Oakland vigil October 8th by a RAIL comrade There was a vigil in an Oakland park on October 8, Indigenous People's Day, to stop the war and end racist scapegoating. The event started off with a performance by the Korean Women's Drum Circle. Approximately 100 people gathered to demonstrate solidarity with people of color both abroad and within the united states. One womyn read a letter from a prisoner on death row opposing the war. Bringing attention to the prison population reminded people of the hypocrisy of calling the United $tates a "free" country. A man read a piece called "I am Anonymous," describing the many acts of u.s. imperialism that have killed people. The millions of innocent lives lost are not mentioned by the media or in history books, while the 5,000 amerikan lives lost on September 11 are given prime coverage and considered an "evil" act. The organizers pointed out that while imperialist War serves the United $tates's military and economic purposes, predominately people of color are killed because they serve in the front lines. RAIL adds that wimmin and children also disproportionately suffer in times of War, when rape is used as a war tactic and children are left parentless. A womyn from Pakistan shared her account of being the victim of a racist attack. She was physically assaulted by a man in Alameda, and suffered a severe concussion. "How can the u.s. claim it is going to help the women in Afghanistan," she asked, "when it can't even protect women in its own country?" Bush's promise of "humanitarian aid" for Afghanistan is an attempt to make americans feel less guilty about bombing civilians. The War also serves as a justification for repression within the United $tates, where immigrants now have to be even more worried about both individual acts of racism and unlawful detention by the government and police. The organizer's message of "love and solidarity" is important to the extent that anti-imperialists need to recognize that their stuggle is tied to the stuggles of people of color worldwide. However, RAIL criticizes the organizer's statement that radicals and reformists need to "put aside their differences and work together." Anti- imperialist politics is not reformist. Revolutionaries must not alter their agenda to serve reformist goals. Reforms only end up pacifying american people of color and the working class, thus strengthening u.$. imperialism to the detriment of those in the Third World.