RAIL LAUNCHES SISON FAMILY DEFENSE FUND Article from MIM Notes No. 167, August 1, 1998 RAIL proudly announces the founding of the Sison Family Defense Fund. The SFDF was officially launched on June 11, 1998 at the Anti-Imperialist Solidarity Night organized by BAYAN - International. The purpose of the SFDF is to raise money for the legal expenses involved in the Sison family's petition for political asylum and to raise awareness of their case in the broader context of the Filipino people's struggle for economic and political freedom. Jose Maria Sison and Julieta de Lima-Sison are both prominent anti- imperialist activists from the Philippines who have been living in exile in the Netherlands since the late 80s. De Lima- Sison has been very active within the national democratic movement. She has been in the Netherlands since 1988, but has been denied legal permit to reside there. Only this year was she and their son Jasm granted residency on humanitarian grounds although the Dutch government does not recognize her status as a political refugee. This in spite of the fact that she is on the "order of battle," the hit list of the Armed Forces of the Philippines (AFP), and that her colleagues had been kidnapped, tortured and murdered by AFP personnel. Sison was a leader within the national democratic movement from its inception. He was the founding chairperson of the reconstituted Communist Party of the Philippines. Because of his political activity, he was subject to intense state repression by the Government of the Republic of the Philippines (GRP). He was imprisoned and brutally tortured from 1977 to 1986 for his involvement with the national democratic movement. He currently is serving as consultant to the National Democratic Front-Government of the Philippines peace talks. The Dutch refusal to grant him political asylum in accordance with international conventions is an obvious attempt at derailing the peace talks. After Sison's release from prison, he was doing a university lecture tour in west Europe when the Aquino government canceled his passport and falsely charged him under the Anti-Subversion Law. In 1988, Sison applied for political asylum in the Netherlands. The following year, the Manila government placed a million peso bounty on his head and a half million peso bounty on the head of de Lima-Sison, although no charges were made against her. In 1992, the Raad van State (RvS) -- Council of State, the highest administrative court in the Netherlands -- nullified a prior negative decision made by the Dutch Justice Ministry and decided in Sison's favor. In the Philippines the anti-subversion law was repealed and the charges against Sison became groundless. Nevertheless, the Dutch Justice Ministry continued to decide against Sison. In 1995, the RvS ruled that Sison is a political refugee with a justified fear of persecution in the sense of the Refugee Treaty of Geneva, that he cannot be sent back to the Philippines and needs protection under Article 3 of the European Convention for the Protection of Human Rights and Fundamental Freedoms. In September 1997, the Dutch Rechtseeheidskamer (REK) agreed with the RvS ruling, but insisted that Sison cannot be legally be admitted to the Netherlands as a refugee because he is liable for crimes on the basis of "maintaining the credibility of the Dutch state to its allies" and CIA secret intelligence dossiers. However, in recognition of the primacy of the NDFP-GRP peace talks, the Philippine justice secretary issued Sison a certificate stating that there is no pending criminal charge against Sison; previous charges were dismissed or nullified. But in contradiction to its own court and in defiance of international law, the Dutch Justice ministry and Dutch Alien court continue to refuse to grant the Sison family political asylum. The prime instigator in this attack on their basic rights as political refugees is not the GRP but actually its imperialist puppeteers, the u.s. and its Dutch ally. Sison's role as chief political consultant to the NDFP-GRP peace negotiations in The Hague is a prime motivation in his family's persecution by the Dutch and Amerikan governments. The u.s. has a vested interest in seeing national liberation struggles fail. The victory of the Filipino national democratic movement would be a devastating blow to the corpulent imperialists. The vibrant and dynamic nature of the national democratic movement in the Philippines already has forced the GRP to the peace tables as an equally belligerent force. This international recognition of the strength of the Filipino national democratic struggle has earned the wrath of the u.s. imperialists. BAYAN International states "it is necessary to keep up the legal struggle of Prof. Sison in order to keep up the political struggle. Which is the international mass campaign in defense of his rights. For this reason, the Sison Family Defense Fund must be seriously undertaken." RAIL encourages concerned and progressive people to contribute to the struggles of the Filipino masses against oppression. Get involved in the Sison asylum case and help build the Sison Family Defense Fund by donating money and labor, hosting events and publicizing this case. Page updated and maintained by RC316.