Newsweek spins war-mongering a tad lighter The Newsweek "Extra Edition" on September 11th events featuring a cover of the World Trade Center explosion included all the gory photos and war-mongering, calls for repression and fluffy coverage of government politicians that the other capitalist media presented. It's not surprising, because Newsweek is a mouthpiece of a faction of imperialism that tends to support the Democratic Party. In this issue, Newsweek reminded the united $tates of the conditions that Bush gained the presidency in. It also pointed out that Bush is the least experienced president in foreign policy in recent history. Newsweek even quoted one prospective Democratic Party candidate for president as saying that a lightweight president is now a luxury the country cannot afford. Clearly Newsweek is for the Democratic Party faithful. What interests MIM in this issue is that Newsweek wrote a handful of paragraphs of scientific interest. We agree with Newsweek about the state of politics in Amerikkka just before the World Trade Center came down: "We are paying the price of our complacency--the price of a decadelong flight from seriousness in the way we view public affairs. Since the end of the cold war, this country has been bound together by little more than collective consumerism and a mutual thirst for distraction. Media were tabloid media. Reality was reality TV. This summer, for instance, the United States conducted 16 days of bombing against targets in Iraq. Almost no one noticed, perhaps because the story involved no sharks. Even those stories more extensively covered than we might remember--like violence in the Middle East, the No. 2 story of the summer--didn't resonate. The strife was worrisome but tiresome, and it did not seem much connected to our everyday lives."(p. 52) MIM would only add that a country like that cannot suddenly pretend it knows what to do about international violence. It needs to study and not take up the simple genocidal solution pursued thus far-- the idea that simply killing some people and millions of by-standers will solve the problem. Newsweek did offer a few good sentences on this point: "If we're not careful, we will condemn ourselves and our children to endless, episodic war. They hit us. We hit them. They wait awhile, then hit us again. That cycle would destroy the America we know."(p. 53) In this, Newsweek nicely expresses the peculiarly Amerikkkan idea that there is no war unless it kills Amerikkkans. Thanks to September 11th, now it is possible the world could be caught in "endless, episodic war," says Newsweek, fully justifying that the international proletariat cease its generosity to U.$. imperialism. Despite a couple good paragraphs in the whole magazine, Newsweek does take up the standard Doublespeak of the large u.$. media and claims it is standing for "freedom" against Osama bin Laden. "These policies are not merely about making money or playing with new technologies. The West has created a world in which individuals are free to choose how they would like to live their lives--how they work, travel, trade, worship, organize, speak and think. These freedoms are utterly revolutionary in the history of the world."(p. 49) Newsweek goes on with utter falseness: "Around the world people have been happy with the fruits of globalization in the 1990s: the peace and prosperity it produces, the ease of trade and travel, the goods and services, the information and entertainment it generates. They watch the movies, listen to the music, read the magazines, vacation in America and try to send their children to college here. But none of this requires them to actively support the United States or affirm its values. They can denounce America by day and consume its bounties by night. "But all these countries--in Europe and Asia and Latin America-- must recognize that the world they have gotten used to will not survive if America collapses. The United States is the pivot that makes today's globalization go round. If other countries believe in individual liberty, in free enterprise and free trade, in religious freedom, in democracy, then they are eating the fruits of the American order. And this order can be truly secure only when all those who benefit from it stand in its defense. Freedom-loving people everywhere cannot watch this struggle as if it were a horror movie, wondering how it will end. This is your struggle, too."(p. 49) News media like Newsweek that typically hire several people to write and check stories over before publishing them should do a better job on the facts. The United $tates is no "free country." It leads the world in imprisonment per capita. Even if the united $tates did everything that the Libertarian Party proposed by releasing drug offenders and legalizing pot, the United $tates would still be #2 in lack of freedom as measured by per capita imprisonment. People in the united $tates are routinely thrown off public and private property for demonstrating or handing out literature and the government blocks and censors MIM Notes for thousands of prisoners who want to read it. As for the "freedom to travel," there is now military court for foreigners accused of crimes in addition to indefinite detention. Amerikkka invites foreigners to the united $tates and then it indefinitely detains them. Even before September 11th, far from having "freedom to travel," the United $tates closed its borders to the majority of the world's people and even locked up many visitors here for years on end simply for allegedly not having visa papers. Courts have decided that Bill of Rights protection does not apply to foreigners, only U.S. citizens. As Newsweek should have known, the border at Mexico is more closed now than it has been since World War II and there is an increasing crackdown at the Canadian border as well. The deaths at the Mexican border have exceeded those of the Iron Curtain during the Cold War that Newsweek alluded to. It's all well and good to beat one's breasts for "freedom." To proclaim that it already exists in the united $tates is quite another matter. Those bragging about freedom here in the united $tates are precisely the ones covering up the lack of freedom and thereby opposing freedom. Freedom will not exist until the conditions for humyn cooperation exist. It's all too clear in every poll conducted since the bombings how a substantial minority of the U.$. public wants to round up Arabs in camps, while a substantial majority wants to detain people indefinitely, allow the government to monitor all Internet activity, create a national id, etc. etc. The communists are working on the conditions necessary for freedom, but they will not exist for a long time. The difference between us communists and Newsweek is that we take the goal of freedom seriously enough to work on a long-term project to achieve it, but Newsweek is really a nationalist publication, bragging about non-existent achievements. The most common form of Amerikkkan nationalism exemplified by Newsweek is boasting about freedom that does not exist.