Maoist Internationalist Movement

What it's not about:

Busy-bodies invent justifications for federal government

by Security Minister, December 1, 2006

In the last two years, a series of provocations and rumors started by federal agents took aim at MIM and someone in MIM circles long ago. We will refer to the associate as "MA," for "MIM Associate" as they were called then. Rumors built up over years mutated with new inflections and embellishments with the Ward Churchill issue. Here we will talk about a piece of the MIM security puzzle the last two years, mainly to discuss what is not going on.

In 2005, on an Internet bulletin board frequented by MIM, there was a death threat against MA. The language was vague enough not to be understood except by a few. The persyn making the death threat was not there at the time MA was in contact with MIM. MIM requested that the page containing the death threat be taken down and it was, but it forced MIM to reveal that it knew what the page was about. When pressed, the feds always say "it was psychological testing." It goes into that long file called "psychological profile" of a "terrorist."

Sickening, terrifying and more explicit rumors then surfaced in connection to Ward Churchill. These rumors involved the cruelest use of psy-war to date against MIM.

Regarding Ward Churchill and struggles that broke out in 2005:
1) He has been required reading in party study groups since the 1980s.
2) MIM has purchased wholesale and redistributed South End Press books since the early 1980s. We distribute Ward Churchill books into prisons.
3) MIM still expects to win the struggle in connection to him and return academia to the status quo.

Lately MIM has been accused of having weapons of mass destruction, being pedophiles, being schizophrenic and being other things we won't mention. Those with lesser degrees of knowledge about MIM found the rumors spread by Internet even more disturbing than MIM did, because some knowledge of MIM turned out to be the worst situation to be in when reading various hallucinations.

For the record:
1) MIM cannot threaten people for things it does not know about.
2) MIM does not get involved in one-on-one conflict except where there is an explicit writer or public figure involved--e.g. Redstar2000 when he criticized MIM in public.
3) MIM would have no reason to suspect that MA was paying any attention to MIM.
4) There had been no communication with MA since the time she was written off.

Every single important underlying factual presumption of our critics is wrong. MIM comes off as omniscient to some of our enemies sometimes and we deserve that reputation in professional matters. However, we do not spend great amounts of time being omniscient about people with no desire or drive to be with us or against us. Those who think that MIM has threatened specific people physically should reflect internally why they find MIM so threatening.

Such threat-manufacturing fits in with the book offered by a professional criminal stories writer that MIM has weapons of mass destruction-- supposedly as non-fiction. That manuscript ended up not selling in the United Kingdom, but busy-bodies keep the FBI and "defense"-related agencies in the business of hiring allegorical writing critics.

These allegorical writing angles are so ridiculous that they easily feed back on themselves. First of all, anyone writing an allegorical criticism of MIM is just conspiring with MIM, because Mao's allegorical critics came to no good end during the Cultural Revolution.

The Ward Churchill angle is also connected to the political disappearance of Internet persynality Redstar2000. Redstar2000 was involved in making multiple death threats in 2006 against MIM in the "defense" of MA through a rumor contagion network. Nonetheless, there are some other issues connected to Redstar2000 and we have taken to hosting his pages criticizing MIM and others. The whole crackpot use of allegorical writing being MIM threats had to be attacked by MIM frontally.

Redstar2000's Che-Libbers folks are also used as a cover for the state to distribute photographs, locations, heights and weights of MIM comrades. The death threats came in the name of MA, but in fact, Redstar2000 has particular professional reasons for making a long-term issue against MIM. Redstar2000 has admitted that death threats came from him, but disclaimed them as if they were done by hackers.

In 26 years, there is no armed struggle by MIM. In actual fact, the gravest dangers come from federal agents starting provocations, possibly even against themselves. Ongoing weapons provocations by the FBI are one danger. There was also a very recent pornography-style harassment of MA. These provocations in 2006 are another reason MIM has had to vary its structure.

The goals of the provocations and rumors are:
1) To set comrades against each other and set them up for criminal trials;
2) To start violent commotions;
3) To intimidate Ward Churchill supporters;
4) To bait people for information on their stands, including people who may appear "neutral";
5) To threaten the jobs of non-MIM people for associating with MIM;
6) To serve notice on MIM that the Bill of Rights is just paper;
7) To search for information for bigger stories underlying and intertwining with this story.

It's too bad the FBI really cannot understand anything on the MIM web page. Instead of putting all the resources into threat-invention, the FBI could start with threat education and move to addressing real sources of violence as they actually exist in the united $tates, instead of how anti-communists and white hysterics wish they existed.

Threat invention moves in a fascist direction. It is the constant fanning of fears that keeps some people in business taking tax dollars for useless security activities. These fascists will find a way to make every word of MIM and Ward Churchill seem privately threatening.