Who wants a theocracy? Taliban aren't the only religious fanatics in power by MC12 While the specter of the Taliban government in Afghanistan imposing their relgious views on those they rule has been used to whip up support for the Amerikan war against Afghanistan, readers should pause to remember that the united snakes itself if led by a president who supports imposing Christian fundamentalism on innocent children in public schools. During the lead-up to the 2000 election, the Kansas State Board of Education voted to cut evolution from the public school science curriculum, and replace it with "creationism." Speaking on the subject on a Kansas campaign stop, Bush said, "I think it's an interesting part of knowledge (to have) a theory of evolution and a theory of creationism. People should be exposed to different points of view. Should the people choose in my state [to adopt a rule similar to Kansas' - KCS] I have no problem." He also said, "I personally believe God created the Earth." While some people who want to make science and religion mix do try to sneak creationism into science, there is no "theory" of creationism as the Kansas fanatics mean it. They are saying the Earth is only 6 thousand years old, that all creatures were created in six days, and that evertyhing -- including fish -- drowned in the flood except creatures on Noah's Ark. Imperialists who live in glass empires should not throw cruise missiles. Note: Kansas City Star, 9 Sept 1999, p. A5. For bourgeois coverage of Bush's introduction of government-funded "faith-based" charity to replace government services, see, http://www.cnn.com/2001/ALLPOLITICS/stories/01/30/aclu.faith/ ; http://www.cnn.com/2001/ALLPOLITICS/stories/01/29/bush.faithbased.01/