MIM attends Amherest anti-militarist rally AMHERST, MASSACHUSETTS--MIM attended a rally of 150 people against the war in Afghanistan and Star Wars on October 13th. The organizers included a variety of local organizations, including Buddhist "Nam myoho renge kyo,"(?) Quaker and local peace groups. Also in attendance was the International Socialist Organization (ISO). A theme uniting the rally is the belief that a better world is possible. Activist leaders correctly state that this war in Afghanistan will not solve anything. Also, half of the criticism of the rally targetted the "missile defense" or Star Wars program--again as a false solution for the world's problems. Of particular note was the older cast of the organizers of this rally. It was heartening to see that people with white hair could still say that they could imagine a better world. Like many peace rallies in the united $tates, this one lacked a sufficient level of aggression against war crimes, the biggest ones being carried out by Uncle Sam. Typically, on display was an exhibit regarding Jeanette Rankin, the first elected womyn in the U.S. Congress. She was famous for saying: "You can no more win a war than win an earthquake." MIM considers such a view to be correct in the long run. In the short run though, it would be a mistake to deny that the end of slavery took a war. Likewise, the war-profiteers will not give up their lifestyles without a fight. Rally organizers did note repeatedly the people who are profiting from this war, but they did not draw any conclusions about how this sort of persyn would be willing to give up his or her profits. For this reason, we Maoists are scientists. The scientific aspect of this rally is that its participants could see through the government's false solutions as doing no good. On the other hand, the belief that we can eliminate the causes of war without war is also unscientific at this stage in history. We see stages of humyn progress and we do not make the perfect the enemy of the good. People who criticize the good with the perfect of their minds are religious dogmatists whether they know it or not, and often such dogmatists are the first to criticize scientists for dogamtism. Likewise, those who criticize the U.S. Civil War for its violence are actually taking the side of the prolonged violence inherent to slavery. MIM handed out the November 1st issue of MIM Notes hot off the presses. The local population including the University of Massachusetts students walking the streets received the paper well and seemed glad to see it coming out.