3:02 pm PDT, 14 September, 2001 Harassment reports come in: MIM vows coverage Arab shopkeepers in East Dearborn (a heavily Arab suburb of Detroit) are receiving death threats by telephone, and so is the largest Muslim organization in Southern California. At Los Angeles International Airport this morning two Colombians were taken for questioning because Continental Airlines employees reported that they were "acting suspicious." The Colombians were speaking Spanish. The Detroit area has long had the largest Arab population in the world outside the Middle East, and more than half the people in Los Angeles speak Spanish as their first language. Yet the response of the great "melting pot" country in time of crisis is still to lock up all the people who look and talk different from the Anglos. "Give us your tired, your poor" says the Statue of Liberty ... so we can have someone other than our militarist selves to blame for our own folly. Wake up already. The only correct response to the World Trade Center/Pentagon bombing is working to erase the contradictions between nations -- not banding with the u.$. government to exacerbate them. [Most of global news about the World Trade Center is dictated by the FBI, which chooses what to release and what details to give about people they decided to arrest, including none. If you are being harassed in any way because of the World Trade Center/Pentagon bombing, feel free to contact MIM. By all means attempt to contact CNN, Fox News, CBS News etc.; however, do not be surprised if these extensions of the U.$. government do not report in the interests of "national security" or because they are too ignorant to understand. The FBI, CIA etc. do not operate in the open and frequently deceive the press, to the extent of planting their own employees in key places. For news within U.S. borders contact mim@mim.org. Otherwise, contact mim3@mim.org.]