Borders closed, political liberties threatened: What about the first Amendment? Amerika closed down its illegitimate borders on September 11th following the retalitory attack on the World Trade Center and Pentagon. Every single civilian airport in North America was shut down as part of the panic. People could not leave or enter Amerika. When the borders started allowing folks back in, only Amerikans were allowed. And at the border with Kanada, only Kanadians were allowed to enter. In some cities, like Detroit, a state of emergency was called which thwarts protest of Amerika's crackdown. Many radio commentators and those interviewed spoke about the need to give more money to the CIA. Their argument -- get this - - was that the CIA was not able to prevent Tuesday's tragedy because it had not been funded properly. Many recalled fondly the moneys being used in the 1960s and 1970s to fight internal threats to u.$, imperialism. Remember COINTELPRO and the number of lives of great people that were ended by that program's wanton violence against radicals? Amerika's reaction to the crisis is to clamp down on civil liberties. While selling newspapers yesterday, one person told a MIM distributor "If you want freedom, you have to take it to the Arabs that did this. When you get rid of them, we can have freedom." MIM has no doubt that the majority of Amerikans have similar Amerikan chauvinist reactions. One teacher told MIM that the students (mostly Black) talked about finding Arabs and 'getting' them. So in Amerikans' minds, we can have civil liberties if Amerikans are the ones perpetrating the massacres, but not when Amerika needs to hunt down the internal and external enemies of imperialism. Sound familiar? Concentration camps for Japanese in Amerika. Blaming Oklahoma city on an Arab. "Remember the Maine". The Gulf of Tonkin. Headlines across the kkkountry read "Act of War" on September 12, 2001. Colin Powell has said this must be treated like a war. Get real. Amerika was already at war, murdering over a million in the last decade. This retalitory attack will be used to bolster support for that war and its intensification. Watch the House and Senate resolutions proposed to increase FBI and CIA funding. And watch the decrease in the bourgeois media's coverage of documents released details CIA involvement in deaths around the world. MIM mourns the deaths from Tuesday and those that will come because of the united snakes's madman witchhunts to follow.