Straight talk with immigrants: about those Western feminists, liberals, queers, sex education etc. September 18 2001 by MC5 The Reverend Jerry Falwell is a popular Amerikan television preacher and he has just apologized for saying liberal sinners caused God to give success to the World Trade Center bombers. "Falwell shocked many last week when he told the Rev. Pat Robertson on The 700 Club that 'the pagans, the abortionists, and the feminists, and the gays and the lesbians who are actively trying to make that an alternative lifestyle, the ACLU, People for the American Way -- all of them who have tried to secularize America -- I point the finger in their face and say, 'You helped this happen.'"(1) Falwell concluded by suggesting these groups brought on the wrath of an angry God, and with it the terrorist attacks. President Bush told Falwell that the statement was inappropriate and Falwell retracted it. "'I made a statement that I should not have made and which I sincerely regret,' Falwell said on his Web site Monday. 'I apologize that, during a week when everyone appropriately dropped all labels and no one was seen as liberal or conservative, Democrat or Republican, religious or secular, I singled out for blame certain groups of Americans.'"(1) Falwell is talking about social issues that are especially hurting MIM in its work with its core North Amerikan constituency of immigrants. Many immigrants equate feminists, liberals, pornography, the existence of gays/lesbians and sex education as roughly equivalent evils of Westernization, and they also emotionally oppose MIM's stance on the lumpen-proletariat and blame MIM for being roughly equal to "liberals" on social issues. MIM is so apart from these immigrants and others that if it were not true that MIM targeted imperialism and international economic issues so exactly, these immigrants would have nothing to do with MIM. Even in the labor aristocracy, we often hear: "I don't agree with what my government is doing abroad, but [insert some justification for military attacks to continue in the Third World]." If we had a dime for every Amerikan who knows roughly that the U.$. is giving military aid to the earth's scum and that the United $tates is doing a bad job of the "global cop," MIM would be millionaires. MIM is not going to attract the support of these labor aristocrats anytime soon. Even as the buildings fall on their heads, the labor aristocracy is not prepared to do something about what it knows to be true, for the simple reason that the labor aristocracy arrogantly believes the imperialists can defeat all their enemies and still overpay and overfeed the labor aristocracy. In other words, the labor aristocracy knows the imperialists are scum abroad, but the labor aristocracy is willing to wink at it all as long as the imperialists cut the labor aristocracy in on the spoils of empire. The labor aristocracy still isn't ready to do more than keep MIM in mind at best, but the immigrants of North Amerika need to check in with MIM regularly instead of just taking labor aristocracy assimilation classes. The problem with many immigrants' views is that they take these stands against feminists, gays, lesbians, "liberals" etc. as if the "workers" and "middle-class" of Amerika were somehow "decent" folks. The immigrant would often like to become "middle-class" in Amerika him or herself, so to believe as MIM has said that the vast majority of Amerika is oppressor and exploiter is difficult. The immigrants worry what this may mean for themselves and their families; however, the events of the September 11th show that the immigrants have got to apply their knowledge and put defeating the Amerikan war machine as first priority. The supposed crimes of feminists, liberals etc. concerning sex education etc. are not going to matter for anything if the United $tates attacks 60 Third World countries as Rumsfeld has implied.(2) Even an attack on Afghanistan may prove to be the last one the humyn species makes on itself. The events of September 11th are polarizing the whole population in North America. Some people who have been keeping MIM in mind all along are now falling firmly into our camp. Others are becoming emotional and caught up in jingoism, without considering that such war-mongering will increase the terrorism problem. We see now roving packs of middle-class people attacking anyone who might look Arab. People all over the country in radio programs, Internet talk shows and in the government are calling for war against the whole Arab world. These are not the feminists, gays, lesbians or liberals so much as just ordinary Amerikkkans seeking all-out war. That's what the immigrant needs to have an idea about--the relative crimes of various social groups in Amerika. "Founding father" of Amerika Benjamin Franklin once said that those who seek security at the expense of liberty will have neither.(4) What it shows is that the "founding fathers" of the United $tates had some ideas about cause and effect and they believed it was a fallacy that there was a real trade-off between freedom and security. True individual freedom cannot occur under conditions such as these we have in 2001. In fact, true individual freedom cannot occur until a distant and advanced stage of communism. That's why despite calling themselves "Americans" in a "free country," the government talks about taking away those freedoms; polls show support for eliminating freedom and capitalist newspapers obediently paraphrase the government on how increased Internet surveillance is the answer to terrorism. That's not to mention the United $tates already has the world's largest prison population.(3) These same people calling for "security" have always thought that various minorities have too much "freedom." Immigrants need to understand that Amerikans see the issues of war, peace and "minorities" including sexual minorities connected that way, and they are in fact connected that way. Rather than deal with the underlying issues of Israel, Iraq, starvation, etc. and then enjoy freedom possible in a peaceful world, the Amerikans would rather live a life of hypocrisy regarding their own ideals of "freedom." Immigrants seeing all the Arab-bashing(5) now need to understand in Western imperialist culture, these Liberals including Bush do have some good aspects, while being mostly deluded. The good thing about Liberals is that they seek a fragile thing--a society where people get along and tolerate each other. Those Liberals such as the "founding fathers" of this country like Benjamin Franklin knew the real solution to obtain security was not through repression. Obviously, these Liberals are so clear-minded only occasionally, because they tolerated and partook in slavery and genocide from Amerika's beginning. Yet among white landowners or other rulers, these Liberals used relatively scientific ideas. That is to say the Liberals manage to create a facsimile of freedom for a small portion of the humyn species living in relative comfort in Amerika. Those Liberals are now seeing freedoms attacked. When dark-skinned people die in anti- Arab chauvinism, most Liberals still do not care enough to do anything, but some are rallying to support the Arabs under attack. Yes, it is likely that many of these Liberals are the same ones defending pornography, gays and feminists. The fascists in this country want to fool the immigrants. They want to split the immigrants over social issues so that the fascists can take away freedoms, crush their social enemies and wage war on the Third World. Communists have a different agenda. We tell the real international proletariat frankly that it can never win as long as it has narrow views of feminists, gays, lesbians and any other scapegoat the imperialists can think of. The imperialists are happy to sacrifice any group of people to save themselves and they did so when Hitler sacrificed the Jews. Hence, it is not communist to tolerate oppression of any group except the imperialists and their lackeys themselves. In practice, the immigrants should look around and pick the right questions to divide over. MIM said that a majority of Amerika is bought off. The polls, mob behavior and above all the war- mongering have proved MIM right. Underneath the surface of these highly technically advanced, highly educated and overfed people, this barbaric racist and national chauvinist still exists. We tell immigrants, the social values of their original countries will not be the solution here in North Amerika, and in any case, these social and cultural questions are subordinate to others. The international proletariat and friends in the imperialist countries should stick with MIM, because it has worked out a Maoist thought for the imperialist countries to steer through the current World War III. Just as a reminder to immigrants, MIM does have different social values than the Amerikan majority or the ultra-Liberals. 1) We oppose drug use and plan the abolition of cash which will make drug- trading impossible. 2) We oppose the profit-run society and that in itself will undercut pornography and drug-trading. 3) We are the real feminists, but no one should associate MIM with the majority of people calling themselves "feminist" in Amerika. The world's real feminism concerns Third World wimmin as the majority of wimmin. 4) We are for gay/lesbian rights and have to suggest that many people have been brainwashed on this question. Western liberal views concerning discrimination against gays/lesbians are correct. Our disagreements come mainly concerning the priority of these questions. People obsessed with their sexualities are obviously disproportionately well-fed, comfortable Westerners, but the same can be said with the heterosexual population of men obsessed with pornography. It has nothing to do with gays/lesbians per se. Gays and lesbians are "out there" in the imperialist countries, because sex in general is "out there" in the imperialist countries. 5) MIM is for earlier sex education and pushing back the age of consent, not because of "values," but because this is proved to reduce AIDS, venereal disease, abortions and child molestation in imperialist countries. All of these issues are connected to each other and capitalism in their own peculiar way in Western imperialist society. It is important not to let cultural differences or differences between family life in the home country and in the imperialist country disrupt the movement of the international proletariat. Imperialism and militarism have to be the focus of our attention. Notes: 1.,2933,34585,00.html,1597,311660- 412,00.shtml We use "Liberal" to refer to conservative-individualists and liberal- individualists both. The word "liberal" refers to left-leaning individualists who are for a secular life, tolerance of all minorities and reforms of the system to make life more fair for individuals. The original minorities tolerated in the United $tates were religious minorities fleeing European religious repression. Falwell himself is a conservative Liberal generally attacking "liberals." He favors religious freedom of the individual. 2. Secretary of "Defense" Donald Rumsfeld said about Osama bin Laden's organization, "'The Al Qaeda organization, however, is a large, multiheaded effort that probably spans 60 countries, including the United States, and it is much bigger than one person, and the problem is much broader.'" ("The White House: Bush Warns of a Wrathful, Shadowy and Inventive War," by Todd S. Purdum, New York Times, html ) Bush has said from the beginning he will attack countries and end states that harbor terrorists. 3. See, 4. "They that can give up essential liberty to obtain a little temporary safety deserve neither liberty nor safety."-- Benjamin Franklin, Historical Review of Pennsylvania, 1759. (Source: http://www.cp- ) Similar quotes have been attributed to Thomas Jefferson and may have been requoted by Lyndon Johnson. 5. New York Jews made a point at eating at a Palestinian restaurant as people supplying and working there were attacked and threatened.,1597,311677- 412,00.shtml ; already the Sikh people of India have reported 196 hate crimes for looking like Arabs; in Arizona a freak moron shot and killed a Sikh outside his gas station; the FBI admits to having started 40 investigations of hate crimes against "Arab- Americans" since the bombing; mosques are being firebombed; --,1597,310989- 412,00.shtml