Boston Phoenix takes contradictory libertarian stand Posing as the third and "alternative" Boston paper until recently challenged by the "Boston Metro," the Boston Phoenix is reminiscent of New York's Village Voice. Recent events have uncovered that the Boston Phoenix is just an extension of the Boston Globe's East Coast Establishment reporting. The Boston Phoenix has distinguished itself especially by calling for assassination of foreign government leaders in response to the September 11th attacks. Relying heavily on music and pornography/escort industry advertising money for its existence, the Boston Phoenix took a relatively good line on "civil liberties." Moreover, like MIM Notes, the Boston Phoenix's business niche depends on street-level distribution. The Phoenix is very correctly suing the Back Bay Architectural Commission" for its effort to prohibit newspaper distribution in its neighborhood.(1) The Phoenix pointed out that the law U.S. Attorney General Ashcroft wanted is as follows: "United States prosecutors may use against American citizens [italics on these last two words] information collected by a foreign government even if the collection would have violated the Fourth Amendment." The Boston Phoenix points out that "This provision is not about fighting terrorism. It's about giving the FBI a way to get around the Fourth Amendment in any criminal investigation, pure and simple." (2) In the same article, the Boston Phoenix demonstrates the same befuddled confusion of other libertarian nationalists inside U.$. borders everywhere. Whereas Osama bin Laden was a creation of the CIA--receiving his funding and training from it--the Phoenix proposes more of the same--get this--as the solution: "We want the Central Intelligence Agency--never a friend of progressives--to have the latitude it needs to stop Islamic-fundamentalist terrorists."(2) So it is that the CIA created the problem and then somehow convinced the Phoenix and a majority of the public that the solution is to give the CIA even more latitude than before as the solution. The truth is the opposite. Had there been no CIA operating to aid torturers in Iran, the revolution there would not have taken the turn it did. There would have been no hostage crisis in Iran after Ayatollah Khomeini took power. Had there been no CIA and similar agencies to give military aid and training to Osama bin Laden, he would not have the capability or desire to do what the average citizen of the United $tates is afraid of. The bottom line problem is that the Boston Phoenix and others fight a rearguard action to defend civil liberties under assault; however, thanks to a lack of anti-imperialist outlook, the Boston Phoenix keeps on feeding the monster that creates the problems that threaten civil liberties to begin with. We congratulate the Boston Phoenix for picking up the same quotes as MIM from Benjamin Franklin: "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."(3) We at MIM do not claim to be red-blooded Amerikkkans like Dan Kennedy over at the Boston Phoenix; however, what Franklin says is the true consistent approach in Amerikan ideology. In contrast, we at MIM say that not in 1776 and not in 2001 are there conditions yet for true "freedom." We are doing long-term work to eliminate the causes of repression and fear. Moments in history like these last few months of 2001 prove why MIM is correct and why others are defending non-existent freedoms--"fair weather freedoms." That's not to mention that the Boston Phoenix and others with patriotic libertarian views have confused themselves and others hopelessly with regard to the facts. It is not appropriate to be fighting a defensive battle for freedoms as if they already exist while the united $tates is the leading prison state per capita in the world. The need for an offensive battle for freedom is lost in an Amerikan nationalist haze that pretends freedoms already exist--usually consciously or unconsciously in the name of Amerikkkan pride which is well beyond hubris, and rather a full-blown stupid arrogance. The same issue of the Boston Phoenix--the best issue of the Phoenix's since September 11th, because the others were even more wrapped up in warmongering fervor--published an article from a pro-Zionist writer saying a crusade should be launched against the Arab world and bemoaning the retraction of the word "crusade" by Bush.(4) These Boston Phoenix writers do not seem to notice that Israel has not solved the "terrorism" problem and in fact perpetrates more terrorism than its opponents. Another newspaper depending on street-level distribution and niche ads is the Bay Windows. Tabbing itself as "New England's largest gay and lesbian newspaper," Bay Windows has always concerned itself with civil liberties for individuals, including the gay/lesbian minority. Like many other gay/lesbian papers, the Bay Windows goes out of the way to make sure to give credit to Republicans or conservatives whenever they think correctly. Talk-show reactionary motor-mouth Rush Limbaugh nonetheless bashed Pat Robertson and Jerry Falwell for bigotry after their remarks blaming gays, feminists and libertarians for the September 11th bombing-- a supposed act by a wrathful god.(5) In contrast with the Boston Phoenix, the Bay Windows is running tough articles defending civil liberties but it is also exploring the causation of war. A front page article calls for gay and lesbian activists to step up their work against the war and makes the link to hate crimes against people looking Arab within U.$. borders. The position of Bay Windows and In Newsweekly(6) fully vindicates MIM in its insistence on gay/lesbian issues. Those alleged Marxist-Leninists or even Maoists opposing MIM's line on this objectively place themselves in the camp of war-mongering chauvinism. Bay Windows is especially encouraging, because it receives money from established businesses, including bars, museums and other entertainment services. MIM is usually put off by its emphasis on partying and narcissism, but that just underscores all the more how certain groups are objectively allied no matter what differences they may have in the short-run. We fully applaud the Bay Windows for questioning the war-mongering crackdown and we wonder why the Boston Phoenix is not capable of the same.(7) Bay Windows writers have noticed Jerry Falwell and Pat Robertson(8): why doesn't the Phoenix know we here in Amerikkka have to take care of business here before we can pretend the government is righteous enough to make war on the Taliban. The Phoenix has questioned the use of torture, reported on the denial of an airline seat to a Green activist and exposed inequities and flim-flam in charities raising money for September 11th victims.(9) Nonetheless, the Phoenix especially loves to criticize the Pentagon because it had a chance to assassinate the head of the Taliban and did not upon the advice of a lawyer.(10) Lately, the Phoenix does not believe it is a good idea to have a law against assassinating heads of state; perhaps the Boston Phoenix would like the U.$. government to be a suspect in every assassination of a government leader and perhaps the Boston Phoenix would like other countries to have their secret services do the same thing. Then when a number of heads of states die in a quick series of shady incidents, the Boston Phoenix can run endless stories trying to figure out who did it. As long as paper sales go up, who cares if spectacular assassinations by covert operatives lead to the launching of nukes, right Phoenix? A long article by Seth Gitell calls for even more war-mongering support of Israel than the United $tates already gives. In fact, he openly says that peace in the Middle East is not desirable: "The more effort the Bush administration puts into forging a peace deal between Israel and the Palestinians during the war on terrorism, the greater the chance that the US will be distracted from the real goal: bringing terrorists to justice."(11) The only good thing about Gitell's over-the-edge war-mongering is that he questions George Bush's very motivations in the effort to defend Israel. Bush Sr., James Baker III and former secretary of "Defense" Frank Carlucci all have business ties to Saudis, including the bin Laden family--this from the Wall Street Journal of September 27th. George Bush Sr. has made paid speeches on behalf of the Carlyle Group and defends his son in front of the likes of Saudi Crown Prince Abdullah.(11) Through such admissions and accusations made in passing, the public can get a glimmering of what its rulers are really like. The highest award for war-mongering does not go to Seth Gitell or the Phoenix's idol Seymour Hersh. Dan Kennedy took the cake with "'Liberal': No longer a dirty word." Angling for a job with the Bush administration, Kennedy's headline says, "it'll be up to liberals to lead the way on foreign policy abroad and civil liberties at home."(12) Kennedy's article shows that the Boston Phoenix has solid ruling class credentials. He consciously calls for liberal internationalism of the sort that the Trilateral Commission could be proud of and he trots out a variety of authorities to back his view. He approves of columnist Michael Barone, who said, "'Liberals who thought Noam Chomsky was just an ally who was a little bit far out on the left are now realizing what the truth is. There is a huge gap between America and the putrid corners and backwaters of universities, where you see lots of professors taking positions that Democratic politicians don't take in a million years.'"(12) That's just all the more damnation of the "Democratic politicians" who focus on sounding good to voters rather than the truth. More great exposure of the liberals comes as follows: "it's true that whatever romance there was between mainstream liberals and the dreadlocked kids who marched for Mumia Abu-Jamal and against Starbucks is now over."(13) It is typical of the low level of liberal thinking that Kennedy cannot speak without resorting to descriptions of hair-- descriptions probably intended as racism, which is one of the bottom-line reasons the liberals will never solve the problems of this world. Notes: 1. Boston Phoenix 30November2001, p. 6. 2. Boston Phoenix 28September2001, p. 4. 3. Ibid., p. 1. 4. Ibid., p. 8. 5. Bay Windows 4-10October2001, p. 8, pointing to Rush Limbaugh's web site of September 17th. 6. See In Newsweekly "new england's gay and lesbian news and entertainment source", vol 11 issue 04 for editorial opposing war, p. 16. 7. See 4-10October2001, p. 1 article "A call to action for gay and lesbian peace activists in U.S." 8. See "Terrorists all around: Jerry, Pat and Osama have much to unite them," Bay Windows 8November2001, p. 12. 9. Boston Phoenix 9-15November2001. 10. "The indispensable Seymour Hersh," Boston Phoenix 9November2001, p. 7. 11. Boston Phoenix 26October2001, pp. 1, 34, 36. 12. Boston Phoenix 19October2001, p. 20. 13. Ibid., p. 21.