Western Massachusetts: RAIL holds concert benefit for Books for Prisoners On April 10, the Revolutionary Anti-Imperialist League sponsored a Books for Prisoners benefit concert in Western Massachusetts. RAIL raised a significant amount of money for this program. Bands traveled from as far away as Maine to perform. The mostly punk and hip-hop bands were Assfaggot, Critical Mass, Corporate Death Squad, Commonwealth, Baracus, Publik Access, einstein, and a Global Threat. A sign of the sickness of the U.$. justice system is the denial of educational materials to prisoners. Books are in short supply in prison, libraries contain little beyond bourgeois fiction, mail is censored, and access to college education programs has been eliminated. The RAIL Books for Prisoners program educates prisoners and organizes prisoners to change Amerikkkan society. Many other book programs, while positive, stick to only to a reformist charity agenda. At the show, RAIL educated and organized support around the Books for Prisoners Program. Behind the stage was a large banner that read ``Support Free Books for Prisoners, Educating and Organizing for Revolutionary Change.'' This banner sums up the purpose of the Books for Prisoners program. Breaking away from traditional charity-type donation programs, the Books for Prisoners program provides books mainly on Revolutionary History, World Movements, and Black, Latino and First Nation culture and nationalism. MIM and RAIL send free newspapers and books to prisoners to provide them with the knowledge necessary to end the oppression in U$ society and around the world. So sending in more fiction is ok. Sending in political books is better. But the best practice is sending political books, and to struggle with the prisoners over the content of the books and the application to revolutionary change. Between bands, RAIL read letters from prisoners. This helped keep a revolutionary edge to the show, and pushed the necessity to act on prison injustice. The letters from prisoners made it possible to inject the struggle of prisoners into a student and youth cultural movement. Later, one speaker talked about the case of imprisoned Black Panther Mumia Abu Jamal, and a RAIL activist showed movie clips about and discussed the struggle against, control unit isolation cells. Almost all participants were eager to learn about prison injustice. Among the achievements of the concert was the way in which it brought together a variety of types of music and political beliefs to support the Books for Prisoners Program. That night, Communists, Anti-Imperialists, Anarchists, Libertarians, and people who call themselves non-political, all agreed that Books for Prisoners was a good program. For the future, we hope to gain more support from other sectors of culture while further revolutionizing our current allies. RAIL is always looking for new ways to build support for the MIM Books for Prisoners program. Doing events like the benefit concert are an excellent way to educate and organize people against prison injustice. Historically, the fringe music scenes of punk, hard-core and hip-hop have been our most vocal allies. But fringe music must take on the entire system with an eye to changing it. Culture is one of the most important aspects to building public opinion, and so we should promote progressive cultural works while criticizing pro-imperialist culture. We need a culture that pushes for national self-determination for all nations.