Anti-war organizers brave chilly atmosphere on campus September 26 -- MIM and RAIL were out on the UC Berkeley campus September 24th with a sign that read "No Invasions, Oppose U.$. Militarism," handing out copies of the MIM Notes special edition on the World Trade Center attack and talking to people about what we can do to fight u.s. imperialism. The Berkeley campus was the site of an anti-war rally that drew thousands of students the week before, and this is historically one of the most politically aware and active campuses in the country. But although a lot of people stopped to take a flyer, the overwhelming majority of passersby looked uninterested or indicated that they disagreed with us. Some of those who did stop to talk to us expressed that they felt isolated in their opposition to the latest war effort. One womyn even said that it seemed the most progressive action she could take right now was to not be waving an Amerikan flag. A few people stopped to argue tactics with us: they disagreed with our approach to anti- imperialist education. One man thought we should stop spelling Amerika with a "k" in this time when many people are starting to think differently about politics after the WTC attack. MIM agrees that we need to be targeting our message to a wide range of people, but this doesn't mean we need to sacrifice our political line. As a MIM supporter pointed out to him, his argument would suggest that we should drop the name "Maoist" or the ideology of communism as well. Instead MIM believes that the non-communist groups play an essential role in educating and organizing those who are not ready to hear the communist message. Another man thought that our message needed to be more targeted towards making the people of Amerika feel good about themselves. He argued out that this is how the far right achieves its strong appeal among white Amerika. MIM thinks this is true: white Amerika gets a national chauvinist message from the far right that says it is worth more than anyone else. But MIM is not about telling people they should feel good for who they are. We tell people they should feel good for what they do. If you are white and wealthy or Latino and poor what matters is which side of imperialism you join. As a group white people should not feel good about their role in imperialism, but those who commit class suicide and join the revolutionary movement should feel good about the actions they are taking to end oppression and exploitation.