HARDCORE SCENE HAS REVOLUTIONARY POTENTIAL by a RAIL comrade reprinted from MIM Notes 144, 15 August, 1997 Hardcore crowds often epitomize what MIM refers to as first world youth who have not yet bought into supporting imperialism. The underground music scene attracts youth who don't fit into mainstream society and some who are looking to change it. White youth vacillate between assimilation and revolution. They have reasons to rebel, but they also have reasons to assimilate or "rebel" ineffectually. Hardcore is often referred to as a movement -- though there are no set goals or strategy, the scene can provide a forum for progressive ideas. MIM and RAIL organize these youth to work against the system entirely, not just through individual acts of kindness or rebellion, but through strong organized methods to tear Amerika down entirely. The general rejection of Amerikan culture is evident in some of the currents of the scene. For instance many youth reject all forms of drug use as inhibiting to their ability to function clearly. Many also reject Amerikan romance culture and promiscuity as destructive outlets for one's potential. General condemnation of capitalist greed and selling out is also common within the hardcore scene. RAIL recently took the opportunity to participate in a three-day hardcore festival organized by two ambitious hardcore youth. The program included music and other culture, as well as tables set up by a variety of political organizations -- some reformists, some anarchists, some identity-politics groups, and, of course, RAIL. RAIL set up a table with petitions, literature and T-shirts. There was relatively high interest in what RAIL and MIM have to say as was evident by the number of people who stopped to browse through our literature and ask questions. RAIL distributed a lot of newspapers, theory journals and sold fundraising T-shirts as well and was generally received positively. One festival workshop, set up by students and a self- proclaimed radical professor, focused on language and ideas in Amerikan culture and the necessity to recognize their roles and change them. Though the presenters mentioned the material advantage of middle class Amerika and the oppressive role of the U.$. government in world politics, this was not the focus of the presentation. They did not stress the need for material change, rather the change of ideas and thought. Principally focusing on changing ideas ignores the fact that oppressive culture stems from the oppressive imperialist system, not vice versa. The weekend was successful for RAIL, as we reached a lot of people with revolutionary information. Often young people have great potential without the knowledge or outlet to use it. Many young people in the hardcore scene have the progressive potential to become revolutionaries, but anarchist ideas seem to prevail rather than more scientific communist ideas. Throughout history youth have played an important leadership role in revolutions. They will continue to do so and MIM and RAIL organize youth to learn from history and move forward along the quickest path to liberation and the elimination of oppression.