." We corrected our mistakes by improving the political quality of the book list. We now require -- under democratic centralism -- our more seasoned comrades to 1) pool together in order to build the organization's library book list. 2) We require all our members to make a tour of duty through the organization's library. This entails, among other things, reading at least one book per month from the book list and last but not least 3) to write a monthly essay from the book selection. These rules and regulations are binding upon all our members. After using this method we found that between our more seasoned comrades we had such books in our possession as "Blood in my Eye" and "Soledad Brothers" by comrade George Jackson, "To Die for the People" and "Revolutionary Suicide" by comrade Huey P. Newton. Though we have other books we prioritized the above listed books as required (first) reading materials for less experienced cadres and new recruits. All our members are mandated to build our revolutionary book list. Since MIM is the only organization with a consistent book program for prisoners [and we] also require less experienced cadres to request certain books from MIM and we require that they perform the work MIM asks in return for its donation (i.e. book reviews, essays, etc.) Some comrades lost valuable reading material ("Communist Manifesto", MIM Theory 2/3, "How Europe Underdeveloped Africa") because we had no security in our organization regarding the way we shared our materials. In a note under our paper entitled "Standards for Membership" we say "non- members are not allowed to check out any books from the organization's library. Also non-members are not allowed to check out any other reading materials except by way of a voucher (i.e. a member). Non-members are only allowed to check out materials such as MIM Notes, POW Journals from Spear and Shield, and we hold a member from their respective dormitory responsible for those materials. We now require each member to read one MIM Notes a week. Most importantly, since MIM is the most effective organization at this time aiding the prison movement we here at X prison pledge to do more organizational work and to contribute such work to develop the Under Lock & Key section of MIM Notes. In short, we based our political program on organizational work. This work is to be done for Under Lock & Key. The Free Books for Prisoners Program is an independent institution of the oppressed that we challenge US prisoners to use and to develop it. Help the MIM to fight censorship of this program. Remember this is our program. Let's use our resources in a responsible fashion. We have provided also the Revolutionary Trigger Hand Salute article including the Marxist methodology of knowledge.[To be printed in the next issue of Under Lock and Key --MIM] Through trial and error we have found that the majority of our comrades responded better to literature from the BPP era than to books written about the Chinese Cultural Revolution. This is due to lack of political education. We are attempting to raise the level of consciousness of our group at this time, because the bulk of the membership require the more rhetorical forms (perceptual) of revolutionary literature than the more scientific (rational) materials. We ask that MIM and the USW leaders take this analysis seriously. Many comrades complained that they could not comprehend even MIM Notes at first reading, let along the Four Essays of Mao. Prisoners are in need of political education concerning dialectical materialism. In fact we have found it necessary to compile a study paper entitled "Dialectical Materialism, Contradictions and the Methods for Resolving Them" in order to train our cadres in the study of contradictions in a materialist way. We challenge MIM and USW leaders to go one step further in their current analysis where they hold in MIM Notes 192 "At this time MIM and many USW leaders have agreed that intense study by prisoners is an essential aspect to building a successful anti- imperialist organization and to determine what direction for organization will be successful. The practice of doing organizational work should be principal! --South Carolina Prisoner #1 MIM adds: South Carolina Prisoner #1 and his/her comrades have recently been contributing a great deal to the progress of USW country-wide, and of course their own USW chapter's development. We thank these comrades for taking so much initiative and showing positive examples of developing genuinely revolutionary mass organizations. The comrades mentioned in the above essay practice democratic centralism. This is a principle of organization that can be used (or abused) by any functioning group. The democratic part of the term defines the equal participation and voice expected from all members of the organization. The centralism refers to the mandate that all members uphold all decisions made by the democratic processes of the organization. Agreement with this principle and its practical application are required for membership to the Party, however, MIM does not make this a condition for USW members. It is fine that the USW chapter in South Carolina has chosen this as its organizational principle. That means that they are expecting a high level of discipline for their chapter. For other USW members and/or chapters, the hierarchy, method of voting or organization can be decided as USW sees fit. Just like with the Revolutionary Anti- Imperialist League, members have varying degrees of agreement with the principles and beliefs of MIM. For more information on the founding of USW and requirements for joining, write to MIM. * * * WA prisoners denied adequate access to legal resources Washington State Penitentiary has now further restricted prisoners access to the prison legal libraries. As of July 18, 2001 prisoners in both medium and close custodies will only have access to legal materials 2 days a week. In which to research, reflect, draft, and type their appeals or whatever other type of legal actions they might have. Which is totally inadequate in preparing any type of quality legal action that would stand a chance of prevailing in the courts. No one is [crippling] the government access on how much time they can spend in their legal libraries countering the Washington State prisoners legal actions. Allegedly this limited access to the prison law libraries was done as part of a budget cut. But it appears that the principal results will be to limit that mount of appeals being generated by Washington State Prisoners. So much for democracy. -- a prisoner in WA, 12 August 2001. * * * WRC WI Censorship update: expand the fight In the last issue of MIM Notes we reported that WRC prison in Winnebago, Wisconsin censored a copy of MIM Notes and that prisoners there report censorship of even religious literature that is sent to them. Since then we have received a copy of another rejection notice for MIM Notes July 1 and July 15 issues being sent to a different prisoner there. Again the reason cited was "Item concerns an activity which, if completed, would violate the laws of Wisconsin, the United States or the Administrative Rules of the Department of Corrections." As MIM has stated repeatedly in MIM Notes, in letters to administrators and in documents supporting lawsuits filed by our prison comrades, there is no legal justification for censoring MIM Notes as a threat to institutional security and order. We call on our readers to expand the fight against this censorship at WRC which now appears to be a systematic denial of MIM Notes as well as other literature. Send letters to protest the censorship of MIM Notes and religious material to the security director at the address below. Send a copy of your letters to MIM as well. Mario Canziani WRC Box 220 Winnebago, WI 54929 * * * Latin King reports of theft by pigs in TX I salute all komrades with a revolutionary greeting and a clenched fist! I have issues to bring to the table that concern the injustice system and how it operates. One question I have is how do police, government officials, prisoncrats etc. who are supposed to uphold the law and be role-models NOT be sent to prison when they break the law? They should know far better than the rest of society since they write and enforce the same laws they break. Could it be because the u.$. government looks after its own kind in its giant organized crime family? Recently my property was taken by the G.I. (Gang Intelligence) in which a few items were confiscated and numerous more were stolen. Some of the items confiscated were my Bible, a photo album which both contained names and numbers of other inmates I've met throughout prison. The reason given was that these other inmates were known Latin Kings -- which is NOT TRUE. First off, Latin Kings is not among the 'security threat' groups here in Texas. We have caused no trouble and we do not go about acting unruly. This leads me to the other items confiscated. One was a newsletter, Royal Rage, which I received in the mail and two scribes another brother wrote to me by mail. Among the things stolen were food, 5% of lessons and other historic materials along with business paraphernalia. The government spends more time and money building prisons and funding anti-gang organizations than addressing real issues like homelessness and unemployment. There are many people who don't see the negative these devils are doing. They try to fuck over our gente and those of color any way possible. It's time to wake up and fight back cops the only way it'll stop is if we stop it. Knowledge is the foundation to all things in existence. We must learn their laws and fight fire with fire. The voice of the people is the voice of God. Power to the people! Lost in the struggle, -- A prisoner in Texas. MIM adds: Lots of people use the term "people of color", MIM doesn't. Some people do because it is "politically correct". Some people do it because saying "Black, Puerto Rican, or Mohawk nations" for example, seems too harsh, too 60ish. It's becoming part of Amerikan culture. But Amerikan culture is based upon a system thriving on the exploitation of oppressed nations and the death of those nations' cultures. Amerikan culture bolsters support for its system of imperialist hegemony. Of course Amerikan culture is going to water down the reality that there are separate nations in this kkkountry. To recognize that fact might lead to dealing with the hegemony of one nation over other nations. Even among people who understand that the settler nation's drive is to 'integrate' (read: smash) oppressed nations' cultures, the Amerikan culture seeps in. MIM emphasizes the existence of nations or groups of people and the reality that the white Amerikan settler nation causes havoc around the world, murdering, raping and stealing because these acts serve the vampire interests of that nation. We are for the liberation of all oppressed nations and the end to the domination of groups by other groups. We seek to express through revolutionary language our analysis and the fight that we're waging.