Reaction: Pro-war jingoism awakens, but so does disgust with Amerikan warmongers September 19 -- The open manifestation of war inside u.$. borders, with all its horrors and sorrows, has called forth "the most turbulent feelings which disturb the usual somnolent state of mentality [of the masses]," as Lenin wrote at the beginning of World War I. This "wake up call" is fraught both with perils and opportunities for those of us who understand that the main culprits for these attacks and countless other atrocities are the Amerikan government and the imperialist system it defends. Lenin broke the turbulent feelings caused by war into three main streams, which we also see today. "1) Horror and despair. Hence, the growth of religion. Again the churches are being filled, joyfully declare the reactionaries. 'Wherever there is suffering there is religion,' says the arch-reactionary Barrès. And he is right." We see this in the innumerable candlelight vigils and appeals to set politics aside our of "humane considerations" (see article on page 7). We also see it in Reverend Falwell's statement that the World Trade Center attack was a result of Amerikan "godlessness" (see article on this page) and the fact that the most popular article e-mailed from over the last week has been "Did Nostradamus really predict New York Attack?" "2) Hatred for the 'enemy,' a sentiment that is kindled by the bourgeoisie (not so much by the priests) and of economic and political value ITAL only to the bourgeoisie. END" We see this in the hundreds of hate crimes carried out against Muslims, Arabs, and south Asians carried out since the bombings. We see it in support for crackdowns on civil liberties, especially for non-citizens (see articles on page 3 and 7). We also see it calls like that from jingoists like Ann Coulter, who wants to bomb "anybody who smiled in response to the [World Trade Center attacks.]" "We should invade their countries, kill their leaders, and convert them to Christianity... We carpet-bombed German cities; we killed civilians. That's war. And this is war." Hey Ann, maybe it's barbarous arrogance like that which got Amerikans into this jam in the first place? "3) Hatred for ITAL one's own END government and ITAL one's own END bourgeoisie..." While the majority of Amerikans will not go from zero to sixty, politically speaking, in the space of a week, we can already see evidence that some have (that is the thrust of some of the letters printed on page 2 and an article on this page). Certainly as more and more Amerikans think more and more about the real causes and meaning of terrorism -- about the fact that Amerikan imperialism has created a situation where "any nut with a suitcase" can blow up a city and has no real solution to this problem, to say nothing of the literally millions Amerikans have already killed in the last 50 years -- they are bound to come to the conclusion that to really do away with terrorism and all war, we must do away with the imperialist system and strive for a society without class, nation, or gender oppression: Communism. MIM and MIM-led mass organizations like RAIL, SLALA, and USW will strive to help people make that connection in the coming days, as part of our principal task: "Create public opinion and independent institutions of the oppressed to seize power." Note: V.I. Lenin, "Defeat of one's own government in the imperialist war," in: Selected Works, v. 5, New York: International Publishers, 1943, p. 147.